CRT-Hyllian and its variants

Well, after thinking about these masks, I decided to go back to good and old mask4, which works on most monitors out there. The option to change masks still is there, I just let mask4 as default.

New release: Use RA shader update online option to get it!

What’s new:

  • Fixed vertical scanlines on all shaders;
  • Changed curvature params for a most adequated curvature (the old one was too curved);
  • Added new anti-ringing to all shaders;
  • Added new preset crt-hyllian-dedither to be used with dithered plagued systems (genesis mainly);
  • Tweaked crt-hyllian-curvature-ntsc for a more colorful output and fixed curve params too;
  • After testing the shader on three different monitors (olders and current new), I decided to change some scanline params to output equally on all of them (the shaders were calibrated for monitors using sRGB color);

It’s necessary to update slang shaders to get the checkerboard-dedither shader in order to make the preset below to work.




great job @Hyllian, I love it!


Can these shaders be used at default for 4K and look good? Or is there something better for that?


I didn’t test on 4k. They’re optimized for 1080p RGB monitors. Try guest’s crt shaders instead.

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AFAIK the mask function used by Hyllian’s shader has more masks which look good at 4k. Definitelly doesn’t hurt to try it out.


Yes, there are 24 masks to experiment. Maybe it’s necessary changing scanlines param for 4k, though.


Well, after thinking about these masks, I decided to go back to good and old mask4, which works on most monitors out there. The option to change masks still is there, I just let mask4 as default.

New release: Use RA shader update online option to get it!

What’s new:

  • Fixed vertical scanlines on all shaders;
  • Changed curvature params for a most adequated curvature (the old one was too curved);
  • Added new anti-ringing to all shaders;
  • Added new preset crt-hyllian-dedither to be used with dithered plagued systems (genesis mainly);
  • Tweaked crt-hyllian-curvature-ntsc for a more colorful output and fixed curve params too;
  • After testing the shader on three different monitors (olders and current new), I decided to change some scanline params to output equally on all of them (the shaders were calibrated for monitors using sRGB color);

EDIT: first post updated!

It’s necessary to get the checkerboard-dedither shaders in order to make dedither preset to work.


Thank you for sharing your wonderful work and presets bud.


EDIT: Now that crt-super-xbr was packed by @HyperspaceMadness (thanks!) on MegaBezel, I’m updating the zip here with the sharpsmoother preset.

Update of:

What’s new:

  • Added curvature;
  • Got rid of some artifacts from older versions.


Using sharpsmother looks quite good:


The vanilla crt-super-xbr was updated and added to CRT folder of official libretro slang repo. So, just update your shaders to get.

I’ve managed to optimize the params:


Looking really, really good. Do you think it’s possible crt-super-xbr could work in conjunction with ambient-glow?

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It’s sure a chalenge to combine it with ambient-glow. I’ll look if I find an easy way to do that.

EDIT: It worked! Though most masks don’t, so I had to change to mask12. And some options won’t work properly. I had to make a custom feedback and ambient-glow shaders.



Yesterday I derived some params that make the shaders work on 4k, though I don’t have 4k monitor available to test RA.

Preset to work on 4k displays (RGB):

#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-hyllian-sinc-glow.slangp"
BEAM_MIN_WIDTH = "0.660000"
BEAM_MAX_WIDTH = "0.920000"
COLOR_BOOST = "2.000000"
PHOSPHOR_LAYOUT = "9.000000"
MASK_INTENSITY = "1.000000"
BLOOM_STRENGTH = "0.300000"

If your display is BGR, just change PHOSPHOR_LAYOYT to “10.000000”.

This is how it looks:


This is now my default shader, thanks for taking the time!

Do you know why by activating ‘integer overscale’ in the shader options it makes the image big as it’s pushing 4k? My TV is 1080p.

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As I said earlier, some options wouldn’t work as I didn’t test all. Anyway, for that particular case it was easy to fix. Try this new and tell me if it fix for you:


Working great now, thanks again Hyllian! The other options seem to be working OK, fine tuning scanlines, curvatures, brightness, etc.

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Great! The only thing that there isn’t fix are the masks. Unfortunately it’s the last thing that should change or else artifacts will appear. I suggest turning off the masks.

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That’s excellent, Hyllian. Excellent.


You can try using VSR (AMD) or DSR (nVidia).