Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Although I think it maybe does show on the black edge now that I think of it. Here is what I get when I adjust the opacity of the diffuse image.

Although it feels like the image gets lighter as I decrease the opacity. I haven’t had much experience with the diffuse image parameters.

This is using the “Black” setting on the image. Let me try the “Transparent”.


Yeah you don’t want to reduce the opacity, you will start to see the Macintosh case, really we would need to do something like you mention with the gel over black edge thing I think


I think it may be buggy, unless I have another setting that is messing with it.

Edit: Deleted the images to save forum space.

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There is no alpha channel in the black image I am using but let me try pre-multiplying it anyway.

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Doh! Of course I am. Thanks for pulling my head up out of the water. :grin:

I didn’t realize the diffuse opacity affected the CRT screen as a whole.


I think I’ve got something going with showing the black edge area as black or showing the diffuse image:

Edge is Black

Edge shows Diffuse Image

There’s obviously an issue with the overly sharp bright reflection on the inner edge of the bezel that needs to be fixed. It’s the same issue we saw with when the black edge is not shown over the colored gel.


is potato mode still broken? or no longer relevant due to shader improvements in the other modes?


Most of the Potato should work fine. You will need to be using both the current shader and my current repo.

They are still very relevant! :grin:

But you should give the STD and Lite presets a try first and see how they work for you.


Here is a new WIP on the Macintosh Plus.

I thought I would give you a glimpse inside my world. To the right you can see all the objects and layers for just the floppy drive. :astonished:


That is simply amazing @Duimon!


I replaced the shot with a new one. I forgot to expand a layer. :innocent:


Here’s a close up of the drive. It has a whole lot going on!

When I started this graphic I thought it would be a quick and easy one to do. It has provided some interesting challenges.


you are a machine. VERY impressive stuff mate.

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Very cool! You even have the hole I had to stick the paper clip in to get the disk out when the Mac wasn’t cooperating :rofl:

Is it going to have that slight texturing in the plastic?


To expand on this, have you ever thought of including an adjustable layer of wear including dust, paint/colour fade, nicks, scratches or dents on all of your graphocs for even more realism @Duimon?

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Does it have texture? If so I will have to try it.

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I haven’t but it is something to explore.

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This is something that came to mind when you posted your last real PVM picture that @hgoda90 was inquiring about. The original pic had lots of dust around the bezel. I then remembered the overlay that I used to use before coming over to HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader, that old TV had some serious wear and tear.

My question also applies to @soqueroeu and @TheNamec.

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I don’t have one of these in my collection but I have this that I pulled out to get a look at.

It has a texture that is almost like a thick paint, slightly rough.


OK we have texture! :grin:

It is subtle, bit it is there.

I am going to have to do something about those IBM manuals sharing space with an Apple Macintosh.

Only a few more details for this. I have the keyboard port, decal, and wire… and the brightness decal and knob.

The RJ11 plug should be a lot of fun. :wink: