What’s the resolution of your display again? This discoloration issue could be caused by many different things. One that comes to mine is the scanline and mask alignment and interaction with your display’s RGB subpixel arrangement being less than optimal for the mask settings that I’m using in some of my presets.
I have no idea what this setting does as I’ve never used it. These scanline and mask pattern are very sensitive to spacing and alignment with your display’s subpixel arrangement. If you set Int Scale Mode to 0 and the display gets smaller, you could end up with similar issues. That setting was set to 1 not by chance.
Is it that you’re seeing these anomolies with the Integer Scale Mode set to 1? I’m asking this because I’m seeing the bezel and reflections in your vertical pics whereas before we were advising you of settings that would disable the Bezel then allow you to expand the display area.
If you’ve now decided that you’re keeping the Bezel on, then you might need to at least set the Int. Scale Mode back to 1 or you may even want to try 2 for vertical games and see how things look.