Yes . I am using the new Xbox one Bluetooth controllers. Thanks for your reply. Where can I get the answer?
If your controllers are the bluetooth version you do not need the wireless adapter.
First add the following line to your file located in /storage/.config/
bash -c ‘echo 1 > /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm’
Then you connect them using the same procedure as a PS4 controller following the instructions on this link.
@mataisma With me being the noob I am, could you explain what did or how you got into “/storage/.config/”?
I used WinSCP to connect and I went into “/Storage/.config” and there was no “” file there. Again, I’m new here and I’ve been reading up on the FAQ’s and looking up a bunch of terms I don’t know still.
I’ve connected A dualshock 4 controller before so I got that part down.
(I’m running the latest version of Lakka on a bootable USB through my Laptop if that helps)
If the “” file is not there you have to create it.
It worked, it’s connected but now when it connects and says it’s configured, it’s impossible to navigate though the UI. Whenever I try to move up or down using D-pad or joystick it would skip to the last selection and I can’t manually configure it because it’s the same thing when i try to navigate using keyboard keys. but then it’s fine when the controller is disconnected. Does it have something to do with the authorizing of the controller?
The autoconfig file on mine had the keys all messed up on my system that’s why it acted crazy. I linked my configuration file a post above try it and hope it works.
If only I could read the posts prior
got it working thank you so much
in first my english is not so good.
I installed Lakka on my Raspberry 3. All works good but my xbox one s controller with Bluetooth not works.
On my Windows PC i installed WinSCP but in the Directory storage i dont found the directory .config or
What can i do?
@alecgreat, I’m not familiar with WinSCP myself, but I do know that on linux (which is what Lakka runs on), any file or folder starting with a “.” is considered to be a “hidden” file/folder. You’ll need to tell WinSCP to show hidden files and folders in order to see it, or just manually navigate to it (it’s there, it just isn’t visible).
Now for an issue I had: is apparently no longer called by default in Lakka - at least it wasn’t on my Lakka installation (on an odroid xu4). As a fix to this, knowing that on all but a select few systems Lakka uses systemd, I made a systemd unit that calls a script to disable ertm:
Place the service file in /storage/.config/system.d and place the script in /storage/.config and chmod +x the script or otherwise make it executable (as with any script, have a look at it first to make sure it isn’t doing anything it shouldn’t be).
P.S. Is there any reason a Lakka box might actually need bluetooth ERTM? If not, perhaps this, along with a working config file for xbox one bt controllers, could be put in a future version of Lakka?
Hi, just so people can see step by step, first ensure you have a bluetooth xbox controller and get a bluetooth wireless adapter (if needed) that is supported by Linux drivers e.g. this one works according to Amazon
Then, follow the commands to start bluetoothctl and enable pairing and discovery as documented:
Then, here’s is what happens if you try to connect (it fails):
[bluetooth]# info C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Name: Xbox Wireless Controller
Alias: Xbox Wireless Controller
Class: 0x00000508
Icon: input-gaming
Paired: no
Trusted: no
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
[bluetooth]# trust C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Trusted: yes
Changing C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 trust succeeded
[bluetooth]# pair C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Attempting to pair with C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# connect C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Attempting to connect to C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# info C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Name: Xbox Wireless Controller
Alias: Xbox Wireless Controller
Class: 0x00000508
Icon: input-gaming
Paired: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
Here is my controller info:
[bluetooth]# show
Controller 00:1A:7D:DA:71:13
Name: %h
Alias: %h
Class: 0x0000010c
Powered: yes
Discoverable: yes
Pairable: yes
UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: PnP Information (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Generic Access Profile (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
Modalias: usb:v1D6Bp0246d052F
Discovering: no
However, disable “ertm” ( enhanced retransmission mode) as folks have mentioned and everything works magically: echo 1 > /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm
[bluetooth]# info C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Name: Xbox Wireless Controller
Alias: Xbox Wireless Controller
Class: 0x00000508
Icon: input-gaming
Paired: no
Trusted: no
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Human Interface Device... (00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
[bluetooth]# trust C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Trusted: yes
Changing C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 trust succeeded
[bluetooth]# pair C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Attempting to pair with C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Modalias: usb:v045Ep02E0d0903
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# connect C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
Attempting to connect to C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device C8:3F:26:5D:C5:51 ServicesResolved: yes
great, so how to persist these changes?
If you use the above methods, you might see
possibly encountering errors. To check, look at the status of the
systemctl status retroarch-autostart
Lakka sh[356]: /storage/.config/ line 2: can’t crea te /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm: nonexistent directory
and check the status of ertm (“N” means not disabled):
cat /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm
If you get an error like above, then similar to @Arek75 I created the following service, to be placed in: /storage/.config/systemd/
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'Y > /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm 2>&1'
just to be safe: chmod 775 /storage/.config/system.d/
You should test running it and verify it toggles the setting from “N” to “Y”:
systemctl start bluetooth-disable-ertm
systemctl status bluetooth-disable-ertm
You should see:
Process: 754 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c Y > /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable _ertm 2>&1 (code=exited, status=127) Main PID: 754 (code=exited, status=127)
So as long as ertm gets disabled on bluetooth becoming active, you should be able to connect wirelessly after rebooting again and again!
Thank you so much for this post, and all that did add a reply! The answers are here. Everything worked! Xbox one (via bluetoothctl) worked! CLI is where it’s at. Just bumping the post, very greatfull Dad here making a gameRPI 3b+ for the 4 year old!
I cannot see the authorizing part, bluetoothctrl never brings the authorization. How did you guys do it?
I cannot create this file, nano text editor says no permisson to create.
Hello! Thanks all so much for these instructions. I’m very new to Pi and Linux generally, and you’ve all made this very easy.
Everything is working great, as long as I disable ertm on every boot, which is mildly annoying.
I’m trying to use the service created by evbo to persist the changes, but I’m having trouble. The file filepath to save the service in contains ‘/systemd/’, which doesn’t appear to exist. I assume this is meant to be ‘system.d’?
I’ve assume this, and created the service accordingly, but I can’t run it. I get ‘failed to start bluetooth-disable-ertm.service: Unit bluetooth-disable-ertm.service not found.’
I’ve obviously missed a trick, but I have a no idea what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance. Apologies for the linux ignorance.
Hot To Connect Xbox Wireless Controller On Lakka
Connect to Lakka through SHH then Create a new file using nano…
nano /etc/modprobe.d/bluetooth.conf
Add a single line to the new file…
options bluetooth disable\_ertm=Y
Exit nano, saving the file in the process.
Now connect the controller
bluetoothctl scan on scan off devices trust EC:83:50:EF:30:D1 #depend on the device name pair EC:83:50:EF:30:D1 connect EC:83:50:EF:30:D1 #do this code many time if not happen from first time quit reboot
Yo tengo el problema para conectar el nuevo control de xbox one, modelo 1914 no se conecta en lakka por bluetooth, también tengo un control de xbox one modelo 1708 y ese si se conecta perfectamente.
Si alguien tiene alguna solución o logrado conectar algún control modelo 1914 por bluetooth que por favor indique que se podría hacer para que funcione.
Just posting this here because I didnt know this existed when I made my topic. I have a Raspberry Pi4 8GB. I was able to connect a xbox one controller by disabling ERTM but my method is a little different. I have posted it here. RPI 4 8gb aarch64 Lakka Nightly Builds Sound and Bluetooth Controllers
No tengo un modelo 1914 para probarlo pero intentaste conectarlo siguiendo las instrucciones que liste para el 1708?
I have exactly the same issue with 1914 model. It’s discovered, paired in bluetoothctl, but no authorization request come, and controller keeps blinking without synchronizing with dongle. As far as I understood from github issue this wont be fixed. The good news is that controller can still be used via type-c USB cable (even though official lakka doc states opposite).