CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

Swanstation and none of the psx cores will run when trying to bumped up the internal resolution of the games with the crt filter applied

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Greetings @Theoldnation,

That’s not surprising. What graphics card are you using and how much VRAM does it have? It’s very likely running out of resources.

You can try sticking with 1x Internal resolution or you might have to edit the base preset of the preset in my pack you’re using to use one of the DREZ Presets that are included in HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader.

You can also try editing it to use the MBZ_1_ADV_GUEST-GDV.slangp base preset.

Things should look great even at 1x internal resolution due to the mask and scanline settings though.

I’m using rx 6600 with 8 gb of vram

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Hello i’m me again, i’m having some issues with aspect ratio in some games like tekken 3, for unknown reason it changes automatically of aspect ratio and it looks very squeezed this also happened in silent hill with my internal res tests, but since i switched back to original it doesn’t happen anymore, i would like to know if there is any possible solution for this problem


Hi, the solution to this problem is to set the [ Aspect ratio]: > Orientation to horizontal in the Mega Bezel shader parameters


Greetings @HyperspaceMadness,

I was looking forward to your usual explanation as to what you thought might be happening here to accompany the solution so my mind is still a bit curious.

Wasn’t there a fix for these Tekken 3 aspect ratio issues where the shader would automatically apply a correction based on the detected resolution?

What might be different about this instance and what might be affecting Silent Hill as well?

@Theoldnation What exactly are you referring to when you speak about your “internal res tests” and switching back to “original”?

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There is, that’s why it appears correctly when it is at native res, it just doesn’t catch all the possible increased resolutions possible for this base res

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That’s where I got confused because @Theoldnation had originally reported that none of the psx cores would run when they tried bumping up the internal resolution of the games with the CRT filter applied.

I didn’t really expect them to swap one of my “sub-base presets” with the MBZ_1_ADV_GUEST-GDV.slangp base preset or even try that or one of the DREZ presets on their own, at least not so soon.

I just thought that things were not working for them at anything above native res period so didn’t expect this to be a case of greater than internal resolution being a factor.

If this is a universal solution to this issue when it comes to PSX games, then seeing that I have a Console Specific PSX Shader Preset (or maybe 2), maybe I can add this line to it.

I don’t do much PSX testing so I don’t know if this will break any other games out there.

What do you think?

Yes if your preset is specifically for a console then you can safely set the aspect orientation to horizontal and set the aspect ratio to 4:3.

The reason that the horizontal aspect isn’t default is because I support vertical games.

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Thanks very much! I’ll add that to my existing PSX preset and maybe also create a new Slot Mask PSX preset using a preset that I recently tried in vertical mode that didn’t look right but looks great in horizontal mode!

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I read that you were trying to do some de-dithering using MDAPT. I have some de-dithering solutions that you might be interested in that use CPU Video Filters instead of GPU Shaders.

You can get these in my CyberLab Custom Blargg NTSC Video Filter Presets package at the top of this thread.

They’re also available in the latest nightly builds of RetroArch.

Right in the Video Filters Menu.

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Can’t help but post pics of this monitor in action.


Hello everyone! Firt of all, thank you CyberLab for your presets pack, I’ve been using them for a while and they are beautiful.

I come here asking for help/guidance because I’m not a very advanced user. I’ve been trying to run some Dreamcast games on Flycast using the Arcade Sharp PVM Edition preset and the RGB Sharp PVM Edition. I keep encountering this strange behaviour (a bug perhaps?). When applied, the content is displayed with a green tint that is very unpleasant to look at. I tried searching through this topic and didn’t find similar images or a similar situation so I doubt this is the intended look, though I might be wrong of course.

This tint only seems to happen when running Dreamcast content. Atomiswave/NAOMI content (I also tried some arcade games and PSX games) runs beautiful with these presets, so I went to change some settings in both the shader and core parameters to fix the issue. Changing the rendering resolution to both 320x240 and 640x480, and changing cable type to VGA, Composite and RGB didn’t work. I tried stable and nightly builds of RetroArch, and also double checked I have the latest DTP Shader Preset pack as well as the latest HSM Mega Bezel pack to no avail. I did found that changing the mask type from 6 to any other number in shader settings solves the issue and the content displays in its natural colors, however this obviously changes the mask type which I think is less than ideal. Below are some examples:

Dreamcast/Atomiswave content on Flycast with and without green tint

The strangest thing, though, is that when this tint/bug is triggered, every other content in every other core with previously applied presets display the same green tint, even the Atomiswave ones, even when not using any of the PVM/Arcade presets, and even reapplying their corresponding presets. Restarting RetroArch solves this behaviour and the other content runs great again with their presets previously applied or newly applied. Some examples:

Other content with same green tint

Some basic information on my system, I’m using vulkan driver with a GTX 980 4GB vram and a 1080p monitor.

So, most likely I’m overlooking some specific setting or missed something else, and although there is a workaround I find it not convenient. Any help or input would be much appreciated and thank you very much in advance!

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You’re welcome and welcome to Libretro Forums @Yogurtcito!

Have you tried toggling the mask layout as mentioned below and in the (very long and extensive) first post of this thread?

CyberLab Slot Mask is aka CyberLab Ultimate Virtual Slot Mask 1P2RTA .

While users are free to try or use any presets they wish the above are the ones I’ve used, tested and recommended for use with the aforementioned consoles at the time of writing.

These recommendations can use an update so I should be adding some more presets to the list in the near future.

With Dreamcast, I recommend running at native resolution. I’m no expert on Dreamcast/Naomi/Atomiswave emulation though.

There’s nothing wrong with trying another mask type if it works better. Mask 5, 6 and 7 are all Aperture Grill masks with different variations to cover different situations.

Try changing the Mask Layout first though.

Also, is your computer outputting RGB 4:4:4 to your monitor?

Hello all:

I play my retro games primarily (almost exclusively) on my laptop display, which is a 16:10 1440p GSYNC display. (2560 x 1600)

I defaulted to using the 1440p presets for this reason, but I have skimmed a lot of the results here and noticed that many of the coolest combos for most realistic results come from presets that only seem to exist for either 1080p and 4k.

Am I better off setting my RA resolution to 1080p and using those presets? I am assuming that the 4k would be useless for obvious reasons.

If yes, would there by any other changes I would need to make so that things scale or display properly, such as aperture scale/size etc.? Thanks.

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Greetings @MetaRidley42,

Are you sure about this? It’s very possible that the highest quality results might be achievable from some of my more mature and stable offerings and the newer offerings might be more experimental in nature.

Take my console specific presets for example. Some are actually identical to the presets in the main preset parent folder but they’re just copied and renamed in order to make it easier for users to match preset with console.

Hmmm…I don’t think you should use a resolution that doesn’t scale evenly on your screen. It might be best to stick to 1440p (2560 x 1600 in your case). You can use any preset at any resolution however, the Mask Type, sizes, overall sharpness and brightness may not translate well from 4K or 1080p Optimized presets to 1440o presets.

So you might have to use different Mask and Sharpness settings to achieve similar results.

I don’t currently have a 1440p screen with RetroArch setup to properly test new 1440p presets currently.

Back in the day, I used to run my 4K screen at 1440p and 1080p in order to develop and test those presets.

This won’t work anymore now that I develop things down to the “phosphor” level. I would need to “see” properly for me to do proper development and testing.

Especially with things like Slot Mask presets, I’ll definitely need to be able to see how things look and line up natively for me to do things in the best possible way.

What do you really think you’re missing out on though? What consoles/systems do you emulate?

Sharing some screenshots as well as photos of the screen might actually be a good way to assist me in seeing how things look today.

That’s an easy way in which you can help further the development of some more 1440p presets.

If you look at my MBZ_3_STANDARD_FULL_REFLECTIONS folder, you’ll see that I recently updated my @Soqueroeu-TV Backgrounds CyberLab Special Edition Presets with 1440p as well as 1080p Optimized presets.

Don’t forget that you can use my shader presets with my custom CyberLab Blargg NTSC Video Filter presets as well as the core supplied Blargg NTSC Video Filters.

So in other words, what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t be missing out on much when it comes to quality by using 1440p Optimized presets at 1440p resolution.

Yes, there are less options available but at least it might be less confusing.

In my last tests I’ve always admired how close the 1440p Optimized offerings looked compared to my 4K_Optimized offerings.

Feel free to chime in with some screenshots and let’s see if there’s anything more specific that I can assist you with when it comes to improving your experience.

Thanks for the reply.

I am definitely the type to dabble in most different systems, and my preference is to set it at one preset, as if I was using the same TV for various systems, and leave it there. I understand and definitely appreciate that some of the presets are tweaked for other systems, that’s just my preference. Mostly I have been using the composite pure 1440P preset for pretty much everything.

There are some exceptions, for example I like using the computer monitor smooth preset for both arcade games on FB Neo, as well as Dreamcast games on Flycast.

The presets that specifically got my attention that I seemingly can’t use on 1440p were the slot mask presets, most of my actual CRTs over the years that I’ve used were slot masks of one form or another, so that looks very familiar to me. That was the most obvious preset group that seemed to be present in 1080P as well as 4K but missing from 1440P.

However, don’t take this to mean that I am demanding they be developed for 1440P, especially given all your hard work on what are certainly much more common resolutions, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing an easy way to do it.

A couple of questions though if you don’t mind:

If you look at my MBZ_3_STANDARD_FULL_REFLECTIONS folder, you’ll see that I recently updated my @Soqueroeu-TV Backgrounds CyberLab Special Sections Presets with 1440p as well as 1080p Optimized presets.

I was not aware of the section, I recently updated both the mega bezels shaders (or at least I think I did) by doing an update slang shaders command from within retroarch. I also downloaded your very recent update of the presets and install that today as well. However, when I attempted to select any of the presets in this folder that I quoted you above, it says that retroarch had an error and cannot apply those presents. I may be dense here, but is there another piece of the puzzle I’m missing to try those out?

Don’t forget that you can use my shader presets with my custom CyberLab Blargg NTSC Video Filter presets as well as the core supplied Blargg NTSC Video Filters.

Definitely going to try this. I think that after some adjustment (disabling the video intro, as well as changing the slot mast mask type slightly) on the composite pure setting, the NSTC filter could put it over the edge to be the one that I stick with and use for most systems. In order to use your custom video filter presets, do they need to be downloaded and installed in the retroarch folders the same way as the general presets? And is the proper way to apply the shader as a preset for the system or globally first, and then change the filter settings? I’ve never dabbled with video filters before, so that specific step would be new to me.

Finally, just as a general curiosity, would you say that your presets are designed to be used without any sort of curvature adjustment or setting? I constantly go back-and-forth on which I think looks better, curvature feels like I’m playing the original system and CRT, but I do appreciate the pure linearity/geometry of playing without any adjustment as if on a flat screen.

Any recommendations as to what settings to change in order to get the best overall curvature setting if so? Last time I went into the shader settings I recall that there were a bunch of curvature options such as 2D, 3D, and several other settings that I wasn’t sure about the differences between.

As always, thanks so much for your hard work.

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Unfortunately when you have additional variables to consider for example how the display’s subpixel structure aligns with the Mask “phosphors” as well as the fact that different systems, even when hooked up to the same Composite input of the same TV for example, would produce vastly different outputs in terms of signal quality and sharpness, if you only focus on emulating the TV, you’re missing a significant portion of the equation and experience.

That’s what I tried to do here. Besides that some systems or even games just look better with different Mask styles.

Back in the day, we probably didn’t have that luxury so we played on whatever TV we had and we enjoyed it but now that we have the technology at our fingertips if we wanted to go beyond that we could.

One size fits all definitely does not work for NES and SNES. If you make the best preset for SNES and you tried to use that on an NES core, it might end up extremely oversaturated and dark.

Regular NES, SNES and Turbo Duo Composite output were all relatively clean and sharp, while Genesis, not so much but that enhanced dithering and produced nice colours and transparency effects.

If you used a preset that was optimized for SNES on Genesis, you might miss out on those things.

While if you used a preset optimized for Genesis, you might get all of those goodies on Genesis while having readable text but that same preset used on Turbo Duo might yield illegible text and an image not becoming of the Turbo Duo.

This was an autocorrect typo, it should’ve been “CyberLab Special Edition”.

From the long and extensive first post of this thread:

These video filters are now available in the latest nightly build of RetroArch. They have been renamed however. You’ll know them by the words “Blargg”, “Custom” and “Psuedo” in the filenames.

I don’t use curvature mainly because the way it’s implemented in shaders doesn’t look like how I remember games looking, even on curved screens. I get headaches very quickly when I look at the fishbowl scrolling and bent status bar text and other stuff like that.

Most of my Soqueroeu-TV CyberLab Special Edition presets have mild curvature applied.

I haven’t used them so long and some parameters might have changed in the past few months. The first thing to do might be to look for the [Curvature] Section in the Shader Parameters and set it to 2D (probably 1).

You can run into some issues when using curvature such as reduced performance as well as a higher chance of seeing moire patterns on the screen.

Tweaking it should be fairly simple, there a setting to determine how much the curvature of the screen follows the curvature of the bezel.

You’re most welcome.

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New issue (not trying to hijack this whole topic, just something I ran into now in real time):

My entire retroarch.exe crashes/freezes then crashes whenever trying to launch any content with a video filter option enabled.

I can select a filter option in RA without a core loaded, but then launching any core + content yields the same result.

Obviously others are able to use the shader + filter stack, so does anyone have any ideas as to what other settings might be causing this?

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You might need to provide some more information for example game, core, internal resolution e.t.c. If you can enable logging and post a log that might also help.

Do know that not all cores support the video filter presets. Some cores have them built-in so you should have no problem using the bult-in ones.

The ones I made were tested with Genesis Plus GX, PicoDrive, Beetle PCE, Beetle SuperGrafx, I think I might have also tested them with SNES 9X.

I recently tested with Beetle PSX but I couldn’t see a difference.

Please be a little more specific as to which shader preset, which video filter preset and which core you’re trying to use.

Try loading the Core with no shader, then loading the filter, then saving the filter setting as a Core Override, then the next time you load the core the filter will be automatically loaded. Then load the Shader and see.

It could be a VRAM issue. A log might definitely help.