Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Beautiful work as usual @Duimon. One can never miss the passion in your offerings.


Thanks for the kind words! :grin:

While I am not going to do them next, looking forward to the Apple IIe and IIgs I was going to do matching versions in the style of most of my keyboard systems. (With optional monitors.)

After doing these Apple Macintosh I am adding in an alternate version of the IIgs.

Sans keyboard and mouse. (It will be the “Woz” edition specifically.) I will probably put one floppy drive on each side for balance.


hey all :slight_smile: can i ask what emulator or core is being used for those ones above, i have this setup in retroarch and its awesome, would love to use it for apple II or apple II/GS.

thanks again for the awesome job you do :+1:

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It is the MAME core using Software lists. I think the IIe and IIgs had plenty of bootable floppies so should be easy to get running using the standard Software List method.

They require a keyboard and mouse.

While you are waiting for the IIe and IIgs presets feel free to use any other that you like. (The Atari [Monitor] presets would look good.)


thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile: i will try to learn to use it now, never used mame on retroarch :slight_smile:


If you leave the MAME option at the default, but turn on the Mouse feature, the appleIIgs should be pretty easy to get running.

To save you some time searching I can give you the basic SL method.

You will need the MAME “apple2gs.zip” rom in an “apple2gs” folder. (The location of the folder is not important but the name is essential.)

You will also need the hash.xml file from the current MAME standalone version in “Retroarch/system/mame/hash/”

For more difficult to run systems you can have an “ini” folder there as well but that is a different discussion.

Then add any MAME Software list appl2gs roms to the “apple2gs” folder, load it as content with the MAME core, and it should work.

Unless you have the original game manuals I recommend using roms from the MAME SL “apple2gs_flop_clcracked” folder.


These games look so good cropped, and run so well, I think I may change my mind about waiting to do the graphic.

King’s Quest 3.

King’s Quest 3 cropped with the Mega Bezel.


yeah i have done what you suggest and it works and looks great :slight_smile: can’t wait to see your overlay for these systems :slight_smile: and thanks for the help again :+1:


can i ask what setting changes the blue outline to make it look fullscreen ?



Cropping options in the shader.

There are some automatic options but the safest way is to make changes and save a game preset.

Doing it manually for the relatively small Apple IIgs rom library shouldn’t be too time consuming. :innocent:


I was working on an Apple IIx decoration and I came up with this possible alternative preset for the Mega Bezel.

This is just a quick mockup and would replace my other idea.

Th idea has something in common with my DOSBox preset.

I would want to actually make some changes in the background if I did it.


I have committed to the new Mac IIx preset and spent quite a bit of time in the source.

I am now using every image layer in the shader… and the Viewport Vignette. (Which I think I may not use enough.)

While it is not automatic by any means, using the Split scaling method on the Device layer (And many other parameters.) I can pretty much recreate the first version inside the shader.

That’s pretty cool! :grin:


I though I would post this here as a little teaser.

I managed to find some really good shots of this TV.


I will add it to my list when I get to vintage TVs again.


Is there a number limit of TVs that you are willing to do?


Nope. I’ll need something to do once my list is done.


I was wondering about that since you have already done 7.


There are 7 total but only 2 based on real vintage TVs. My father was a TV repairman and I would like to increase my count out of respect for him.

I showed him the TV6 live the other day and he was super impressed. :grin:

Honestly, BVMs and PVMs are less important to me.


Well there are an infinite number of TVs to make. All that is needed is knowing which ones you want to make.


I have performed the same surgery on my LC III graphic and presets.

For consistency I left part of the Mac base off screen. Users can tweak it if they wish.

I believe I am happy with these two so I will start working on getting them in the repo. :grin:


The Apple Macintosh IIx and LC III are in the repo. :grin: