I know but I’m gonna be looking at actual cabs now as reference… and I’m pretty sure they all have rounded edges lol.
Awesome update!
Small nitpick: I think the presets should lead to “overlays/classic-crt-collection/CRT” instead of “overlays/CRT”.
This was my gig growing up!
Doing some testing and I’m going back and forth between Lights ON/OFF
I like very much how the lighting behave using Lights Out
regarding the border, that can also be adjusted with the Border Dimming
parameter, but I think that the effect on the bezel is too strong and not adjustable -> it goes to black or very close to it; on the other hand using lights ON the ambilight on the border is more difficult to handle even lowering Border to ambient light weight
, the bezel (middle and outer) retain the color but feels a little detached from the whole “scene”…
am I overlooking something? is there a way to give a little light to middle and outer bezel with light out?
Lights out
Lights “on” - Border to ambient light weight : 0.10
So, basically, you’d like to unify controls between lights out and on?
what do you mean by unifying? I was thinking to have some control over the bezel lighting; in both, light on/off, the bezel stays the same (dark with lights off and “normally” bright but no changes from ambi in light on).
Ok, now I understand. In fact, the koko-ambi is only applied over the border. I’ll need to test if applying over bezels may work as we expect.
Ok, after trying many approaches with the help of @Hari-82 to test, I’ve come with an update that improves the reflection bezels when lights are out. Koko-ambi now affects the bezels too in any case.
As it’s a minor update (only one file is changed, and a pack), I won’t create a full github release for 3.4.
To update it, considering you already have the 3.3 installed, you just need to download this and unzip over it: Update to Uborder-v0.3.4
I’m happy with the results for lights out now, the reflections are toned down, creating some realism. One example below:
Lights ON:
Lights OUT (using border_dimming = “0.25”):
so I was playing with the new update, and I think the Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds
pack, particularly the Night presets, could use a darker inner bezel:
Maybe the other packs need this adjustement too but I didn’t test yet, anyways thank you for this fantastic shader!
Thanks for the feedback. There are many ways to adjust it, one is just changing the color values towards lower values. Another way is lowering Ambient Intensity or Ambient Size (or both), even if they’re disabled, they can be used to modulate the bezel lighting.
I confess I didn’t fine tune too much these night presets. I just turned the Lights Out.
What I did for my modified version, was to reduce those color values for the bezel to nearly 0, and also lower the ambient weight a lot so it’s not noticeable
I understand how time consuming that would be, in that case I think simply batch lowering the ambient params would be a decent quick fix for night presets.
Ok, but this thing is highly subjective. If I set some value, someone will say it’s not dark enough or not light enough. It’s a rabbit hole. Not only that, if I calibrate it with my room lit, I get values different from when I calibrate in dark room. So, even our environment lighting can deceive us to think something is off.
I’ll change the Ambient Size from 0.85 to 0.5, it’ll reduce the clarity of the bezels in that pack. Next version will have it.
you can try to to set
Border to ambient light weight = 30
Border dimming (lights out) = 75
Yeah, that’s another possibility. There are many ways to adjust it to one’s taste.
BTW, @Starman99x, I’ve seen you have a great collection of packs for koko-aio. Is there any chance of some ports to uborder, mainly the arcade ones?
Maybe if I get more time in the future, but that won’t be soon, so I encourage anyone who wants to adapt them for uborder, to do so, but please keep the root folder names identical as they represent the original texture authors (and check the included credits).
You know, I do like that pack but man was it hard to make… I had to use many wildcards to have proper separate params to match the bezel color against some vertical vs horizontal textures, which are referenced inside the Presets-auto
And there are not many “matching” vertical style textures so I made a separate exclusive Presets-horz
folder. As I didn’t want to bother the amazing @soqueroeu with more requests
Anyways, maybe someone else can make an easier configuration, so good luck!
Btw, I particularly like these presets from the pack:
Nope. Integer Scaling is only available for presets with backgrounds.
And prepending a crt shader won’t work with uborder, because the mask grid will be messed up doing that. Any crt shader need a handcraft work to be compatible with uborder.
Whoops. Sorry, wasn’t aware of the technicalities. Thanks for replying!