Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

@Duimon I found that the VTech Laser 310 Graphics isn’t in the repo either.


Keep up the good work my friend!

They are in the repo.


@Duimon you forgot the most important part of the Thomson rename, changing the name of the folders.

Nope. I changed them on my end… I have no idea what happened. I’ll try another commit.

I did another commit and verified on GitHub that they had changed. Try again.

BTW. Since it was only the name of the preset folder, so they would still load, I’m not sure why that is the “Most Important” part.

Failing to rename a graphic or missing a preset edit would have been far worse.


It works good now, thanks. :partying_face: I have had problems with Github sometimes myself.

I was using the most important part as a type of saying instead of being literal.


Hi Thanks Duimon. Currently, I’m just grabbing the png and lay file because my feeble notebook can’t cope with reflective shaders.

So I indeed found that overlay, so thanks for that, but the TV6 version has also a wall behind the TV, making the TV smaller and thus also the screen itself. I seem to recall you also had another version of this overlay where the TV was more zoomed in, removing the back wall altogether.

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That was the scaling done by the shader. It will only take a second to generate a zoomed version using the tools built in to the shader. Sec.

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OK, there is now a …TV/TV6_Scaled… day and night in the Overlay repo.


Salut tout le monde désolé dapparaitre comme ça :blush: dite moi y aurait t’il de disponible un shaders avec un model trinitron ? Merci


I haven’t yet done a Trinitron. I do have plans to add to my collection of TV graphics.

It will have to wait until I am done with my system list.


C’est gentil d’avoir répondu Je vais attendre patiemment dans ce cas😊 Chaque chose en sont temps :blush: je suis content d’apprendre que ça arrivera un jour Mercii pour tout.

Désolé pour la question Peux tu me dire si il existe un core sur retroarch pour lire les vidéo ?

Here is a new WIP.

The SEGA Dreamcast VMU!

I originally planned on doing two versions. This and a version with just the VMU.

I think I am cancelling that idea. The screen resolution is a dismal 48 x 32 pixels and looks terrible if it is scaled any larger.


This looks way better than i envisioned Duimon, can’t wait to add this to my VMU games!

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I’ve been feeling it was a bit too flat. I had tried to give it some subtle shading to add dimension and failed.

I tried again. :wink:

What does everyone think?

The shot shows a little bit of banding… it is not as bad in the original. (Some of it is due to JPG conversion by the forum.)


It looks real good the only complaint I would have is the Dreamcast Sticker. I would move the Dreamcast down a tiny bit.


I agree. I was going off a source image but it may be an illusion because of the thickness of the decal.


I may also toy with the new shading a bit.

Thanks for the feedback.

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Here is the final version.

I changed the shading a bit. To accommodate the illusion I conceptually changed the top light source from an infinite light to an omni light. The drop shadows have been adjusted to reflect the change.

Since I have no reason not to, I will be exporting separate layers so things can be changed up.

Getting this into the repo will have to wait for a bit. The shader update forces me to spend some time editing presets. In particular there was a bug that I have been working around (That is now fixed.) and some feature additions I haven’t properly made use of.


All my preset editing is done and the changes have been committed to the repo.

A few select things may look funky if you aren’t using the current version of the shader. (Then a few things may have been looking funky before. :upside_down_face: I fixed a few outstanding errors. :wink:)

The VMU is in the repo.

Keep in mind that my main goal in creating separate layers was only to change the color of the logo swirl.

You can make other color changes but your results will vary depending on the width of your display’s color gamut.

Fun things can be done though.

That brings my system count to 138 width a tentative total of 160. I am still not sure about doing the fds, Satallaview, 64DD, and the Amigas.


VMU looks really nice! It completed my dreamcast needs, thanks again sir.

I personally would love having FDS, Satellaview, and 64DD since i have those in my collection, but i use your JAP counterparts for those roms (except n64) and it looks great already. I wouldnt complain if you didnt want to do them.

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