Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

OK all the wrinkles are smoothed out on the 4x3 Wii.

Now it’s on to the 16x9 wrinkles. :grin:

I am going to try and get the WII pair, the Mega Duck, and the Apple Mac pair in the repo by the end of the day tomorrow.


Wii 16x9 is smooth!

It feels nice to give the Wii some love. It has been ignored for far too long.

Thanks @Wally for the request and inspiration!

BTW. The 16x9 will also do the automatic wide screen thing. :grin:


I was thinking about modeling after the wii remotes styled around the Mario characters.


That’s a really cool idea!

The Cabinet Glass layer has the button text and the Wii Base/stand. You should be able to color that as well. (You may have to use additive blending if you want a lighter color.) Same goes for the Decal Layer that has the Nintendo/Wii text.

From the shot above I think the colors of the character names are great candidates.


I was thinking that myself, since the remotes do have so many colors. The character names’ colors would be the cleanest and make the most sense.


I think I may have committed too much by promising the Apple pair. I totally forgot the I have to create a background. That may be a week long project with all the elements involved.

I will get the others done for sure… and who knows?


Well… what do you guys think of this?

I’m thinking about adding another shelf on the right side with some misc stuff on it.


I may get this done after all. :innocent:


Don’t forget Apple Macintosh was also marketed towards audio production professionals. So you can probably include some audio workstation/production material/equipment/literature.

Looking good, I think Shadowgate & Dark Castle are probably the games I remember most from around then :wink:

Look at that sweet high res screen!


True, but I think they were doing more marketing than using… back then the Amiga was really the first choice when it came to audio/video production.

Apple was smart though, I don’t remember any Amiga adds but I remember plenty from Apple. Amiga won every race but Apple took home the gold.


I decided to add something a little more universal.

I may add one or two more objects, unless it starts to get too busy.


It’s stuff like these bezel graphics that gets me interested in checking out old systems and see what I missed during my childhood. This actually makes me want to check out some MacIntosh software if it can look like this on my screen.

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Honestly, when it comes to preservation, I like to think these vintage graphics that we do help as much as the emulation.

Eventually, hardware will disappear, but the graphics and presets that @TheNamec and I have done will last forever.


I agree. Is Watara in your to-do-list?


Looks great! :star_struck: Do you also plan to add Illustrator version and icon at the bottom like Ps?

Yep. Here is my list again.

RA Cores

  • 64DD
  • Amiga 1000
  • Amiga 2000
  • Amiga 4000T
  • fds
  • MegaDuck
  • Nintendo Playstation Prototype (For MSU-1 games.)
  • Satallaview
  • tic80
  • uzebox
  • WASM-4
  • Watara Supervision
  • zx81

MAME Software Lists

  • Acorn Archimedes
  • Acorn Atom
  • Acorn Electron
  • Apple 2 GS
  • Apple 2e
  • Bally Astrocade
  • BBC Master
  • BBC Micro Model B
  • Camputers Lynx
  • Casio PV-1000
  • Coleco Adam
  • Emerson Arcadia 2001
  • Entex Adventure Vision
  • Epoch Super Cassette vision
  • Fujitsu FM-7
  • Funtech Super A’Can
  • Gamepark GP32
  • Hartung Gamemaster
  • KenSingTon Vii
  • Macintosh 128k
  • Macintosh IIx
  • Macintosh LC III
  • Macintosh Plus
  • Pocket Dream Console
  • Tandy CoCo 3
  • Tiger Game. com
  • Tomy Tutor
  • Vtech CreatiVision
  • Vtech Socrates

I think I may add it to the opening post. :grin:

Some of these will be crossed off today.

Lol! :rofl: You caught me just as I was about to post a final WIP of the background. (Thanks!!) Here is the final after almost missing that.

Looking at this, I may increase the shadow over the pencil cup, but it just about satisfies my OCD. :innocent:


Looks so nice I’ll use it for my work laptop’s wallpaper for a bit! :grin:


I think I am happy. :grin:

Now I can get to work building some presets.


Looks fantastic, great work as always! :star_struck: I’m very excited for this beauty :heart_eyes:

As for the list, are you still considering to do the Pocket Dream Console? If so it’s missing from the list :grimacing:

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