[SOLVED] Lakka 2.0 & Odroid XU4: please need serious help!

hello, finally i got my Odroid XU4 sdcard slot repaired and working (i tested Ubuntu mate 16.04 & android 4.4.4, they’re working flawlessly) then i flashed “Lakka-OdroidXU3.arm-2.0-rc4.img” unpacked from Lakka-OdroidXU3.arm-2.0-rc4.img.gz using Etcher 1.0 RC.2 all i get after about 10 seconds of black screen is a little text on top of the screen:

sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

since i think images are tested before published and other users never talk about this problem i’m sure i’m doing something wrong. could someone help me getting Lakka 2.0 run please?

EDIT: i noticed just now the easter gift from staff made yesterday late evening, Lakka 2.0 RC5!!! THANKS!!! testing now … same unlucky result :frowning:

sorted! apparently lakka 2.0 do not like a linux distribution installed on emmc

The images we generate are for SD cards

hello i flashed lakka 2.0 on 16gb sd card… however i have the emmc flashed with ubuntu mate 16.04, if i leave it connected even if the switch is set to uSD i have that error and lakka “crash” after some seconds of black screen, with the message in 1st post. if i remove the emmc, lakka 2.0 works

I think that having the eMMC connected affects the numbering of the partitions. You may just have to rename them on the boot.ini file on the first partition of the SD card.

Bit late to this thread, but hopefully you or someone will have a clue as to why emmc cards no longer work?

I had been happily running Lakka for an age off of various odroids, all with emmc cards. Decided to try 2.0 and found it won’t boot. Reflashing the emmc card to the last build in the nightly dir, and, it boots just fine. Popping 2.0 on an SD card works, but, of course, is vastly slower.

So, what changed between last year’s older releases and 2.0 that emmc cards won’t boot anymore?


We can generate images either for SD, either for eMMC. There are no way to make an hybrid image that will work on both.

The eMMC to SD adapter we’re all using is preventing us to flash the very beginning of the eMMC memory, where u-boot is supposed to be.

To support eMMC, we need to generate a truncated image. This trucated image will lack the first sector where u-boot is supposed to be. It will not cause problems on eMMC bought from hardkernel because they already have an u-boot on their first sector. However, this image will not be able to boot on SD because of the lack of u-boot. This image will also be unable to boot on an eMMC that doesn’t come with a preflashed u-boot from hardkernel.

So it’s either:

  • We provide this truncated eMMC image in addition to the SD image and we tell people to buy hardkernel’s eMMC
  • We find an adapter that gives access to the first sector of the eMMC and we tell people to buy it
  • We add an installer script in Lakka, people boot on SD, and run that script that will setup Lakka on the eMMC

As you can see, no solution is ideal

i think this is not ideal solution but it is the best, even Hardkernel have an sd image that install into emmc. times ago i tried an image you provided for emmc, i have an emmc from hardkernel but the image still didn’t boot. as @swoon stated, sd is really slower!

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Do you have any links to documentation on how the previous builds were produced which support eMMC? I’ll attempt to build it myself, to get a 2.0 installation on an eMMC, but am at a loss as to where to begin. I’m also trying to understand a bit more about this hidden partition and how it hooks into boot.

Without knowing anything about it, I’ve fiddled around – taking a working previous release, removing the ext4 partition, extending the vfat to fit the 2.0 SYSTEM file, recreating and reformatting the ext4 partition. It produces a blue light as the eMMC is read, but it never changes, no video is displayed, network doesn’t come up, etc. I also lack the kit to see what’s happening during post and boot.

With that said, option #1 doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. It was working once before, and the eMMC module from Hardkernel is the defacto chosen when Odroids are purchased.

In scripts/mkimage, change

  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/bl1" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/bl2" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=31 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/u-boot" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=63 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/tzsw" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=2111 conv=notrunc


  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/bl1" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=0 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/bl2" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=30 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/u-boot" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=62 conv=notrunc
  dd if="$RELEASE_DIR/3rdparty/bootloader/tzsw" of="$DISK" bs=512 seek=2110 conv=notrunc

If I recal correctly

Thanks! I’ll give it a go this weekend!

I’m getting the same issue here…

sh: can’t access tty: job control turned off

Even tried the latest 2.1-rc3 image for the ODROID XU4… No image I try works. Using micro SD, eMMC not plugged in.

Has anyone figured out how to get past this?

Just make sure the physical switch at the side of XU4 is set to boot from SD. And if you have emmc plugged in, you need to edit boot and root partition definitions (from blk0 to blk1); if no emmc is plugged in, then just flash the image and make sure the switch is porperly set and lakka will work. (I know, since I am using XU4 myself)

So oddly enough I was only able to get it booted with both eMMC and microSD and no boot.ini mods… Not going to complain. It’s booting off the SD as expected. Only issue is there doesn’t seem to be HDMI audio? Does anyone know how to get HDMI audio working with the XU4 & Lakka 2.1-rc3?