Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Yeah it looks like my existing graphic is the 48k already. Now I am torn.

Do I do the new graphic or do I reuse the old source and make a 16k alternate.

The first Spectrum 16K and 48K were identical externally.

You can rename the old source as 16/48K, With this and the +2A, +3 you have all the significant models.

You can also do the new graphic, if you want, as a 48K alternate, but don’t worry too much about it, when you have a lot of free time to do this. I remember a LOT of minor, regional variants and clones (Spectrum+, Inves+, 128+, Timex Sinclair… etc, etc), all were minor variants historically.

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Right, but my current graphic has the greenish rubber keys. (The 16/48k) The shots I am seeing show gray keys for the 16k.

Sure… but that is never true. I “make” time for this project. :grin:

This leads me to the conclusion that after I push the +2a and +3 to the repo I will call it done. Having a never ending project is cool but I don’t need to force it to be one.


BBC Micro and Master Potato have been updated and the ZX Spectrum +2a and +3 are in the repo.


Thanks! :+1: :+1:The new RCA TV doesn’t seem to work, in both +2A and +3 bezels. Can you check that?

@Duimon you forgot to add the RCA to the repo.

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Thanks for the amazing work! Just an issue on Mac OS with the Metal backend (which seems to be the only one available in the driver menu incidentally):

[ERROR] [Metal]: unable to compile fragment shader: Compilation failed:
program_source:1587:277: fatal error: bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 256
program_source:1587:277: note: use -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level

(I’m removing some unused variable warnings)

Has this been flagged yet and would you prefer an issue in the github repo?

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This should probably be directed @HyperspaceMadness but I am not sure it is specifically a shader issue. It looks a lot like the exceeded maximum path error you get if you don’t use a current version of RA.

In any case, the forum is a good place to post the issue.

It is up now.


There are a lot of available models to choose from in the Fuse core.

While the existing 16/48k graphic, along with my new +2 and +3 128k, do complete the required systems…

…I did the +2 even though the +3 supported tapes.

For the same reason I am planning on doing an original 16k alternate.

@Rai I will probably not do the Spectrum+. It would open the door to a slew of potential clones and I just don’t think it is worth the time.

Given it’s aesthetic similarities to the QL (And the +2 & +3) I may change my mind somewhere down the road. :innocent:


Yeah, it was the ZX Spectrum+ 48K. I had the version with the keys in Spanish, it was very cool and the touch was very fun. Usually the vendor supplied it with a tape reader like this:

I thought I would mess around with RCA TV color a little, I would not recommend it.

HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "250.000000"


Yeah, I didn’t go through the motions of making it color-able for use in a regular preset. (I need to be conservative with layers.)

If/When I create presets with room backgrounds I may separate the layers. (Like the standalone PVM’s.)

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That would be great but not really necessary to me. The coloring ability is secondary to number of layers. Some you can do and others you just can’t, c’est la vie.


Only for now. Once they are standalone my priorities will change I think.


Hello Were in the github might I find the wooden TV bezel? The one with the little dog top left corner. I searched but could not find it. Thanks


I highly encourage you to use the GitHub installation method (In the second post.) if you are looking for the Mega Bezel preset. The presets can reference images in more than a single folder.


Here is a new WIP.

The VTech CreatiVision!

Since I finished up the BBC set I figured i should tie up this loose end.

I struggled a lot with the mock-up. The keys on the gamepads are the most distinctive feature. If I took a cue from my Intellivision graphic they disappeared behind the bezel, and it just didn’t look right if I took inspiration from the ColecoVision. :frowning_face:

In the end I did take some inspiration from the ColecoVison and put the logo on the gamepads, since it is also hidden by the bezel. (Although it is there.)

I kept most of the grays just at the top of the 20% level to minimize banding. I did have to use some texture/grain where I didn’t really want. (Where the grays dipped out of gamut.)

I think it looks pretty good. There is a whole lot going on in the source. :innocent:


@Duimon I thought you should know that its Thomson MO5 and TO8. Your set has them as M04 and T08, essentially it is a O not a zero.

Edit: Also the shaders for the BBC_Master are called Micro, BBC_Master/Micro-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].

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I had no idea. :astonished: :rofl:

Yeah, I was doing search and replace when I mass created those after the last update. (They are essentially the same parameters except for the image paths.)

Looks like it is all just a matter of renaming some files and folders. I’ll do it all at the same time.


Edit: I’ll have to do a bit of S & R for the Thomson presets. Thankfully I didn’t use characters to create the Thomson logos so I won’t have to go into the source.


That was pretty quick work, although there were a lot of instances on my HDD that had to be changed.

It is done.