Updating libretro cores in Linux (script)

Hello! I was using Lakka again for the first time in about a year and noticed that there’s no way to update the libretro cores from inside Lakka. After looking around here I found out that you need to download the new cores manually, so I made a script to do it instead. It’s a bash-script for use in Linux, but should work on mac too I think. If there’s an interest, I might make a script that works in Windows too. Here it is: Pastebin I don’t know if it can be done any more effective, but if you have any suggestions, please do. Also, there’s one problem with this method. This script downloads and installs EVERY core available for the Armhf architecture. Not sure if they all work on Raspberry Pi, so it’s not an ideal way to update Lakka’s cores, but it’s the only efficient way I could come up with, if you’re like me and want the latest cores available at all times.

So, tell me what you think. If it’s dumb or there’s another way that I didn’t know about, please tell me.

You should probably also update the core info files and copy them over also (in lakka they also goes in the “cores” folder), otherwise some cores may not behave properly.

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Yes, the script includes the info files too. It downloads the info.zip. Though I’m not sure that info.zip is 100% up-to-date, it might be necessary to get the individual info-files too.

Btw, nice to see another swede here :wink: