USB live mode accessing commande line

Hi, I run Lakka on a MacBook Pro USB live mode.

I would like to access command line but if I look to documentation to gain direct access you need command line which doesn’t make sense since it is exactly what you are trying to access. Hope it makes sense to you.

If I understand to gain access via ssh I would need another computer?

Also I try to write to the support but when I click on send nothing happens.

What do you mean you need command line? Can’t you use the standard Ctrl-Alt-F1 method?

Do you mean the CTL-ALT-F3 to switch to tty3?

If this is what we refer to If I understand you need to edit cmdline file and for that you need to be in the command line interface.

If this is not what you were talking about could you give me more info. I am really new to all that.

I would like to gain access to command line to connect my 8bitdo controller and connect my wifi because I can’t see any wifi network available.

The cmdline file is to be edited from another computer.

Regardless of the method you are using you will need another computer at some point, at least to set it up

What would be the solution to connect my 8bitdo controller and resolve my wifi issue?

Thank you for your time.

To access the command line at the boot prompt use the following:

boot: live tty retroarch=0

Then with Ctrl-Alt-F3 you will be at the terminal:

Lakka:~ #

Use bluetoothctl to configure bluetooth. I recommend this procedure: Bluetooth - ArchWiki

When I boot Lakka I get the logo image and than the graphic interface. I tried tab and CTRL-alt-F3 during the Lakka logo but didn’t work.

I just connected my controller with the USB cable until I can have another computer.

But since the wifi doesn’t work if I connect an Ethernet cable from Lakka box to my router. Will I be able to use the ssh?

Could I just connect an Ethernet cable between the two computers?

If you don’t get the boot prompt try this:

If the Shift or Alt keys are held down during boot, or the Caps or Scroll locks are set, SYSLINUX will display a LILO-style “boot:” prompt.

It didn’t worked but I used ssh and every thing is good thank you very much for your time.