Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Here is the latest WIP.

The Epoch Super Cassette Vision and Yeno alternate! :grin:

I took some liberties with logo placement and arrangement, so they are completely visible.

These are nothing compared to the liberties I will take for the final three on the list.



The Duimon_Mega_Bezel repo and release are updated to v0.9.7.0.


  • Fixed the Archimedes and Electron.
  • Added the CHIP-8.
  • Added the Ephoch Super Cassette Vision and Yeno alternate.
  • Added ChaiLove.
  • Added Craft.
  • Added Super Bros War.
  • Added VaporSpec.
  • Added vitaQuake3.
  • Added TV7 Wood variant.
  • Added Wood variant to all ports using the TV7 style graphic.
  • Updated all TV7 style presets to use the automatic split wide screen mode and added hidden details to balance the graphics.
  • Updated [Custom-Bezel_002] presets to use the automatic split wide screen mode.

The ChaiLove and VaporSpec virtual consoles are nothing more than demo cores ATM. If content increases I will consider doing dedicated graphics for them.

There were a lot of changes so you can expect some bugs. Let me know and I will fix them ASAP.

The link to the current release is in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

Here are some shots of the TV7 Wood bezel in it’s various aspects and wide screen.


4x3 Wide

Mr. Boom

Mr. Boom Wide


16x9 Wide

To be crystal clear, I added the same hidden details to the regular TV7 presets as well.


BTW. If you’re counting…

The new port presets, plus the CHIP-8 and Super Cassette Vision, bring my completed system count to 159 and leave just three on the short list. :innocent:


that THIS is a thing and that it even… kinda works (like everything with oldschool 3d glasses)

PROOFS i am not the only Weirdo on this planet :rofl: :rofl:



I have a few pairs of “high end” anaglyph glasses.


If I set the anaglyph mode to red+cyan and the palette to black+white, it works surprisingly well.


mine are also pretty good , not some paper things prttey much like yours . but its different from game to game mario clash has huge amount of ghosting , at least for me but i was suprised how well it worked in virtual boy wario land


Here is the latest WIP.

The Emerson Arcadia 2001! :grin:

As I have said, with the layout of the last three systems, there is no hope of anything resembling reality. I have taken inspiration from my VTech Socrates and CreatiVision and just made this as representative as possible.

I think it looks pretty good. :innocent:

The design of this system is blatantly copied from the Mattel Intellivision, so I was able to reuse some existing source. (Although I updated it to use some of my current methods.)

This should be in the repo very shortly. :wink:


Thank you Super Cassette Vision and Emerson Arcadia!

Emerson Arcadia was sold in Japan as a product called BANDAI Arcadia. This looks like a clone. The design also seems to be the same except for the difference in the logo (No 2001 logo) Thanks for the Emerson Arcadia graphics! There are only four games in the Japanese region. lol

By the way, are you interested in the Atari 2800 hardware? Atari 2600 for Japan only. This does not have a single Japanese region games. (there are a few games with Japan in the region because they were sold in Japan, but they are all are in English) So I think these are perfect clones. I personally don’t know if it’s worth recreating the graphics, as there aren’t any Japanese games out there.

The Atari 2800 features an advanced design unlike the Atari 2600. It’s like the Atari 5200 or 5800 in different colors.

ps I’m sorry for my clumsy English because I’m using all translation services to create messages.


My pleasure! The Bandai Arcadia has a bit of a different design, and there is more than one version of the Emerson. As is the case when I need to, I picked one. :grin:

It has a very clean design. Apparently it was also released as the Sears Video Arcade II.

If there were some exclusive games I would do it in an instantly. As it is I don’t think it fills any holes, but I may do it later just for fun. :grin:



The Duimon_Mega_Bezel repo and release are updated to v0.9.8.0.


  • Added Emerson Arcadia 2001.

The link to the current release is in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


So…that leaves only two graphics on the shortlist. :exploding_head:

I was a little worried about the last three, but I like how the Arcadia turned out so much I no longer have any concerns. :grin:

Going forward I may split the Potato presets into a “Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato” repo to save space. The Potato graphics are 1.21GB and the current Duimon-Mega-Bezel release is frighteningly close to the 2GB file size limit.

With 25 graphics on the post v1.0 list, and new cores/SL being added all the time, I will need to do something.


Here is a quick WIP before I turn off my monitors for the night.


Here are final shots of the Interton Electronic VC4000.

I will also be updating the Arcadia.

In my haste I neglected to add any texture… I have amended that.

The repo should be updated very soon.



The Duimon-Mega-Bezel / Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato repos and releases are updated to v0.9.9.0.


  • Added Interton Electronic VC 4000.
  • Updated Emerson Arcadia 2001. (Added texture)
  • Migrated Potato presets and graphics to a new repo

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

The size of the release surpassed the 2GB limit so I was forced to split the Potato to a new repo and release.

The more I thought about it the more sense it made anyway… If you need the Potato you have no need for the rest. :grin:


BTW… the addition of the VC 4000 leaves only a single graphic on the list.

Also BTW… I accidentally deleted the release so it is in the wind. :frowning_face:

@Duimon, the Interton Electronic VC 4000 potato presets are named TurboGrafx16.


Thanks. It is fixed and the release is updated to


I went ahead and checked the names of the rest of the presets. The Arcadia 2001 potato presets were named Intellivision.


Yeah, I’m not surprised. I have been really struggling to not act with too much haste as the list draws to a close.

It appears that I did not entirely succeed. :grin:

I’ll fix it right away. Thanks again.