Hi, I’m having some problems with latest Lakka (Version from Aug 11) and I’d like to hear from the rest of the users before I report them, cause it’s working quite bad on that build for me… This is what I detected:
I’m getting a Task Error when trying to run the updater for Lakka or Thumbnails. After some minutes if you try again, it works. It seems like if the Wifi is taking too long to start ?
I’m having problems scanning for new games. When the list is done and I try to run a game it will ask for a core to use, but no matter what I select it fails and goes back to the main menu. It’s like the cores are not starting from the playlists (It works if the playlist was a previusly created one and you have run the game before, but if the list is old and the game was never run before it’s the same issue). It seems to be related to the default core to use for each game ? If you run the game loading the core and via content works perfectly fine.
How should we update the cores ? I have some problems running the BlueMSX core and I’m not sure what are the right steps to ensure having the latests cores.
Seems the problem is still there with PNG files too small. For example MAME Clowns game has a very tiny PNG and the thumbnail is not loading at all.
When you try to change the SCALE of the overlay, Retroarch quits and starts again.
Where should we request a new funtion ? I’d like to request a Full Backup item where we could make a full backup of our settings for “disaster recovery” process
Any comments ? Thanks a lot.