Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Preset maintenance is going well. :smile:

Thought I’d do some more work on the Enterprise.

There are a lot of cool details on this thing! (Although most will be hidden on a 16x9 display.) :frowning_face:

I’m going to take a stab at the joystick next. :innocent:


How’s this?

I’m fairly close to adding characters to the keys. This is the first system I’ve done where the font is Roman instead of Sans. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just a little test run to see how it looks live.

My plan was to work in a bit higher grayscale range to give myself some gamut wiggle room, then adjust the brightness, gamma, and saturation in the shader.

I think I am happy with the result.




It’s getting there. :grin:

You gotta love vector art. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: After I posted the last shot I noticed that the keys weren’t centered. I moved them and resized the joystick to compensate.

What took seconds in Illustrator may have been impossible in raster.


OCD is a curse and a blessing. :innocent:

I went in and decreased every gray level by 5%. Then I increased every corner radii of the keycap protrusions by 3px.

These kind of deep OCD dives would be impossible using raster. :grin:


If I was a pharmaceutical poison snake seller I’d suggest you purchase one of the following toxic chemical substances for your OCD : Clomipramine (Anafranil), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), Sertraline (Zoloft).

Since I’m not a poison peddler, I think what you call OCD is what 99.99% of us here would call creative perfectionism. And that is always a blessing. Both to you and to this community. :pray:


OK, this one is done I think. :innocent:

The only real departure from reality is the position of the LED. It had an LED… I wanted it to be seen. :grin:



The Duimon_Mega_Bezel repo and release are updated to v0.9.0.3


  • Added the Bit Corp Gamate, TIC-80, WASM-4, Videoton TVC, and Enterprise 128k.
  • Updated night presets to take advantage of the new ambient lighting features.
  • Updated GB2Player and GBC2Player graphics and presets to make more sensible use of the Mega Bezel features.
  • Updated TV6 alternate presets to work with the new reflection image features.
  • Fixed loading issue with STD TV5 presets.
  • Added DREZ presets to hardware rendered cores that support increased internal resolution scale.
  • Added MAME 2010 Vertical presets. As long as Retroarch is configured correctly, (Allow Rotation Off)) they will just work.

DREZ presets downsample extremely high resolution output to a resolution set in the base shader.

This allows the user to run the Mega Bezel with internal resolution scale at higher levels, while staying within the limits of the contemporary GPU memory buffer.

It also gives much better performance than a very high internal resolution, while reducing jagged polygonal edges through downsampling.

The presets are not a replacement for built in downsampling, which is preferred, but an implementation for cores that lack this feature.

There are various presets, the intention varies with the final resolution:

  • 1080p = higher scale without the concern for visible masks or scanlines. Ideally you would scale the internal resolution to approximately 1080.
  • 480p = for native resolution on later generation consoles.
  • 240p = for native resolution on earlier consoles, or when personal preference is for distinct scanlines and masks.
  • HD = high resolution on dual screen consoles
  • Native = native resolution on dual screen consoles

You should be able to use a standard CRT console core with the ADV preset, at max internal scale.

The HD dual screen presets are limited to the STD set since the increased resolution on smaller screens makes ADV features irrelevant.

There are no Lite presets since if you have a system beefy enough to run the Mega Bezel, with hardware rendered cores, at increased internal resolution, you obviously don’t need Lite presets.

There are also no Potato presets for the same reason.

The DREZ presets can be found in their own folders…

  • Nintendo_3DS_DREZ
  • Nintendo_N64_DREZ
  • Nintendo_NDS_DREZ
  • SEGA_Dreamcast_DREZ
  • SEGA_Saturn_DREZ
  • SONY_Playstation_2_DREZ
  • SONY_Playstation_DREZ

The link to the current release is in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


For those that are doing the math… the completion of the Enterprise 128k brings my remaining list down to 9.

It also completes my list of RA cores. <— :astonished:

Thanks again to @Wally for the request. Both the Videotron TVC and the Enterprise 128k were great fun!


Hello, duimon. I’ve been using your pvm20 preset lately. This seems to be the perfect solution as it creates a proper sized gaming screen on a 32" monitor.

I have a question and suggestion.

  1. In [DEVICE IMAGE LAYER], it seems that there are cases when changing the colorize does not respond (like SONY PS2 preset) or does not change to the original gray color of PVM (like SONY PS1 preset) How do I get a consistent gray color?

  2. The ‘PVM-20M4E’ used in the device image has a logo called ‘HR Trinitron’ in the upper left corner. This is known as a logo that is attached only to high-end models over 800 lines.

It would be very cool to add this, Could you consider this?

Currently my PVM presets use every image layer available in the shader, so there is no way of adding a logo that wouldn’t change color with the Device Layer.

The logo is in my vector source, but hidden before export for that reason.


I have plans to merge the Top Layer with the Device at some point but it is not at the top of my todo list.

Turning the “Colorize” parameter off (0.00) or leaving it off in the case of the PS2, will remove all color.

Setting the “Brightness” and “Gamma Adjust” at defaults (By highlighting them and pressing the gamepad “Start” button or “Space” on the keyboard.) will give you the default gray.

With “Colorize” off, since these versions of the assets are gray, the “Hue Offset” and “Saturation” parameters will have no effect.

The "Brightness and “Gamma Adjust” will still work if you desire a lighter or darker gray. In both cases I recommend playing with it, and trying a bit of each to avoid a washed out look.

FYI there are alternate version of the assets available in the pack that are bright yellow by default. (Although they serve no purpose in your situation.)


I made a small update to my repo and release. Instead of creating a new release I just replace the last one.

I moved the DREZ presets to their own folders. (There were way too many presets in some folders and I want it to be easy for the other users to find presets.)

I also added MAME 2010 Vertical presets. As long as RA is configured with the recommended settings, (Allow Rotation = Off) they will work OTB.

The release post above was edited to reflect the changes.


I was reading through some of the old post in the thread. I like to browse through once in a while to remind myself of this wonderful journey. :grin:

While I was browsing I found some images that show off the Night Mode/Ambinet Lighting evolution really well.


Newer version…


…and just a reminder that you have the ability do do some customizing.

However crazy you might want it. :innocent:


@Duimon, would there be any chance down the road of doing a TurboDuo graphic? I was curious because I’ve started taking more of a liking to using the SegaCD graphic for both Genesis and SegaCD games because it shows both systems at once. Thought it might be a cool addition to the collection to see about a TurboDuo flavor as well.


Possibly after I finish my list. It’s a pretty simple design.

Good because it would be fairly easy to do, bad if it lacks interest. I’ll have to try a mock-up sometime.

Since there was a RAM upgrade involved, do you know of any exclusive games?

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If it was labeled a “super CD-ROM2” game, it needed either the Turbo Duo, or the Tg-16 + CD with the Super System Card upgrade. Not sure how many true exclusives there would be, aside from Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire, which needed the Arcade Card upgrade even if you owned a Duo.


A list of games can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TurboGrafx-16_games, if still needed. The type of game format is also listed.

Apparently there were no true exclusives. The TurboDuo was simply just a console with the PC Engine and PC Engine CD stuck together.


It doesn’t look like there were any. Too bad, that would have made the graphic mandatory. :grin:

I’ll add it to my “optional” list.


About PC-Engine TurboDuo. This is hardware that integrates the PC Engine + CD-ROM2 + Super CD-ROM2.

Should see both CD-ROM2 and Super CD-ROM2 letters in this list. This is something completely different…

CD-ROM2 discs were available in the Super CD-ROM2 console. But the Super CD-ROM2 disc was not usable in the CD-ROM2 console.

I’ll add it to avoid confusion. CD-ROM2 refers to PC-Engine CD or TurboGrafx-CD, which is different from Super CD-ROM2.

It’s a link to Japanese Wikipedia, but I think you can figure out the difference by looking at the picture. I can’t find the English version of Wikipedia. Wasn’t this released in North America or Europe?

Super CD-ROM2 is an upgraded version of CD-ROM2. Therefore, the Super CD-ROM2 titles on that list are exclusives. TurboDuo was one of the means to play Super CD-ROM2.

As someone who lives in Japan, I think PC Engine TurboDuo is the only way to play PC Engine’s Super CD-ROM2 outside of Japan.

In my opinion, NEC, HE and Hudson have been pushing these chaotic consoles. This is characteristic of NEC as a personal computer company, not a game company…

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