CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

Yes at that screen size i.e. without maximizing the screen space utilization, I have the same result. I’m using the exact version of shaders and core settings.

Ok, I’ll check the setting.

So the conclusion is that the image won’t enlarge at all without massive cropping due to 480p steps in Dreamcast games?

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If you want integer scale yes.

But since you seem to be happy without strong scanlines then you don’t need integer scale. Integer scale is really only needed when getting artifacts from uneven scanlines.

So if you see horizontal lines that you don’t like like you were getting in the first place just reduce the interlace trigger res. When the trigger res is met it goes into one of the interlaced modes, and the default interlace mode just removes all the scanlines.


Citatblok One that comes to mine is the scanline and mask alignment and interaction with your display’s RGB subpixel arrangement being less than optimal for the mask settings that I’m using in some of my presets.

I think it has something to do with the way the shader handles vertical alignment. With so many layers of operations going on, It is (as you say) sensitive to changes. Factor in the addition of so many things that happens automatically in regards to resolution scale and so forth.

Citatblok I have no idea what this setting does as I’ve never used it.

It was a solution recommended by c9f5fdda06. That way you still maintain correct aspect ratio, even when making screen space bigger, since it still relies on integer scaling - most people want this, so not to warp the picture, hence get the correct and authentic image.

Citatblok Is it that you’re seeing these anomolies with the Integer Scale Mode set to 1? I’m asking this because I’m seeing the bezel and reflections in your vertical pics whereas before we were advising you of settings that would disable the Bezel then allow you to expand the display area.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any “easy” option to just disable the bezel. If you look at my horizontal games, they also have a side bezel. I’m fine the way the horizontal games look. Getting the vertical games to behave, and still look correct, with larger screenspace, and still use the shader settings is not an easy thing to do.

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I don’t think my GFX card has any say in this particular problem.

I will try and upload an image taken from within RA.


What follows is a couple of examples of the anomaly regarding the vertical allignment of the shaders. I have included both a vertical and a horizontal game for reference, both games from the same core, and same system (CPS II). From what I can gather, the anomaly seems to do with “Rotate CRT Tube” = 1 in combination with “Int Scale Multiple Offset” = 0. Other “Int Scale Multiple Offset” values are ok.

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I used the solution presented by c9f5fdda06

Retroarch Settings:

  • Settings > Video > Scaling > Integer Scale = Off
  • Settings > Video > Scaling > Integer Overscale = Off (up to your setup)
  • Settings > Video > Scaling > Aspect Ratio = Full

HSM Settings:

  • Int Scale Mode - Off | ShortAxies | BothAxes = 1
  • Int Scale Multiple Offset = 1

It looks beautiful with only the side bezel showing (and a little at the bottom and top). But do know that vertical games e.g. DoDonPachi, 19xx, Battle Garegga etc. will take some adjustments to show properly. I’m still trying to find a viable solution with help from the guys in here.

The below image retains full integer scaling with correct scanline adjustments, and no pixel shimmering etc. (Taken with a cell phone)

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In my testing using my Performance-No Reflections Presets, when I turn the Global Graphics Brightness down to 0 everything except the game image (viewport) disappears.

There’s another simple method to disable the Bezel and Background Graphics:

Set Opacity to 0 for “Bezel General”, “Frame” and “Background”.

You can also use the Viewport Zoom feature to resize your gameplay area since you’re having some issues with using the non-integer scale % method.

I don’t know much about this but you can try rotating the mask and scanlines if things don’t look right when in vertical mode. Someone else might have to point you in the right direction as to how to do this properly.

In all of the incorrect picture, good alignment images the mask and scanlines are incorrectly oriented. Set them back to the original orientation and you might be fine. Do not allow the mask and scanlines to rotate with the viewport. They are designed to match you displays RGB subpixel arrangement as best as possible on any given display.

Maybe it’s time to get a monitor stand and Tate that entire display or maybe add a second one in permanent Tate mode!

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Not here. Only the brightness around the bezel tones down. The bezel itself is still on the screen, surrounding the viewport.

The other settings don’t do anything for me. The bezel is still visible only without brightness.

The reason I don’t use viewport is because it messes with the scanlines.

I think this may be the area I should look in, but alas, that may be a bit over my head.

Nah, that might be a bit much for me.

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Super, and how do I do this? :slight_smile:

HyperspaceMadness Maybe you would know? :slight_smile:

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So masks do not rotate with the screen, The scanlines do rotate with the screen, so by default if you rotate the screen of an fbneo game like 1943 then you will have vertical scanlines.

When you talk about vertical alignment do you mean that the game screen isn’t the same height?

If this is what you want then you will want to use integer scale mode 0 – which is non-integer scale-- then the screen will stay the same height when you change between horizontal and vertical. You can always bring up the resolution info to see how close you are to an integer multiple.

For vertical games you may want to try setting the scanline direction to vertical which is what you would have seen in the arcade.


Maybe you are talking about the reflection around the screen which appears in the bezel area? If you want to get rid of this you can set the global reflection amount to 0. Or you can use a no reflection preset since you don’t want the reflection.

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This is what happens when I lower the Global Graphics Brightness:

I just tested this using my CyberLab__Composite-Sharp__PVM-Edition__ADV as well as my CyberLab__Composite-Sharp__1080p__PVM-Edition__ADV presets.

Are you using my latest shader preset pack? A few versions back I noticed that I overwrote the Performance-No Reflections presets with the Advanced-Full Reflections presets but I subsequently fixed that.

I will have to do some more internal testing of these issues you’re still having and see if I can come up with an optimal solution.

Exactly, so how does one rotate the mask?

No. I mean that the game would be played on a vertical monitor in the arcades aka the way it is supposed to be played. As Cyber mentioned before when he spoke of “Tate” mode.

Not necessary, as you already mentioned above, FBN does this itself, and it is not the scanlines that are the problem i’d reckon, it is the masks.

Frankly I think that it would be easier to create an entirely new shader dedicated to vertical games. I have seen other creators do this in the past.

I’d hate having to go back to CRT-Royale-XM29 because these shaders look great on horizontal games, but it kinda sucks big time when every vertical game is unplayable.

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That may be it. I’m using the 13-01-22. I’ll try the newest pack.

Right now, doing what you are doing above has zero effect here on the bezel, other than brightness.


The newest update fixed the bezel “problem”, and not only that. The vertical games now work without fucking up the colors/saturation. :+1:

I don’t know what was wrong with the previous release, but I’ll stick with this one now. Thanks everyone for the help. :slight_smile:

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Sorry no, this is specifically the scanline direction, not the mask

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Maybe, or maybe just a little patience might be needed. I’m glad you’ve brought these things to my attention and I’ll definitely be looking into some possible solutions when I get a chance. Things are a bit hectic for me these days but now that my presets are at this point where I really like the way they look in so many different regards, this gives me something else to work on.

In an arcade monitor in Tate mode since the entire screen is rotated both the mask and scanlines would’ve rotated together. This is not what is happening here. It should be possible to simply create a rotated mask pattern for vertical games. From what I understand, Lottes is based on a rotated shadow mask pattern so this type of thing has been done before.

HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader instructions says to disable Allow Rotation in FBNeo. Same for Integer Scale and Aspect Ratio (by setting it to Full). This is to allow HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader to handle these functions internally and in some instances automagically.

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Look at my previous post. It works now. I don’t know what, but maybe something was wrong with the previous release of you shaders in context to vertical games.

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Oh really? That’s great! May I see some pics so that my mind can be at ease if you don’t mind?

Remember these things are constantly being worked on and perfected so as time goes on there will be things that might be earmarked for improvement that will be improved over the course of time.

I’m glad that fixed your vertical issue without me even playing a single vertical game in FB Neo. That suggests something positive about the underlying structure of the mask and scanline patterns. I hand tweaked them both.

I also inadvertently fixed hi-res Dreamcast/Naomi/Atomiswave games in Flycast as well as some anomalies with PS1 games just by continuing to work on and generally improve my presets from the foundation of proper mask and scanlines appearance. Now do yourself a favour and go and take a look at those RGB “phosphor” triads glowing then disappearing as you move further away from the screen!

Keep me posted as to any other developments!

Sure. Here are some shots of DoDonPachi and 19xx.

The reason you see the top and bottom bezel on DoDonPachi is because the “Int Scale Multiple Offset” is at 0. The viewport is big enough for me, so I don’t change it here.

For 19xx on the other hand, I enable “Int Scale Multiple Offset” to 1 because the viewport is to small if I don’t. That’s also why you can see that a little of the top and bottom of the game screen is actually cut off.

The reason I use “Int Scale Multiple Offset” as opposed to viewport, is that it maintains correct aspect ratio, and the scanlines+mask is properly displayed. This is very important to me as I wanna play as close to intended as possible.

I will continue to mess a little around seeing if I can get the screen to fit just perfectly with “Int Scale Multiple Offset” set to 1, but it is a rather small problem. :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work. It is appreciated. :slight_smile:

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I would think that viewport zoom would also maintain proper aspect ratio and proper scanline and mask behaviour. I think the larger you go, the less likely you are to run into issues with scanline spacing and stuff like that.

Those screenshots look great though!!

I appreciate the appreciation! I’m glad you like my presets and HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader!

This is a great way to celebrate 12,000+ views and hundreds, if not thousands of downloads in the 2 months since I made this thread!

I’m a bit confused, the mask looks rotated to me.


Maybe I’m wrong and @guest.r is already rotating the masks when his tate mode is on which is what I set with the scanline direction…