So, as neither of you “two” didn’t object anything, I suppose this is a welcomed feature. 
Major update: Uborder-v0.3.0
- Now every preset may use mask to be alpha blended over the BORDER.
- Added options to independently center bezels.
The new mask is called internally LAYER2 and is declared the same way as BORDER inside the presets. Existent presets aren’t affected (except the ones that do not depend on uborder internal presets), because a default LAYER2 texture (small png, only 89 bytes) is called to fill the placeholder. For now, the composition is just a mix (but can be improved later as an Add or Multiplier).
I tested with @soqueroeu graphics that use an extra Led png along the main background and it worked as expected (bonus: koko-ambi to get better results!):

The Bezels now can be centered independently from the content frame, which adress the need for asymmetric middle bezel/reflections.
If your preset call the uborder shaders directly, then you need a small update. For example, the old preset uborder-bezel-reflections-crt-nobody.slangp had these lines to load the BORDER:
textures = "BORDER"
BORDER = "../../textures/borders/default.jpg"
BORDER_linear = "true"
BORDER_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
BORDER_mipmap = "false"
Now, it needs to load two images, a BORDER and LAYER2. So, those lines must be expanded to:
textures = "BORDER;LAYER2"
BORDER = "../../textures/borders/default.jpg"
BORDER_linear = "true"
BORDER_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
BORDER_mipmap = "false"
LAYER2 = "../../textures/borders/default_layer2.png"
LAYER2_linear = "true"
LAYER2_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
LAYER2_mipmap = "false"
That’s what you need to do to update your presets. The default_layer2.png is a blank png file. If you don’t use the mask resource, you need to use default_layer2.png that is inside textures/borders folder.
Just to be clear, YOU ONLY NEED to edit your preset if it calls uborder shaders directly! If they just call other uborder presets, you don’t need any changes.
Using Notepadd++ or VSCODE, it’s very easy to find and replace blocks of texts in multiple files in a folder (plus subfolders). I just did in all 405 sonkun presets using VSCODE and all worked.