VGA settings for ODROID-C2

Hello, I’m trying to run the Odroid-C2 build using an old analog monitor (XGA 1024 x 768) via a HDMI to VGA cable with no luck.

I know this cable works as I have gotten Ubuntu odroid-c2 release to work with this monitor. I’ve attempted to plug in the same settings in the boot.ini that I know worked before but with no luck (vout “vga”, and hdmimode 1024x768p60hz) but with no avail.

Anyone able to provide assistance?

So you changed it with setenv hdmimode ?

Yes that is correct. I set the resolution by setenv hdmimode “1024x768p60hz” and setenv outputmode “vga”, which works with Ubuntu install on the Odroid-C2.

It appears that Lakka’s distro for the Odroid-C2 is using an older boot.ini as Hard Kernal has now added the ability to detect monitor resolution via EDID. This may not help my issue but it wouldn’t hurt to keep on top of things.

For what it is worth, the Lakka Odroid-C2 distro works on my TV at 1920x1080, it is just seems to be missing the ability to support this old 15" VGA monitor of mine. Trying to give it a new lease on life verse trashing it.