Beautiful!!! So these are pc emulators (via retroarch presumably) fed into a crt via hdmi to scart. Sweet! Hmm Im wanting to play Syndicate Wars maybe this the way to go! Tganks
correct it’s retroarch ,however without switchres (which require an old ati radeon card and ton of headache , I tried) the 2560x240 would work for any game that could be super stretched in borderless fullscreen over 2560x240. I even manged to run mugen games this way.
that’s why the retroarch scaling aspect ratio option is set to “full” , which is fine as the crt tv would display it in 4:3
Luckily the gba and ds games would also maintain aspect ratio with these settings
And in some cases if the game resolution is higher than 240p the game would simply be corped into 240, such as umk3 which is 254p , notice the “select your fighter”
This an area where switchres gets the upper hand ,not to mention being able to play pc games that don’t support stretched in borderless fullscreen over 2560x240.
Also I tested the same method on sony wega that was new in box a while back, here is the reddit topic on that , since than I corrected my ways and joined the shadow mask camp ! the shadow mask has a higher contrast .
I used this vga to component pass through for the wega crt component input
Some more pics, trying to zoom closer this time. From an average Phillips 107e50 shadowmask monitor, set at 600x240 at 122 hz

Oh wow interesting so this is kind of like the GroovyMister FPGA core that has just been released but presumably a lot cheaper? GroovyMister works with GroovyMame (something I wasn’t aware of until GroovyMister got released). So if I’m right what’s the pros and cons of each approach?
Beautiful! Really great shot at the end there of Mario up close. One thing that might help is lowering your ISO on your camera so less light is coming in as with emissive surfaces like TV screens the camera can easily clip bright colours especially the whites.
I use a smartphone but will try a more advanced camera third app that has Iso control next time.Or could process the photo in an app.
I use plain vga output via Linux Mint Cinnamon. It allows low resolutions and 240 is the limit for a functional OS menu, something other Desktops like mate and gnome are lacking.
waited for crt monitor to warm and then took some mobile pics using Proshot and Iso set at 50 and trying to find the best color and focus parameters.

when you read complaints about vga monitors that games were too pixellated, well there was a reason for this! Pixel hunting!
Some pics of classic adventure games close-ups at 640x480 via Scummvm for convenience. I could reduce the resolution at 240 for better picture results, but this makes them more tiresome to play.
EDIT: For SNES/NES games, instead of setting super resolutions of 1920x240 etc, best result is achieved by 640x224 and integer scaling on. It works on 240 too but it has horizontal and vertical black bars. At 224 it covers the whole screen. 120 herz for switch res is also available. PC monitor with native res, compared to 1440 monitor with sonkun shaders.
I bought a second hand Pal Mega Drive, And it’s working flawlessly with Scart RGB.
Also I calibrated my CRT with 240p Test Suite
I managed to set an old computer with an AMD HD6570 graphics card and windows 7 64bit with Retroarch, to make it work I had to set Retroarch to 15Khz with CRT Emudriver 2.0, also I have a modded cable that outputs VGA to Scart RGB to make it work. It’s working flawlessly, I can play in NTSC 60Hz mode.
Here are some examples:
The first one is running on Mame 2010 core.
Man, lucky you! I have an old NVidia GT 620/630 lying around here. I wonder if that would be up to the task?
About CRT Emudrivers only works on amd Cards. But I’ve seen someone using Nvidia with C.R.U (Custom Resolution Utility) You can try with that…
I went to an event in Barcelona this last sunday too, it’s called Retrobarcelona 2024😃.
Here are some pics:
It should work fine with CRU (under Windows) or Xrandr under Linux. Switchres might work, I haven’t tried it ages, but I generally don’t have a need for it.
Dosbox Staging on Linux is the only fork that switches natively to DOS resolutions as you can hear the monitor switchres noise.
Oh my, it looks sooo gorgeous!
Puae or have I missed something?