Securing SSH with RSA-Key

Hello everyone, I’ve set up Lakka on my Raspberry Pi. For update purposes I want to use ssh. My problem now is, that I can’t change the password. So I tried to secure SSH-Connections with an RSA-Key, but my Raspberry always refuses my saved key. Does somebody has an idea how to get things runnig? Instructions would be much appreciated.

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I use SSH keys to have a passwordless login, however there is no direct way to disable the password in Lakka to make SSH access properly secure.

If you already have your key pair, all you need to do is copy (or append) your public key to:


How to use your private key depends on your software or OS.

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It seems like a solution such as overlayfs, which is used for retroarch.cfg, would allow persistent SSH changes. Which would be better.

But for now, this section of the LibreElec docs are probably the final word:

Q: How do I change the SSH password?

It is not possible to change the password (without recompiling the distro with a different one) because the password file is contained inside the read-only squashfs SYSTEM file (the read-only part is the challenge). Instead of changing the password there are two main options:

a) You can enable/disable SSH easily within the Kodi GUI, so only enable it when really needed (by default it is disabled) and then disable it again when done, or > b) Create and push an SSH public key to the box, then disable SSH password authentication in the settings add-on. If you’re going to use SSH regularly the second option is best as SSH keys offer much better protection than passwords.