Screen rotation on GPD Win

I baked Lakka on a USB thumbdrive to use on the GPD Win, it works so far but the image on the screen is sideways, I’m trying to change the rotation but I can’t figure out how. I tried doing this in video options while being in advanced mode, changing it to 270° does nothing, even after a restart.

And I’m talking about the rotation for everything, including XMB.

For now, you can only rotate in game not the ui.

so there is no way rotating the UI? I heard it would be possible with a command with the GFX driver but I don’t know how. holding the device sideways to use the UI all the time would suck.

On Generic platform we are not using Xorg but DRM/KMS so you can’t use xrandr.

Looks like we would need to add a drm_property for rotation, as described here:

@plex in the meantime, if you need rotation, you’ll probably need to just install some other flavor linux (ubuntu or whatever) and then install RetroArch on top of that so you can use xrandr.