This is because the CRT has a slight “black crush” and I measured a Gamma of around 2.6 at the low end of the greyscale, which after 20 IRE flattens out to about 2.2. If I raise the brightness setting on the CRT and therefore Gamma a bit, the blacklevel gets destroyed and becomes a bit greyish.
I am sure, if I play around with the flyback pots and other pots on the CRT chassis, I can dial that little “problem” in.
I also set up Gamma in Lilium’s inverse tonmapping shader from 2.2 to sRGB, as with 2.2 the OLED is still slightly too dark (black crush) in the shadows.
The CRT otherwise is calibrated as good as possible from my side to Rec709 and the Delta Errors of the greyscale and color checker measurements etc. are very low. Beside the difference in Gamma, colorwise the OLED and CRT look very similar, if not identical.
I already dialed in the blur shader as low as possible and if I go any lower (or sharper), the coarseness ot the Slotmask and some color fringing of it becomes too apparant for my eyes. Also these are pictures from my phone and they can vary in sharpness from picture to picture and the focus is also never perfectly even across a single picture. The difference is really negligible to non existent from a viewing distance.