Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor

“The photo was to demonstrate the improvement to the mask on my OLED, but the overall image still had clipping/crush issues in the highlights and on similar colours unless using the JVC presets as described here: However, using the new colour-accurate parameter, all these issues are gone unless pushing the paper-white too high. Everything looks correct with paper-white at around 550 (nits at 720). Thanks for the amazing update!”

using the new colour-accurate parameter What is this and how to I use it? I seem to be having clipping/crush issues as well

Another thing I’m wondering is what settings are you guys using on the TV? @Scarf @datjocko @Wilch
Specifically Dynamic Tone Mapping? On / Off / HGiG?

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Hi @e2zippo make sure you’re up to date with Retroarch and then make sure you update your slang shaders. You do the latter by selecting a slang shader valid video driver - Vulkan/D3D12/D3D11 should all work - then go to the online updater option and ‘update slang-shaders’. Once you’ve got latest you should see an option in the shader parameters for ‘mask accurate/colour accurate’. Also you can choose a OLED sub element layout ‘RBG’ instead of ‘RGB’. Should work.


Hi @Scarf glad you’re liking the Megatron. So you should be able to play in TATE mode on the Vulkan driver - if you can use that (possibly not on an Xbox but PC definitely).

Here’s a few screenshots I’ve just taken - I have to say I bloody love it:


I’m all up to date. I just realized I’ve been doing stupid things. I’ve been trying to load the presets that come with @HyperspaceMadness Mega Bezel located in shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\Presets\Base_CRT_Presets\Sony-Megatron\STD

They are all SDR, not HDR :grimacing:

Tried some of the shaders in shaders\shaders_slang\hdr instead that are called HDR and they look way better. No I can properly check!



Ah bingo! Great stuff hope this works better for you.

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Hmm, I’m still not sure everything is correct. Shouldn’t the image change when I change the luminance settings and contrast in HDR settings? No matter what I pick there, it all looks the same. I’ve tried switching to D3D11 as well instead of Vulkan just to see if there’s any difference, doesn’t seem like it though.

Edit: Never mind, I changed back to Vulkan and now the parameters in the shader seem to change as intended, now I think I’ve gotten everything to work! Like stated before if seems to look great with the following settings on my LG OLED CX.

TV Settings:

  • Make sure HDMI Ultra Deep Colour is on for the HDMI port used.
  • Dynamic Tone Mappping : Off
  • Oled Light: 100
  • Contrast: 100
  • Brightness: 50
  • Sharpness: 10
  • Colour: 55

Windows Settings:

  • HDR enabled in Windows and calibrated using the HDR calibration tool from windows store.

Retroarch Settings:

  • Vulkan as driver in Retroarch
  • HDR enabled in Retroarch
  • HDR Settings in Retroarch:
  • Peak Luminance 720
  • Paper White Luminance: 550
  • Contrast: 5
  • Expand Gamut: On

Shaders Parameters:

  • #reference “:/shaders/shaders_slang/hdr/crt-sony-megatron-jvc-professional-TM-H1950CG-hdr.slangp”
  • hcrt_colour_space = “2.000000”
  • hcrt_max_nits = “720.000000”
  • hcrt_paper_white_nits = “550.000000”
  • hcrt_expand_gamut = “0.000000”
  • hcrt_lcd_subpixel = “1.000000”

Sorry the slightly confusing thing (ok very) is that this shader because it is natively HDR overrides any settings in the RA->Settings->Video->HDR menu (apart from turning on HDR itself that is). Instead use all the options in the ‘Shader Parameters’ menu underneath Quick Menu->Shaders.

EDIT: obviously you’ve found the correct options under shader params. When you change those are you saying nothing happens? You’ve definitely got HDR selected in the shader parameters too?

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Just to say you should probably put your TV brightness up to max. However this may not work when using HDR as HDR is supposed to override local settings but just in case…

EDIT: you can also use the ‘240p Test Suite’ and it’s grey ramps to calibrate your HDR settings - this is different for every TV or at least model of TV.

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Here’s some GBA shots of a preset I’ll probably release soon:


With LG TVs it’s also important to change the label of the HDMI input that you’re using to match your input device. I have mine set to PC for example. I also use HDR (Game) colour setting.

You might want to lower your Peak Luminance value following @wilch’s advice.

You may also have to adjust your Black Level and Gamma settings for the Input. Power saving settings also significantly affect the brightness of the screen.

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Sorry the slightly confusing thing (ok very) is that this shader because it is natively HDR overrides any settings in the RA->Settings->Video->HDR menu (apart from turning on HDR itself that is). Instead use all the options in the ‘Shader Parameters’ menu underneath Quick Menu->Shaders.

Ah, that’s why nothing happened when I tried changing the settings there, quite confusing yes :slight_smile: Things do change when editing the shader parameters though.

Just to say you should probably put your TV brightness up to max. However this may not work when using HDR as HDR is supposed to override local settings but just in case…

Brightness is at 100 on the TV, or are you talking about some other brightness?

With LG TVs it’s also important to change the label of the HDMI input that you’re using to match your input device. I have mine set to PC for example. I also use HDR (Game) colour setting.

You might want to lower your Peak Luminance value following @wilch’s advice.

You may also have to adjust your Black Level and Gamma settings for the Input. Power saving settings also significantly affect the brightness of the screen.

@Cyber: Yep, I’ve changed the input to PC as well to be able to use 2160p@120hz. I think I’m using the same Peak Luminance as @Wilch. 720? Power saving is completely off, like you say it ruins the brightness.

When you say black level and gamma for the input, you’re talking about TV settings right? Black Level settings are Low/High/Auto where I have Auto. Gamma is grayed and can’t be changed, but looks like it’s at 2.2


Ah sorry I thought you said it was at 50% brightness on your TV.

You don’t have a usual gamma curve in rec.2020 (i.e HDR) as it uses a PQ transfer function instead to map up to 10,000 nits. This is controlled by the app/content and not the end user now and so is why it’s greyed out. This is something that I probably need to recheck in RetroArch as I’m not sure I’m passing the correct values back to the TV especially for the Vulkan driver.


Ah ok. Seems like I’m getting the hang of the most important settings then. I had never used the 240p Suite before, only seen screenshots of it, but I just downloaded it and booted it in bsnes.

How would I use the Gray Ramp to calibrate for HDR?

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My bad. OLED Light is at 100 but Brightness is at 50. With Brightness at 100 everythings looks really washed out and bad, looks correct at 50.


Interesting, you may need to recalibrate it at the higher brightness level i.e adjust your paper white, peak nits gamma etc. On the grey bars in the test suite you need to be able to see all the bars individually as in all the very light grey’s haven’t merged into the white bar and all the very dark grey’s haven’t merged into the black bar. Tweak said values until you get the right look.

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Sorry, Does this setting exist? Not found in RA v1.11 menus

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Sorry, Does this setting exist? Not found in RA v1.11 menus

It’s not visible if HDR is disabled in Windows.


I believe it should be left at 50. OLED light brightens the image correctly which is already at 100. Brightness at 50 is ‘normal’ and going higher will turn black to grey


GBA-GBI preset released - you should be able to update slang shaders either today or tomorrow to get it.

This is more of an artistic representation than an actual screen but it brings out GBA games so well I thought I’d release it.