Calling all CRT owners: photos please!

Probably not good enough, but the comparsion between different signal types here on a 1354Q PVM is very interesting.

Static gallery:

Preview: Composite vs Svideo


By any chance can someone please post a shot of the piano located in the bar of stage 1 of Streets of Rage 2? On a setup typical of the period do scanlines divide the keys?

And did somebody already ask this sometime ago? This question seems weirdly familiar.

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Here’s a shot from a low TVL slot mask which has quite a soft image; no perceivable dividing scanlines on the piano keys at all. The scanlines are very thin on this set though, it might need a slight tune up…

*Edit: added detail to description for clarity


Lovely photo! Just on the point of the scanlines - there are very visible dark gaps between the scanlines when scanning dark areas in your photo. It looks as though you loose them only in the light areas. Is this something you see in person?

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Oh yes I see the scanlines in person! I meant no perceivable scanlines on the white piano keys in response to HeriticZero’s request. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I’ll update the above post to clarify


Does anyone know what this effect is caused by? It seems like there is a dim illumination from the green phosphor line even in the areas the electron beam isnt hitting.

Here’s the full image for reference


I would guess that’s just reflection / ambient illumination rather than the phosphor actually glowing.


Looks like it could be the mask wires.

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My guess is that the monitor is turned up to a brightness level where the blacks aren’t black any more. I can do the same on my PVMs and you see this type of thing. Why green sticks out more? Probably because our eyes are better at seeing greens and therefore the monitor and/or camera have brought them more out. Don’t know :man_shrugging:


I thought that, as well, but I think that should usually show up as horizontal lines. See the lines to the right of ol’ barlog’s portrait here:

In any event, I agree that the green probably stands out for psycho-perceptual reasons.


Yeah that’s a good point - hmm. I suppose it’s not easy on an arcade monitor but playing about with the monitor settings and seeing how the effect behaves is the easiest way to investigate the mystery.

Possibly it’s low level burn in

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Guys, let me introduce you RetroBigini. He’s an Italian guy, he takes wonderful photographs of games on CRTs and sells them. So as we scan his works to take inspiration, we can also buy spectacular videogames moments.


Amazing body of work - he’s certainly been busy! Really great, I wasn’t aware of his art so this is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!



Here’s a solo shot from my 27"Rodotron 666a using VGA. Have more to sure but since I’m a new user I’m limited to one photo per post. Tried to get a good shot of the mask, hopefully it comes out well.

Street fighter Alpha 3 @240p


Very cool, nice shot :slight_smile:

There are those faint lines again, they are definitely colored like the phosphors, but they don’t show any breaks in them like the phosphors do. Hmm the plot thickens :rofl:

@Sgtsocko I made you a basic user so I think you should be able to post more images now.


I think that’s normal. I believe those lines are caused by the metal alignment mask that sits behind the actual phosphors. You can see the same line-less effect in the upper-left and -right corners of this macro shot i took a million internet-years ago:


Very nice. I think his photo shows how careful we should be with bloom, as it produces a color leak that real masks don’t have. And I still can’t find a nice solution to replicate that 3-2-3 pixels pattern.

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I think, there’s your “natural” analog “Anti-Aliasing” right there. Apparently slot mask phosphors don’t abruptly cut off at black but gradually fade to near black for each RGB component.

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Much appreciated. I took a couple more photos today of ghouls and ghosts at different distances. The one photo from yesterday had a light source in the room that might’ve been illuminating those lines. I’ve gone full dark and they seem less visible in these new shots.

Ghouls and ghosts @224p