Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Could anyone running Linux please try my Mac LC III Alt preset. (With any content.) I am trying to pin down a bug.

hey again, just looking to confirm there is no artwork or preset for gamepark 32, i could have swore i saw this in the github but i can’t for the life of me find it anywhere ?

if not is it something you would consider making ?

thanks again for all this, its pretty damn awesome :+1:

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The todo list is in the second post. Gamepark GP32 is on the list. :grin:

I have a great source image for that and it looks like fun. I will probably do it when I do my next couple of handhelds. (After the Watara Supervision.)


thanks for the reply… awesome I can’t wait for those :slight_smile: getting my mame ones running in RA has been fun too, thanks for the help on that :+1:


@Duimon, I noticed that Colecovision_C1_Night of _Potato Graphics has the decal at the bottom.

Checked the presets and it is the same way with Advanced, Lite and Standard.

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I’ll take a look. The potato is a screenshot of the STD so that makes sense.

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OK… ColecoVision [Custom-Bezel_001]-[Night] ADV, Lite, and STD are fixed. Potato will wait until I have a bit more time.

On another note… here is an Apple IIe WIP.

This was a tough mockup. :frowning_face: I had to depart from reality quite a bit here and there to get a comfortable number of keys showing from under a standard bezel.

I will also take some liberties with the logo badge when I get to it. There should still be enough of the familiar to trick the brain into believing it.

I learned (And re-learned.) some really cool tricks to get this done. @TheNamec may find it entertaining that the latter was making a guide from a shape. (How did I forget that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) The former was to instance symbols in a structured layout using a blend. Then expanding the blend and breaking the link to create editable objects.

Here is the result. (After another couple hours of work.)

Really cool! :crazy_face:

What is not cool is the jagged edges Illustrator produces on angled lines. (When will they figure out some decent anti-aliasing?) Oh well… it’s not like there is anything I can do about it. :frowning_face:

This will be paired with an Apple Color composite monitor that was an option back then.

The cool thing about this version is that, other than the logo badge, it is virtually identical to the Apple IIgs. Two for the price of one!

I will also be doing the gray Woz! version of the IIgs.


Hello, I have tried all the tutorial to use Mega Bezel preset on my retroarch windows install. Each time i try to load any preset from this pack, i get an error message. I have checked the path inside the .slangp file and everything seems to be ok. Do you have an idea ? Failed to create preset: “mypath\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\Atari_2600\2600-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp”. [ERROR] [GLCore]: Failed to create filter chain: “mypath\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\Atari_2600\2600-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp”. Falling back to stock.

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Have you tried to use the Standard or Lite versions? Sometimes with the Advance shaders what people are using won’t work. Plus, have you tried to load the shaders with Vulkan, if possible? This usually does indicate a path error.

@Adelyan Welcome to the forum. :grin: Have you installed the Mega Bezel?

If so, are you able to successfully load one of the base presets?

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Look what I have here…

Mac shortcut icons

Shortcut icons made out of @Duimon graphics for CLI launch .bat files for Macintosh systems :grin:


Thank you :slight_smile:
So I tried every other preset event lite or standard with the same result. I have even tried to put the full path inside the .slangp file in order to be sure the correct path is used… I manually installed the mega bezel by decompressing the archive in my shaders folder. I am using Retroarch inside my launchbox installation.I have also tried both Vulcan and Gl drivers. And by the way thank you for the hard work and by sharing it to everyone !

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It seems that perhaps the Mega Bezel is not installed in the correct place, it should be here:


Also try one of the base Mega Bezel presets from here to make sure they work:


If this doesn’t work, please send us a screenshot of your directory structure, and a log from Retroarch to help determine what’s happening


I put the pack in the mentionned folder and i got the same error. When enabling logs (debug) i only got these 3 lines :

[WARN] [Shaders]: Could not read shader preset in #reference line: “\NAS\Launchbox\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\shaders_slang\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\Presets\Base_CRT_Presets\MBZ__1__ADV__GDV.slangp”.

[ERROR] [GLCore]: Failed to create preset: “\NAS\Launchbox\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\Presets\Advanced\Atari_2600\2600-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp”.

[ERROR] [GLCore]: Failed to create filter chain: “\NAS\Launchbox\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel\Presets\Advanced\Atari_2600\2600-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp”. Falling back to stock.

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Something is wrong because it is looking for Mega_Bezel in shaders/shaders_slang/shaders_slang when it should only be shaders/shaders_slang

Edit: The Graphics should be in the Mega_Bezel_Community/Duimon-Mega-Bezel folder as before.


The first one is only a #reference in the file. The file do not even exist in the pack.

So what it looks like is that you have the mega bezel installed here:


when it should be installed here:


So there should be only one shaders_slang, not two


Ok i found what i did wrong :slight_smile: I did not installed HSM_Bezel_Reflection pack and that’s the reason why the #reference line was pointing to a non existing file.

It works now, thanks for your help !!


Here is a WIP on the Apple IIe.

I skipped ahead and did the monitor just to see what it would look like. Both are very much a WIP. :grin:


Here is the latest WIP on the Apple IIe.

I think it’s finished. :innocent:

This one goes into the record books as being the longest, most thorough OCD pass I have ever done. :grin: (I was in really deep.)

I spent way too much time on the LEDs, recolored the keys, added texture where it was needed, (On multiple masked layers so the bevels and highlights have less.) created a custom logo badge, (More on that later.) and a hundred things I probably forget.

One cool thing is that the keycap font is an available font. I can’t begin to tell you how much easier it is to do details on a keyboard that uses an available font and has no special characters or multiple languages. :wink:

The logo badge…

Did anyone know that the reason there is a bite out of the apple was to accommodate this particular logo? The apple rainbow made it hard to get the apple text to stand out so they had the artist cut away part of the apple. When they later changed the logo font they kept the bite out of the apple.

They must have been forward thinking because the open and closed apples on the keyboard have a bite also. :crazy_face:

I am thinking that I will do bezel versions of this and split the logo badge so half is on either side of the bezel. I also need to create the Apple IIGS badge and I can cross these two off my list.

Next is the Woz! Apple IIgs! :partying_face: