Bitman's Uborder Presets

  • Added a third variant, and made it the default [90s bitman ambientlight]. It uses the “Lights off” option. This way the screen really looks turned off when there is black content.

and it lights up just the right amount, giving it a more natural look with the base image

So this is the new default. The previous default has been renamed to BRIGHT, and the other preset to BRIGHTEST. I hope this is not too confusing.

To clear things up:

  • [90s bitman ambientlight]
  • [90s bitman ambientlight BRIGHT]
  • [90s bitman ambientlight BRIGHTEST]

I’m not sure if I should add separate presets for koko-ambi or change the defaults again


One advice, choose the one you like the most. Giving support to two is very demanding.


Added new [90s AMBILIGHT], along with another edited border to work better with it:

Screenshots don’t really do it justice. This looks amazingly good when transitioning from black screens!


Since Hylian will drop support for his own version of “ambient-light”, I’ll probably have to remove the presets that use it.

I may use it as a chance to declutter. I have way too many variants of the same 90s preset!

If anyone downloads when I do this, I recommend deleting the entire folder and starting fresh so there aren’t so many items on the list.

On a side note, I’m trying to make a copycat of @kokoko3k’s GBA Night

However, I get a strange rainbow effect, whenever I try to tamper with either the integer scaling, zoom or aspect ratio.

The only way it looks correct is with integer scaling at default size, which is very big

Perhaps you know what causes this, @Hyllian? Happens with “dot” too

Can’t help with that specifically, but you have to consider that you’d need 3x core horizontal resolution to hope to display full mask RGB and avoid rainbows, (one triad per core pixel).

Differently, you’ve to sacrifice it somehow, depending on the shader params; see here, even at 1080p, is not that “steep”:

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Why? Koko-ambi is still there with uborder. You just need to change your path.

Thank you for your answer. I think I’ll settle for crt-nobody for the time being

You mean move them to koko-ambi? I probably will move the base ones (70s 80s); but the only ones that are using the “ambient-light” are 90s variants at the moment. Since I only really need to keep one, and it’s already converted, I might delete the rest (unless someone is still using them over the last preset I made)


It does the same thing as uborder-ambient-light. That’s the reason I’ll drop the last.

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It’s already available on uborderv0.2.2

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Yes, “90s AMBILIGHT” uses uborder-koko-ambi :slight_smile:

The gba screenshot for the preset I’m doing is using it as well

As already said, some shaders need a bigger size to work properly.

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  • Added a new “Handheld” foler, though at the time it will only be for GBA.

Updated the preset

  • Added a copycat of @kokoko3k’s, [koko-like AMBILIGHT]

I will probaly stop for the time being, as I’m getting config fatigue :sweat_smile:


Remembered I wanted my arcade presets to use ambilight, so here they are:


[Cabinet Vertical AMBILIGHT]

I highly recommend deleting your local “generic-arcade” folder. I re-structured it and renamed the files to be more intuitive. To change which preset you want, change it from the corresponding “CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-XX” slangp file. To load them, use AUTOLOADER.slangp

Remember, this is the link:

Additionally, I have added a more subdued TV ambilight preset


Okay, now I can stop in peace :stuck_out_tongue:


Awesome stuff pal! great progress


Since Hylian already did all the hard part, I was gonna add a slightly tweaked version of a single of his newest presets, which is just darker and with a more pronounced ambilight. Going to call it [Soqueroeu MIDNIGHT]

Of course, credits to Hylian for making most of the config, and to Soqueroeu for the image


I guess the extra layer was worth it! the leds help to makes it very convincing!

  • Uploaded [Soqueroeu MIDNIGHT]

  • Removed all 90s variants and replaced then with a single 90s for ease of use.

  • Re-structured the folders and introduced a flavor-chooser.slangp, so ALL the presets use AMBILIGHT by default now. To change this, just edit the file as per instructions.txt

I highly recommend deleting your current installation, since files have been moved/removed and you will have duplicate files.

Soqueroeu’s preset specifically might present a bit of lag on more demanding systems when using koko-ambi, perhaps due to the leds (?). You might only want to change that one, so you can skip the flavor-chooser.slangp reference and use uborder-bezel-reflections directly.


I think it’s because the pngs are 4k in size.

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