Uborder shaders

That’s a completely different subject. He was talking about the background.

Bezel and content frame are anchored on output resolution, not on background’s. To resize according to background would need a profound change in the shader.

I’m not sure if it’s worth doing this when you can just crop your background and fix it. Just use a new preset for other aspect ratios, it’s easy.

In any case, I’ll make some evaluation if it’s worth doing this change.


I agree with you, also, playing in a scaled down window makes the whole thing about background and bezels less relevant in my opinion but maybe there is something that I cannot see.


You’re right, there are 2 things I wanted to mention, one is to adapt the background without changing its appearance and the other is the bezel.

I’m currently using Koko shaders and trying out Uborder which I think is great as it makes games load much faster, but I noticed that it doesn’t fit the 2 setups I have 21:9 and 16:9

Just keep up the great work.

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After looking at it, I decided it isn’t worth changing the way these shaders work besides fullscreen. For it to adapt to background size it needs to access texture size, which is a slow process (needs to get called in fragment). The main point of uborder is to be fast while providing some features of the big dogs. I’ll put it in TODO list for future if I find a better way to handle it.

The best you can do to adapt is creating a background for each of your display sizes and make a distinct preset for each one.


Or maybe get clever and have some special backgrounds with duplicated elements which are hidden behind the screen at certain aspect ratios but reveal themselves at others.

I dunno if anything like this is possible, just thinking out loud.

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New release: Uborder v0.0.5

  • Added new flavor to Uborder: uborder-bezel-reflections.
  • It builds its own bezel for reflections;
  • It’s just one fast shader, easier to configure.
  • Added retropie-overlays-arcade-artwork presets that automatically and seamlessly load overlays (horizontal or vertical) based on arcade game names.

OBS: Old flavors still are there. In some use cases it’s better not using bezels or even reflections.

Random pictures from my tests:

mvsc-250110-194007 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-250110-190148 mvsc-250110-081432 03-Super-Metroid-Japan-USA-En-Ja-250109-195840 mvsc-250109-185246

Some pictures from the arcade games using the auto preset:

dkong-250111-195434 centiped-250111-195206 centiped-250111-195141 ddsom-250111-195057 ddsom-250111-195040 ddsom-250111-194746 pacman-250111-194733


I just ported and added to my glsl fork the standalone version of uborder: uborder-bezel-reflections in glsl

I’d like feedback on how it run on old devices. It was tested only on my laptop and it worked.


Would it work for N. Switch?

If it run glsl, then it might work. Can you test and tell me?

On Switch you can use glsl but when selecting the presets, RetroArch crashes

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Maybe it doesn’t support reference inside preset. Does it crash if you load the direct preset inside base_presets folder?

That’s right, I tried it directly and the same thing happens. As a note, the Switch uses the GL driver

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Hmm. I’ll need to investigate further. Maybe my idea of using global vars isn’t so compatible as I’d thought. Or else the Switch doesn’t support gl Version 1.20?

I wouldn’t know the compatibility or support of the GL version on Switch

Wow… I liked the integration of retropie-overlays-arcade-artwork. Do you know what settings I should make to remove those circles?

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Turn OFF the Ambient light inside user params. Some people are more sensible than others to these quantizations. I only see that by zooming the picture. (I’ll see if float_framebuffer or srgb_framebuffer can fix that).

BTW, there are three lighting params you can turn OFF or ON: LIGHTS, SHINE and AMBIENT. And, for the last two, you can control intensity and size.

And about the retropie’s artworks. Are you loading using the auto preset? It rotates the game seamlessly (for this, your Core Option Vertical Mode should be turned off). Then, overriding the core, voilá, it loads the artwork automatically by loading a game. Better yet, it loads blazing fast. I’d like to integrate it with other great packs out there, it’s just that I don’t have much time to dedicate to it.

I wish Retroarch had a shortcut like M and N to load through the games in a folder the same way you can load the presets in a directory.

This is coming along nicely!! Keep up the great work!

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Thanks, I’m making the necessary adjustments there. I like these LIGHTS, SHINE and AMBIENT options But I wouldn’t like them to affect the game screen or not at all, for example AMBIENT I would like it to also apply to the BORDER So in the game it doesn’t affect it but for example in the explosions it is affected by the ambient lights the BORDER (Artwork/background)

It adapts without problems to vertical games, having the option turned off in the core (FBNeo)

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Oh, you’re talking about dinamic lights. It’s an interesting idea, though it needs a completely new implementation. I’ll put it on future improvements TODO list.

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Changing Vertical Mode to ON in Core Options it’s easy to make presets for vertical overlays.
