You have to Win the Game CRT Emulation

New game has a kind of CRT emulation. Can this be more or less replicated using existing shaders on RetroArch? I know it has some kind of halation and phosphor trail effects.

solid12345’s shader combination probably looks the most like it out-of-the-box. The phosphor mask looks similar to an older version of my phosphorLUT shader, though mine looks awful with any screen curvature due to moire. I imagine YHtWtG’s might have the same problem if it weren’t mostly black pixels, which works to its advantage.

Judging by the screenshot in your post, the motion blur is similar to motionblur-simple or the motion blur bits from harlequin’s gameboy shader, and the screen glare can be achieved as part of a border/overlay (solid12345’s has some of this, in fact).

All in all, it’s got a great-looking effect. I’d love to see the code :slight_smile: