Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

@Duimon I don´t know if you are taking requests, hope not to bother in case you aren´t. Recently a member of one crt group posted a video of his setup with a IKEGAMI TM14-17RZ that i fall in love with all the image composition, and the first person i thought was you, i´d be a dream if you can make this image, i had to try and come here to ask you.


I had plans on doing that model later but I think @TheNamec beat me to it.

I don’t have a list of the PVM’s he has done but I think that is one of them.


He made the 1440R https://forums.libretro.com/uploads/default/original/3X/f/0/f02a68f8b441a47cb6ae94105f92386897e27ca7.jpeg, i think the IKEGAMI TM14-17RZ has beautiful analog knobs, can you consider making this one with the same perspective (all attention is centered on the screen and doesnt look flat at all)


Yeah, I could do it but my style does not, and will not, include perspective. Cohesiveness is a core part of my mission statement.


Actually 1550R. If you find a frontal, well lit reference image, I can try a take on 17RZ. I can see lots of similar elements, vectors are nice for reuse of graphics! Is that shadow-mask or slot-mask?


Perspective is way more your thing, and it looks like they reused a lot of hardware for these models.

I will probably do it anyway. I like the fact that it will pretty much fill up the 16x9 space.

No reason we can’t both do a version. :wink:

On another note. I have been combing through my TV and monitor presets looking for those that use increased black edge thickness and changing things to empty tube space.

While I was in deep I decided to finish my work on the more realistic TV6.

This makes use of just about every feature @HyperspaceMadness has added to increase CRT Tube realism.

I did some work on the shadows that will carry over from this alternate version to the standard version, changed the wallpaper color, and adjusted some saturation and gamma to quiet the scene a bit.


That has always been my thought, that the top down viewpoint of my graphics renders them mute because the addons would be hidden by the console.

I will probably do something though since the Batocera team will want a separate graphic. Although I am creating plenty of graphics for that project that are not in this collection, it would be odd to do those and not include them here.

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If your going to follow through with it I would use them, hard to do those stackable addons with your current top down style. You could just use the famicom graphics for nes/snes and just add a FDS and Satellaview logo on there. 64DD could just use the current n64 bezel with a 64dd logo perhaps. I know thats not very exciting haha…but if the Batocera team will want the graphic, it is a solution.

That TV6 looks like it has real glare! I use all your tv graphics for game commercials and old promo videos, etc. Would someday love to see as many real TVs as you have console presets lol.

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I’m not yet sure what I will do, possibly a hybrid. I will have to do some mockup’s and see what looks good. In any case I will put them off for last.

After I finish my list I plan on adding many vintage TV’s.


I just finished setting up my TV6 presets from scratch.

I removed all the “half-hearted” methods in the original to make it much more simple, and create feature space between it and the alternate.

I also created scaled presets.


I neglected to state specifically, that these are updated in the repo. :innocent:

Time to start the next graphic. :grin:


When I created the Super Game Boy and Super Game Boy Color “Bezel” presets I also did a GBA.

I had completely forgotten to add it to the repo.

It is there now. :grin:


hi @Duimon @TheNamec, i hope you’re doing well

i just wanted to know if Amiga CD-TV is, somewhere, on a todo list :thinking:

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Hmmm. :thinking:

I could probably do something along the lines of my PC-98 style graphic.

Let me see what I can do. :wink:


like it’s a mix between home multimedia entertainment, video game console and personal computer, it was hard to know who is going to take a look on :wink: (and i think it’s the last one who’s missing in the Commodore serie)

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Half done, I was working on a hybrid between prototype and official model to couple with c1084s-d2-black… But that was months ago! No ETA for now , next release will be focused on long due pvm-bvm


actually, no need to rush :wink:

I was going around the retroarch overlays and I realized that this one was missing.


@TheNamec would you try to add a similar perspective like in the image please? I think it adds a lot to the overall image, seems more realistic and not flat to my eyes in that way


The Top-Down slant? Really not a fan, feels like this has more sense for a stand-up cabinet arcade point-of-view rather than a desktop/tv-setup framing. Usually I build perspective for buttons and knobs from an ideal eye-to-device-center point of view. But hey, once you got that perfectly squared, it should be easy to slant via photoshop and correct bezel/crt with Mega Bezel own 3-D perspective params!


Notthe topdown slant, i mean the parts that has an almost fish eye lens perpective at the sides, the buttons and knobs look realistic in that way, not flat.