CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

I think I found a good preset now for arcade games. And I was able to combine it with the Duimon cabinet shader. Did indeed go into the shader parameters to tweak just a few things. I’m happy, thanks Duimon and Cyber.

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I’m glad you did!

This I wouldn’t mind seeing!

Feel free to share so that others may benefit.

You’re most welcome. You can start with the Console Specific Presets for the consoles if you want a good starting point.

Hi. This may be a bit off topic, but since you made a new shader for Higan, how do you download the higan core? I’m using 1.10.3 and the Higan core hasn’t been availiable for download for a while now. Are you using an older RetroArch version or a backup of the core?

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I’ve had that Higan core for a long while now. Don’t know what’s the most appropriate way to get it currently. I’ve recently developed a corresponding set of presets for BSNES with Blur Emulation turned on and have switched to that core as well.

Here are some examples using those presets from my new Le’Sarsh folder.


Could you maybe zip your core and upload it so we can download it from this thread?

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I don’t know if that would be appropriate. I’d have to run it by @hunterk, @Tatsuya79 or @HyperspaceMadness first before I do something like that.

I wouldn’t want to infringe on any copyrights or licenses nor the intentions or wishes of the author.

Perhaps they might also be able to suggest an appropriate method of acquiring the core?

Just out of curiosity. How come you prefer to jump through hoops to get that one instead of using the still supported and better performing BSNES core?

It’s fine, no biggie. It’d be the same as if they built it from here, AFAIK:

OTOH, I don’t think there’s much/any reason to continue using it vs bsnes, which is why we stopped building it.

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I always found it strange that it was so hard to get older, unsupported cores directly from Libretro/RetroArch sources. I heard about some crash some time ago but I wondered afterwards if it might be intentional and for good reason.

Apart from the Color Emulation which I don’t know why isn’t one of the Core Options in BSNES, I really don’t see much of an advantage to using the old Higan core.

Does the regular BSNES core do Super GameBoy Emulation as well?

Ah sorry I didn’t know about that. I barely have any knowledge about copyright and licenses and stuff. I just wanted to try it out since you made shaders specifically for this core, since I thougth the result might be a bit different then when using the shader with bsnes or snes9x for example. My apologies if this is against the copyright or online license.

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It’s just because we update the cores constantly (sometimes multiple times per day, and sometimes the cores are >100MB each) and it’s just not feasible to keep all of those builds of >150 cores around.

AFAIK, color emulation doesn’t do a whole lot for SNES. I think it restricts the color range slightly at the edges to mimic a TV’s RGB range or something…? It was mainly a big deal in higan for NES games, since it applied the RAW palette, IIRC.

And yeah, new bsnes core does SGB.

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Yes, the normal bsnes core has support for Super Game Boy. I think you also need a BIOS to set it up properly.

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I made the new shader presets for BSNES Blur Emulation specifically for people who don’t have access to Higan and it should provide a similar if not superior experience to my Console Specific Higan preset.

I also wanted to take advantage of Run-Ahead and better latency and performance provided by the more up to date core. Have you tried these yet? They’re relatively new. I most likely won’t be continuing to update and develop my older Higan Blur and Color Emulation presets going forward because I have switched to the BSNES core for SNES Emulation.

So try the new CyberLab SNES Composite Slot Mask IV OLED for BSNES Blur Emulation preset with Blur Emulation on. There are 2 flavours. Le’Sarsh and the regular 4K_Optimized. If you don’t have an OLED TV, just flip the Mask Layout to 0.

Are you using a 4K Screen? The Le’Sarsh 4K_Optimized Slot_Mask presets also look great at 1440p while the Aperture Grill Presets also look great at 1080p!

Here’s the link for the Higan Core:

This looks interesting:


There is a reddit of somebody showing a few more.

There is also an article in PCMag


9 posts were split to a new topic: Mega Bezel on M1 Macs

Heh, yeah, definitely not by/for Windows. I’ve been all-linux for almost 20 yrs now.

That said, the error appears to just be a regular ol’ installation problem. Make sure the mega bezel shaders RetroArch comes with work first and then try to add Cyber’s presets to that.


There is a question to consult. The effects you posted are very good, but the picture feels dark. In the impression, the actual CRT display should be much brighter. Do you need to adjust in the default file to achieve a better display effect?

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What are you judging this based on? Pictures posted in the forums or actually using the presets?

Which presets do you find seem dark?

Depending on how your TV/Display is setup they might appear different for you. Either you can adjust your TV/Display or you can adjust the settings in the preset to suit your liking and/equipment.

If you wish for them to be brighter you can increase the Gamma_C. You can also increase different brightness parameters in the shader parameters. You can adjust Post-CRT-Brightness, use more Bloom, Glow, Halation, lower Mask Strength, change the Scanline Type, lower Saturation e.t.c.

Better is subjective. What’s better for you may be worse for someone else.

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It can be seen through the real TV effect and your preset comparison.

What’s your point? If you want to make presets brighter, you’re free to brighten them in any way you choose.

I really don’t need to see a photo of anything. You can’t see what I see. I make these for myself first for use on my TV and they look the way I want on my TV.

Am I supposed to use that overexposed, desaturated, out of focus, highly compressed photo as some sort of reference or something? Don’t do this. I answered your question already.