my man Cyber, it’s been an education.
I will no doubt continue to read up and keep an eye out for w/e you put out in future releases.
you got a patreon or somethn?
peace bro
my man Cyber, it’s been an education.
I will no doubt continue to read up and keep an eye out for w/e you put out in future releases.
you got a patreon or somethn?
peace bro
No problem.
No, just enjoy the contributions of those who have freely given of their time and hard work.
I think RetroArch/Libretro has one though.
Same to you sir.
Tried searching for this online to get a better understanding but could’t find anythn regarding the topic. Is this somethn I need to have a better understanding about or just somethn technical for creators?
Again, wasn’t really sure about this section. Hoping you could put it into terms of whether it’s somethn to get a grip on or ‘disregard, this part is not for you’ lol
Lastly, On some of the bezels where the actual gameplay screen becomes very small, is that something wrong in my setup? I took a look at the Retro Crisis video. I followed the set up detailed below
just curious if there’s somethn I overlooked? or if tht’s the intended size on tht particular bezel/shader and if it’s not my particular taste, just move on.
Happy Holidays to you and yours brother.
This is in the NES Emulator’s Core Options. It’s kinda important. If you use a different palette then your NES games’ colours are going to look different from my screenshots but I guess it isn’t so bad in my newer presets because I don’t really do anything to alter the colors so they’re basically neutral. NES games colours can look very different depending on the chosen colour palette.
This is something I learned the hard way when I was using a lower end 4K TV that couldn’t do RGB 4:4:4 at 60Hz. I was advised to use that particular mask because it was supposedly more accurate for 4K displays but it looked completely wrong on my TV. Other mask combinations looked wrong on that TV as well.
So if you don’t understand what that is about, don’t worry about it unless you think something doesn’t look right. I preferred my mask 6, size 2 to mask 12 size 1 anyway because of the slightly higher TVL.
Do remember when you’re reading that first post that it’s in reverse chronological order so the most up to date, relevant and important information would be at the top, while older stuff is at the bottom. What I would recommend is that you just stick with or start with whatever presets I currently use. That’s not to say that the older ones are any less awesome looking though, especially my Aperture Grill Presets (The ones that don’t say Slot Mask or Computer Monitor).
For me to properly answer that, I might need to see a screenshot. You can either press F8 or go to Quick Menu, Take Screenshot.
You might need to use IrfanView to downsize the image if it’s larger than 4MB to share or an image hosting site like imgur or imgbb.
I would also need to know what screen resolution you’re running and the exact filename of the preset in question.
Thanks and many happy returns!
You put me on the spot quick there. Not sure if this is the best example. I feel like I might have come across something tht displayed smaller than this earlier. Not tryna waste your time, I went back and looked at your screenshots of SNES, and I think this picture I sent conveys what I was describing with the last post.
Res: 1080 although I’ve noticed sometimes I can run the 4K pack and they look great.
I def want to play these games at the integer scale they’re meant to be played. I’m not looking for a 16:9 scale for my retro games.
In regards to the rest of your responses, 10-4.
Can you double check and make sure that these settings are setup like this and that you saved your configuration?
Also, how does it look when you try one of my newer Console Specific Presets or my Composite Pure, Composite Sharp or Arcade Sharp presets (in the 1080p_Optimized folder of course)?
Checked. All good.
I will check rn. Got a good suggestion for filter to pair with these?
The suggestions are built right into the filenames. If you see “For Core Blargg” in the filenames then you should pair that preset with the Blargg S-Video, RGB preset (or Composite if you don’t mind the excessive artifacts) that’s built into the Core Options of the NES or Genesis Core you’re using.
If you see “For CyberLab Blargg”, then you can do the same but using my Custom Blargg NTSC Video Filter Presets that you installed in the Video Filters Folder.
The screen shouldn’t be so small though, I’ll have to double check and see if it’s something that I can reproduce. One thing that might help that is going into Shader Parameters and changing Integer Scale Mode to 1 if it’s on 2.
If it’s already on 1, you can try increasing the Integer Scale Offset.
Then you just Save and Save Core Preset.
If that doesn’t work you can try Integer Scale Mode 0.
One more thing. Be sure you’re using Mega Bezel V1.6.3_2022-11-23 if you’re using the latest version of my Shader Preset Pack.
This is my last list of recommendations. A bit outdated but still relevant to a certain extent.
Dreamcast - CyberLab Slot Mask, CyberLab Computer Monitor Smooth
Hey guys. Wondering if someone could help.
Installed as per instructions but no matter which Bezel I try, the colors are way off (almost a green tint to everything). Is there a setting I have missed or have I done something wrong?
Screenshot attached of white background to show you how bad it is.
Which particular preset from which folder are you seeing this with? What resolution are you running?
It’s very possible that you might have missed the part where you have to toggle the Mask Layout in the shader parameters and choose the setting that looks best on your screen 0 or 1 then save a Core or Game Preset.
It’s also possible that you’re trying to use a preset that uses Mask 12 or Mask 6 size 1 with a display that either doesn’t support RGB 4:4:4 Colour Format or it isn’t enabled on your display or graphics driver properties.
Also, if you share your display make and model, that might help as well.
Below is my last list of recommendations, a bit outdated but still relevant to a certain extent.
Dreamcast - CyberLab Slot Mask, CyberLab Computer Monitor Smooth
I’m now really wondering what could be causing that green time because if it were any of the issues listed above, it shouldn’t show up in a GPU screenshot.
Are you using the latest RetroArch and is your HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader version matching my CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset version?
Greetings again @MIKEBLK,
Seeing that you’re using my 1080p_Optimized presets and somewhere along the line there might have been somethings that might have went wrong and need addressing. Feel free to try CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack V1.5.0_17-11-22 along with HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader V1.5.0 or even CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack V1.4.2_09-10-22 along with HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader V1.4.2.
Be sure to delete or backup the old folders first. Don’t overwrite when switching versions like this.
V1.4.2 and I think V1.5.0 were the last ones I tested on a native 1080p display.
Don’t think that they are outdated and of any lower quality than the newer stuff.
You can try those and let me know if you’re having the same issues.
Many times I update just to keep things looking the same due to changes in the underlying Shader.
Due to requests, I had included many more presets in my 1080p Optimized Folder trying to bring them more in line with my 4K_Optimized folder which is what I primarily use.
The issue seemed to be tht I was using BSNES_HD. When I switched to BSNES it seemed to have corrected the issue. I didn’t have a lot of time last night to play with it but I’ll mess with it later today and report back. For now, disregard my final post as a non issue.
Thanks very much for testing and reporting back.
I would say it’s very relevant as it provides a heads up for other BSNES_HD users. Anything that messes with the aspect ratio or scale can interfere with HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader because it handles all of these things internally. If you want to give that control back to external sources, you can switch the Aspect Ratio Setting in Shader Parameters to Full.
So you can try that and see if your BSNES_HD works better. You can even set a discrete aspect ratio there or leave Mega Bezel Reflection Shader on Full and use the RetroArch Aspect Ratio and Scaling Settings as you might have done before setting up HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader.
Hey Cyber,
While my post was being authorized, I managed to find the following, which is my exact issue:
So, as mentioned by Yogurtcito, the color is fine if I use any mask type apart from the default 6. And also, as experienced by him, changing mask layout from 1 to 0 produces a blue tint.
Output to my monitor is RGB 4:4:4
This happens with all the presets. I used Notepad++ to change default mask type to 5 to all the presets and tested. It is fine this way.
Regarding your question about version, I am on the latest Retroarch and all the packs were downloaded and installed just yesterday. So I am assuming they should all match up?
This is interesting. What display do you have by the way? Did you try the 3 presets I recommended for Dreamcast games?
I would like to try to get to the bottom of this if you don’t mind continuing to pursue.
Mask 5 is a black and white mask unfortunately.
Does this happen on all cores? Is your display calibrated in any way? Are you using a custom or 3rd party colour profile in Windows?
Perhaps a clean graphics driver reinstall might be something you could try.
RetroArch can be updated to the latest version but HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader Versions should match the version of my preset pack being used.
This issue might be one that @guest.r or @HyperspaceMadness might want to follow up on. Any ideas?
Am all in
Have tried this on my monitor (HP 25mx) as well as my 4k LCD Television. Same green tint issue.
Sorry, but do you mind if I ask what that means? The B&W comment I mean. As mentioned earlier, I’ve even tried 7, up to 12 and all of them display color perfectly. It is weirdly just no. 6 that has the green tint.
I actually went ahead and downgraded by Mega Bezel Pack to 1.6.3 to match your pack. Deleted latest and copied this version across.
Same issue.
Yea, my bad, didn’t think of the ones that would stick with the HD core. I was more than happy to move everything over to BSNES and I gotta say not only did it fix the aspect ratio issues I was having but damn, everything just pops now. Night and day.
I’m gna make those adjustments you suggested on the HD core and get back to you in the event tht helps anyone down the line.
Well you should probably stick with the standard BSNES now that you’ve come upon an entire new system of doing things and you can leave the old ways behind because it truly is an experience on another level.
Do remember to turn on Blur in the Core Options if using Console Specific Presets with “For BSNES Blur Emulation” in the name.
Another thing you can try if your GPU can handle it is to enable DSR or VSR in your Graphics Card Control Panel then set your desktop resolution to 4K and use my 4K_Optimized presets.
It wouldn’t be subpixel level accurate as with many of my 1080p_Optimized presets but it should look really nice and give you an alternative look and presentation.
Now that I have MBZ__1__Advance and MBZ__3__Standard Presets it should be easier than ever to run at 4K.
If running at 4K and sitting close to your monitor, you might find that my Le’Sarsh_4K_Optimized might be a nice fit for SNES games due to the slightly softer look. This is actually closer to a JVC-D series TV for my Slot_Mask presets.
My regular 4K_Optimized presets look better to me from a distance on a larger screen so that you can still see and feel the CRT Effect.
Do experiment with my IV OLED Presets and the Mask Layout option. That’s really supposed to match the RGB subpixel order of your display. Some are RGB, while others are BGR. I just said use whichever one looks better for casual user’s sake.
Okay great. In that case it would be a great help if you could provide a couple examples including the full names of the presets and folders used and also the core along with everything else you have provided so that I can quickly load up the same game/core/preset at the same resolution to see if I see the same issues occurring on my end.
It means reinstallng your graphics card driver with the option checked to perform a clean install automatically or manually uninstall then reinstall graphics card driver instead of simply installing over the old driver.
Advanced users might even use Display Driver Uninstaller.
In other words, you’re starting from scratch where the display driver is concerned.
You can also backup your RetroArch installation and try a fresh installation and see if you’re still having the same issue.
So I tried a lot of the presets yesterday but can’t recall which ones (all green tint). The ones tried earlier today were:
CyberLab__Arcade-Sharp__1080p__PVM-Edition__ADV @ \RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\CyberLab\MBZ__0__Smooth-Advance_Full_Reflections\1080p_Optimized_Presets
CyberLab__Ultimate_Virtual_Slot_Mask_CRT-1P2RTA__ADV @ same as above
CyberLab__RGB-Sharp__1080p__PVM-Edition__ADV @ same as above
CyberLab__RGB-Smooth__1080p__PVM-Edition__ADV @ same as above
Core: Flycast Core settings - > Video - > Internal Resolution tried both 640x480 and 1440x1080
Sorry, I knew exactly what you meant by re-install drivers
I was asking about your comment on mask 5 being black and white.
With regards to re-installation of drivers, I actually did a clean install just last Sunday.
Btw, I tried a lot of the Mega Bezels from the Bezel folder and none of them had the green tint issue. Not sure if that means anything.