Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Thanks… it must have gotten omitted somehow. (I have updated the list.)

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OK then… the updated and new Wii, Mega Duck, Mac 128k, and Mac Plus are in the repo! :partying_face:

To get them in today I had to skip the potatoes for now. I will get them done ASAP.

I am also going to tweak the wooden Dual Bezel TV7 graphic/preset and add them to the repo as well.

It has been a good day. :grin:

BTW. Just in case I didn’t mention it, the Macintosh presets will do the auto wide screen thing.

And the Mac will scale with the screen. (If there was any doubt. :wink:)


@Duimon, you didn’t add the Blue_Plaster background file that the wii shader uses to the repo.

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Thank you and congratulation on yet another amazing graphics :metal: :sunglasses: :metal:

Wanted to report that;



Both are actually day presets, Ambient Lighting Opacity at 0 value.

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Thank you both! Fixed and updated.

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Seems I made a few errors in my haste to get these done. The Apple Mac are all fixed, the Wii will happen later today.


The Wii have been updated.

I changed the orientation of the eject symbol and the button text to reflect the layout of the real world Wii Black Edition. (And later Wii models.)

I also tweaked the Glass and Decal layers.


There was a path error in the Wii Alt night 16x9 preset that I found while working on the potato. It is fixed. :wink:

@Duimon, for some reason Lite Wii 16x9 Night wasn’t working, rest assured it did work by itself. I just set those to the non-Night one and set the ambient lighting opacity parameter change in the variant preset files.

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Could you please double check and maybe do a pull.

Is it the “Lite Wii 16x9 Night” or the “Lite Wii 16x9 Alt Night” (Or “STD Wii 16x9 Alt Night”).

Everything is loading on my end.

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Your presets work. The problem was that when I referenced to it, RetroArch wouldn’t load the preset I made. It was weird because that was the only one that was like that. I removed the [Night] and it loaded fine.

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I think there was a typo… [Night]] instead of [Night].

It will be in the next push.

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Yeah I just saw it in the repo. It was [Guest-Mini]]. I guess I will be fixing a few myself.

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OK…everything is fixed and updated. (I hope. :wink:)


Hey guys.

I have been working on the Apple Macintosh IIx. Here is a shot of the system.


In order to fit the whole chassis on the screen I would be forced to make the monitor smaller than the screen in the Mac Plus. :frowning_face:

Unlike my PC-98 graphic, I didn’t want to flip the thing on it’s side and split it down the middle.

Here is what I decided on. Let me know what you think.

I hid half the chassis below the screen and took some liberties with logo position and screen size.

BTW… I was struggling with finding a good shot of the floppy drive, when I realized the drive on my Mac Classic (Two feet away.) was the same. :grin: So I put a floppy disk in it. :wink:


Looking at these shots I still find it amazing how much realism turning on ambient lighting adds to the graphic. :astonished:


Here’s a WIP on the Apple Macintosh LC III.

Same liberties with the monitor, none with the Mac.


Here’s another WIP of the LC III, this time running an appropriate version of the OS.


And the IIx with an appropriate OS.


I have just set up the MegaDuck and I was blown away (as always) You are doing a tremendous job