Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor

@Wilch you’re a star! So although I couldn’t find those four lines (possibly I removed it previously based on your bug report) I could find the following:

scale_type2 = viewport

Removing it in shaders_slang\hdr\shaders\crt-sony-megatron.slangp fixes the HDR issue for Vulkan - a very simple fix. I wonder what side effects this has? It doesn’t look like it changes anything with scaling so cross fingers this is perfectly fine. I’ll get this checked in and thanks again!


No worries! Glad I could help


Of all the settings to break it, how weird!


hmm, yeah, very strange if that breaks things, since that’s what happens with “don’t care” on the last pass anyway


Yes really strange - I did go backwards and forwards with it and it seems to be completely reproducible on the 1.15 Vulkan driver. Goodness knows why only the debugger shall tell truth.


Hey @MajorPainTheCactus, just want to say thanks for this truly next generation CRT Shader.

It’s probably a bit ahead of its time but I hope that it represents the future of CRT Shaders.

I’ve been playing around with some settings. Testing different games, being impressed time after time.

I’ve seen greatness but I’ve also seen some areas where it could probably use some improvement or possibly just some further learning and understanding by myself.

Sometimes I find 95 - 99% of the colours on screen look spot on but there might be one or two colours here and there which might look slightly off or a little weak.

The Slot_Mask pattern doesn’t seem to work properly for my LG OLED. The horizontal slot crosses the green and blue phosphor in the same place but it crosses the red phosphor slightly lower, leading to all sorts of weird patterns on the screen.

The ShadowMask at 300TVL suffers from some uneveness and artifacts as the Blue phosphor dot seems larger than the others.

600TVL+ ShadowMask is definitely usable.

Aperture Grille is just immaculate however!

On my TV, the setup varies considerably depending on whether I’m in HDR Bright (the brightest) mode or in HDR Game (much dimmer than Bright) mode.

When using HDR Bright, I can probably get away with lower sub 280 Paperwhite settings but the much darker HDR Game Mode seems to require a Paper White Luminance of at least 600.

I’ve only noticed subtle differences when adjusting Peak Luminance. On the explosions in Contra III for example.

I know I have to spend time calibrating things according to your instructions using the 240p test suite.

Also, I’m not sure if it’s due to any fault of mine but I was almost certain that I saved a preset once and didn’t see any setting for Peak Luminance in the preset file.

Something similar happened later but this time it was the Paperwhite setting which was missing.

It could be down to user error or it could be something else not sure.

Anyway I’m really looking forward to your continued development of this shader and perhaps seeing other shaders taking advantage of the HDR technology. Many of other things just work when you get the basics like phosphor right.

I lament how difficult it is to capture and share how good this shader can look. It should be one of the most popular shaders on the planet right now because it solves many if not most of the problems inherent in CRT Emulation right now.

Any yellow you see between the phosphors is something that was added by the camera and not present in real life.


Great to hear and thanks for the kind words and all the testing!

So when youre seeing colours off where are you seeing them and what is off? It might be because youre having to put peak brightness way up but make sure all the colour settings are at neutral (0) for this type of work ie brightness/saturation/contrast etc. Also itd be good to see them reproduced in the 240p test suite - there are colour (RGB) ramps that should show uneven gradients if this is the case.

So yes there are probably some bugs in those slot masks as I dont have a BGR monitor to test them. As for the shadow mask we’re a bit snookered as there arent enough pixels at this resolution to do it justice.

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My peak brightness is set to 630 which is close to what RTINGS says is the peak brightness of my display.

Are you referring to paper white?

I’ll take everything you said into consideration when I run the 240p test suite.

Far from finished tweaking. Just wanted to take a minute to say thanks and to show that I got things working more or less as expected and pointed out a few bugs one-time.

I’m using DCI by the way. Hope this is correct. Also it is only in HDR Game mode that I have to boost the Paper White pretty high because it is notably darker than HDR Bright mode.

I’d say if CRT-Guest-Advanced can do these things then Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor should be able to do them someday.

You might just have to study the implementation a bit when you have the time.

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Sorry meant paper white brightness

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Are you using DCI-P3 on your monitor or in the shader? If in the shader it won’t do anything if HDR is on as its a wide colour gamut for SDR. If you’re using it on your monitor Im not too sure but assuming its HDR is enabled its probably ignoring the setting too.

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Im not sure there it does provide a shadow mask for 300TVL on a 4K screen. Its a very peculiar option as no TV back in the day would provide such a low resolution shadow mask. I only included it for completeness in my options. I could be wrong that no TVs used it though - possibly there are some super small TVs that have this - the 5inch ones.

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In the Shader Parameters but rightfully so, that setting only affects SDR Mode. I forgot for a moment while posting. I dable in multiple shaders these days so the brain might get a little confused sometimes. Lol

It currently does, something. At 600TVL I can’t see any problems though. Dots are too fine.

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I meant Im not sure that guest advanced provides a 300TVL shadow mask. Its a pretty odd mask to have as I say.

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I’m guessing it also looks odd because its on a BGR layout.

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When I get a chance I’ll send you a picture of the screen.

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The shadow mask was the also the standard for TVs before the slot mask, We have seen some pictures here of a restored Magnavox from 1967.

We can assume that 300 TVL masks were a thing during the 70s and earlier (maybe still early 80s), ofc these TVs also had RF connections (unless modded), so by default, you wouldn’t be able to replicate them with the Megatron.


Ok yeah fair enough - that looks pretty much how the 300TVL shadow mask looks on my monitors (barring the RF noise and screen bulging of course). Theres a few close up shots on the initial post of this thread I think.

Actually no they arent in the first post - the only pictures of the coarse shadow masks are these - two of each coarseness:

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The one thing that holds me back from using this shader as my primary for all arcade games is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to get vertical scanlines in vertically oriented games. Even in the Mega Bezel Megatron variants, the vertical scanlines parameter doesn’t work.

Am I missing something? Any plans to add that capability to Megatron?

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Hmm, I’ll have to check it out in the Mega Bezel, I’m not sure if it broke in the Mega Bezel, or was never implemented

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