Yeah it was a lot of information but unfortunately the phone screenshots don’t seem to be full resolution so they aren’t that useful, sorry. I’ll see if I can capture some of these effects directly on the device better.
Have you tried my NES_N64 or Sharp presets? Also my 3D Comb Filter and S-Video Presets?
Lastly have you tried my Fine presets? Particularly the new ones in my miniLED Preset Pack? miniLED as in made on a miniLED display not made for miniLED.
I have not. I need to try out some of your other options for sure. Thank you for the recommendations.
My streaming setup works perfectly as intended with HDR & megatron reshade currently. I just need to figure out how to change the peak nit parameter based on device in the reshade preset to account for screen differences between the OLED TV & M13(??) OLED panel on the S25 Ultra.
I don’t see anything inside of the megatron shader params specific to beam size. Is there a shader you’re referring to here that you could recommend?
I would definitely be very interested in what you’d currently recommend on this topic & any future improvements you could make.
Apologies, you are correct, i was talking about increasing the scanline gaps.
If I focused on one thing that I want to solve it would be, related to this, getting a BVM style shader that works with the a retroarch core internal resolution being cranked up to something like 8x 4k resolution on PSP, but showing the scan lines as if they were on a native resolution input of 1x 480x272 px.
Basically if I rendered it at native resolution I already know my current shader would look great. But how can I upscale internally, and have the same style of scanlines & scanline gaps, even if we have subpixels that are technically higher resolution?
I think Obsolete’s solution may be interesting because it does use a shader that takes an input resolution, but I haven’t found anything like that for HDR screens
Extra though: I do wonder if this could be accomplished by using some sort downscale faking shader, but I don’t know what the shader possibilities here are
Thank you very much both of you for engaging in these lengthy posts!