Xbox One Controller Firmware (2015) error

Hello All,

New here and am currently using Lakka. My black normal xbox one controller works great in Lakka/Retroarch but my white one (special edition) throws up an error when I plug it up to the usb port. I receive the message about it not being configured. Maybe I’m missing something here but I didn’t have to configure anything for the black xbox one controller. I tried messing with the different bind settings for user 2 with no success. Appreciate any light you all might be able to shed on this. I’ve uploaded a pic of the error.

Thanks in Advance

that means it can’t find an autoconfig profile for it, which suggests that it has a different vid/pid from the black one. You can go to settings > input > input user 1 binds and then map your buttons, then go to ‘user 1 save autoconfig’. After that, close RetroArch and then reopen it and it should pop up a message saying the pad is configured. If not, go through the process again.

From then on, it should autoconfigure it whenever you plug it in, just like the black one. If you want, you can submit the autoconfig profile for your white one to the autoconfig repo on github so others can benefit.

Hunter… thank you so much for the quick response and help. This worked like a charm and the controller in question is now working. I did have to go through the process twice like you had mentioned. How do I pull this config from my lakka box to put on github to share with the community. Also I currently do not have a github account so I am not sure once I sign up for one if there is a waiting period till i can share this.

Thanks again!

Ah, getting it from Lakka can be a bit of a hassle, so no hard feelings if you decide not to bother with it :slight_smile:

But, here we go: You’ll need to SSH in from another machine and navigate to your autoconfig directory (look in settings > directory to find out what it’s set to). The one you made should be inside the udev directory, and the easiest way to find out which one is yours is probably going to be to just compare with the repo and see which one isn’t already there. You can open it with nano and then copy/paste the contents to your local machine or however else you want to get it off of your Lakka machine.

Once that’s done, go over to the github repo and look in the upper-right corner of your browser window to find the ‘fork this repo’ button. This will make a copy of the repo under your account. Once it’s finished forking, you should be looking at your copy of the repo. Navigate into the ‘udev’ directory and click the button to ‘create a new file’.

Name it after your newly-created autoconfig file and then copy/paste the contents from your file into it. It’s not strictly necessary, but we also ask that you include the button labels (look at some of the other files in the repo to see how that looks), so the pad’s buttons will be properly named in the core input remapping menu.

Once your autoconfig is all pasted in, save the file with an informative commit message and then head up to the ‘pull requests’ tab at the top of your repo. It will walk you through the process of submitting your changes back to the libretro repo.

That’s a lot of steps, I know, including creating an account at github, so it’s no big deal if you don’t want to go through the trouble. I’m also willing to submit it for you if you just want to paste it here (that is, to save yourself from dealing with github).

SSH should not be necessary to copy a joypad configuration from Lakka – that folder is set up as a Samba share, so all it should take is navigating to \\lakka on your network via Windows Explorer, OS X Finder, etc.

eyyy, good point! That’s much easier :stuck_out_tongue: