Theme Support and Feedback for Systematic and Automatic Themes

I hope you enjoy the Automatic and Systematic themes for the XMB in RetroArch and Lakka. I provide support via the retroarch-assets issues page on GitHub and previously did so on the old thread that supported RetroActive and NeoActive themes as well as Systematic. It’s time to start fresh, since Automatic has been added, and the RetroActive & Neoactive themes have been retired.

Automatic and Systematic are focused on displaying the system as the primary icon, rather than the controller. Systems are primarily shown from a top-down perspective. Automatic uses a white outline art style, that is meant to evoke a blueprint-style vibe. Systematic is a full-color art style that is intended to remind you what the console or handheld looked like back in the day.

If you see an issue with the icons, desktop patterns or fonts of these themes, feel free to respond in this thread.