[WetekPlay] SSH: connection refused

I downloaded the WetekPlay image from the website and it is working fine (playing games), but SSH is not working. Everytime I want to connect with

ssh [email protected]

I get

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

deletion of .cache and .ssh doesn’t work. Did that on the PC, as SSH was not possible. On the WetekPlay there is no config.txt (or similar) like on the RPi, where I could look into. What can I do to get SSH-access?

Edit: the IP-adress is right: smb:// works

In Lakka-GUI > settings > Network Settings there is no IP displayed. I don’t know, if this is the default behaviour, because it is not implemented yet

The “stable”-image for the WP was written with “dd” (SSH doesn’t work). After updating to the latest nightly via update-folder SSH doesn’t work, too \Edit


Hello, in OpenELEC, to enable ssh, you have to add “ssh” in the cmdline, in the bootloader config. However, I’ve not found the booloader config of wetek yet.

According to the ssh service :

[Unit] Description=OpenSSH server daemon ConditionKernelCommandLine=|ssh ConditionPathExists=|/storage/.cache/services/sshd.conf After=network.target

[Service] EnvironmentFile=-/storage/.cache/services/sshd.conf ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSH_ARGS ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID TimeoutStopSec=1s

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

You can try creating a file /storage/.cache/services/sshd.conf to enable it.

I will try to find that bootloader config…

[EDIT] Found this https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv/issues/3996

Thx, creating the file above worked Can you please add something like this: (pseudo bash code)

if [ $COMPILE_Option = "Wetek" ]; then
     create the sshd.conf file

I would prefer to wait for this: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/1797

OK, I didn’t know this is planned :wink: