Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Here is a WIP on a new TV graphic.

It is entirely a thing of my imagination. The idea is to use it for systems like TyrQuake, PrBoom, etc.


excited to see the new colors whenever they are added to the repo! I meant to comment on the the tv bezels and how i liked the new additions. I could have sworn there were only 3 before, now there are like 6! I use them with ffmpeg core to watch game commercials/etc from my frontend, they look amazing with the hsm reflection. I use different ones depending on the year the console was “alive”. Really like the LEDS on those new ones.


Here is a WIP on your wish my friend.

The highly saturated yellow is the default color. Yellow is a great color to start with because it is almost impossible to get yellow when starting with another color, but the opposite is not true.

I think I have enough image layers to make the Nintendo Game Boy logo color also adjustable.

The rest of the work involves exporting separate layers and setting up the features in the preset. In some ways harder than the surgery on the graphic.


Oh this is nice! Looks like a candidate to replace the default carbon fiber background that I use.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “background” elements. The Neo Geo and Wonderswan bezels are visible in their entirety. If I reduce the integer scale, there is just more ofthe bezel visible as it gets smaller.

The same happens with Game Boy Color, but the here, the complete bezel is not scanned in. The gameboy bezel is just cut off at the top or bottom. Wouldn’t it be enough to have a complete gameboy Bezel and then zoom in? I think is is how it works with Neo Geo as well. If I increase the integer scale, the bezel is cut off obviously. But if I reduce it, the complete bezel is visible.

This is the only example of a handheld where I don’t use HSM / Duimon shader-bezels. The screen on this stick retroarch handheld preset is just perfect!

The off screen elements are the complete Game Boy bezel. They don’t exist in the graphic right now. I will have to create them.

I just happens that I have already done the Game Boy.

Although the above graphic is not the one being used right now.

The GBC is another story.

As is the GBA.

Nothing is “scanned in” here my friend. These are all created in vector, shape by shape… piece by piece.

Creating the missing elements will be no small undertaking. :innocent:


The color looks great Duimon, you did that pretty quick as usual! Guess the surgery wasn’t too bad? lol


Ah, and I have no doubt they will be beautiful! :star_struck: , they’ll really make it even more flexible now that the viewport scale is easy to use, and the mip-mapping gives a better scaled result.

Yeah @Duimon, this background is pretty nice makes me wonder if I should change from the carbon fiber…


Let me do a version with a more standard bezel and “Mega Bezel” in the LED’s. To see what it looks like.

I’m not sure straying too far from the default bezel is a good idea for a default. (But you are the boss.)


Yeah, I have only been working on it, off and on, for four or five hours. (Not the worst by any means.)

Here is another WIP.

And using some parameter changes.

It’s pretty close. :wink:

I may tweak the color of either the d-pad or the buttons. I am using an outdated method for the d-pad highlights, but I’m not sure I want to change it. (My OCD would force me to update several other graphics that are using the same method. :innocent:)

Also, the bezel highlight needs some tweaking, and I may darken the bezel a tad bit… :innocent:

I appreciate the opportunity to actually do some work on graphics. I have been up to my elbows in preset related things for what seems like a very long time. (And will be again today.)



I totally agree with this. Sometimes it’s good to have an easy choice for when you can’t make up your mind and the default carbon fibre background serves that purpose immensely. Out of all of the backgrounds it puts the focus completely on the game and reflection resulting in total immersion with no distraction whatsoever. I love it, even though it’s not a realistic representation of a TV. On my OLED TV it acts like an extension of the existing TV.

With that said using @Duimon’s new TV concept might make for more impressive screenshots as the real TV wouldn’t be included in those. If you do decide to change the default, my humble request would be to keep the current background available so that it can easily be switched back when needed.

One is great for function, while the other might be better for form. I find myself choosing the former over the latter in many instances.

That TV concept does make me want to customize my bezel thickness in a similar fashion to increase viewable area without losing the illusion though.


Before all the changes, we were able to change the paths for background image etc… Now, it add just the line for the changed parameter. Do i miss something ? ofc but what ?

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If I get this right it is the Simple Presets option being enabled.


Yes, and really you want to keep it this way and add only the paths you need.

Otherwise you are guaranteed for your presets to break at some point when a new release comes out which changes the shader chain. :skull_and_crossbones:


Those instructions are really outdated, from before the simple preset feature was added. The small change was to force RA to save a full preset. At the time this was the only instance when it would save a reference preset. This has changed.

I can give you a list of image layer names to use in your text editor.

@HyperspaceMadness Maybe we should include a list in the readme?


If anyone is using EditPlus as their text editor. I have a cliptext for it that has a lot of the Mega Bezel snippets in it.


As always, tks @Duimon @HyperspaceMadness and @Unparallell for the fast answers :+1:

so obvious but Too much fog in my brain :grin:


Yeah, I think some short directions and listing these would be a good addition


Here’s another WIP on the Game Boy DMG-01.

I darkened the bezel and tweaked the bezel highlight. I also made some small adjustments to the action buttons.

Of course you can get the original color if you want.

Although the design is a bit different than the DMG. :grin:

I will be adding this to the repo and it will be included with the preset fixes I will be doing today.