Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

There is a list of my graphics in the second post, followed by a new list of systems I will eventually do.

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And another question I have while applying and testing all the mame software lists platforms. For instance, I have Entex Adventure Vision working with your presets. They have 4 presets for each Entex game. A slangp file with the name scobra.slangp gets saved. And it works perfectly.

However, now I test the CASIO PV1000 which has the same game called scobra and instead of using the preset from pv1000.slangp, it applies the preset for the scobra.slangp from the Entex platform.

How do you handle that in your configs?

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oops. missed that. Sorry. Was just, I finally got to mapping all my mame software lists and got them all working now. Atleast most of them working with retroarch and the mame libreto core. Never mind my question then. I should have read the rest of the first post with missing platforms.

That’s a good question. I’ll do some research and get back to you.

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So this will only work with MAME content that works well using the standard software list method. If there is a way to do it with more complex systems I haven’t found it, but I will keep trying.

Essentially you need to load everything from the command line.

Game, content directory, or core presets won’t work so aren’t needed.

Here is an Entex example.

retroarch.exe "--set-shader=E:\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Standard\Entex_Adventure_Vision\Defender-[STD]-[Guest].slangp" -L ".\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "E:\roms\advision\defender.zip"

More complex systems have additional switches.

bbcb -rompath "E:\Temp\bbcb" -flop1 "E:\Temp\bbcb\arkanoid.zip" -autoboot_script "E:\Temp\bbcb\bbcb.lua"

And I haven’t been able to get them to work yet.

Another option would be to have separate installs of Retroarch that have the same shader path. You would need one install for each system, which would take up a lot of space.

Another option would be to compile a separate custom MAME core for each system, with a different config path and ID for each. That would be time consuming but take up less space.

Batacera has some magic scripting going on to handle it. I’ll ask the devs if they have some ideas.

There is also the Retrobat front end for Windows that is based on Batocera. I don’t know if they are as far along in the integration of the Mega Bezel and I doubt they have a team as talented as Batocera.


Update on my research.

If you use *.cmd files as content you can name the file something unique and the game preset will save as that name.

For example here is the contents of a defender “entex_defender.cmd”.



When you browse for content you select the cmd file and the MAME core and it launches the rom.

When you save a game preset it uses the name of the cmd file and saves an “entex_defender.slangp”.

I still need to do some more testing but this should work with more difficult systems also.

This is good news because using cmd files as content is central to my research using autoboot lua scripts.


Much better solution yes. I agree! Thanks so much for taking the time to delve into this. My mind was solely focused on getting all Mame SL platforms working with mame. Tends to cloud my mind :smiley:

Hi @Duimon, maybe this is a bug report…

I just tried applying your bezel for N64 (from the “Advanced” section).

And for some reason, the console graphic looks inverted and flipped:

This is with defaults and no modifications applied.

(btw, I ain’t a baby who plays Rugrats lol! It’s for my nephew)

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Nope, not a bug. Hardware rendered cores sometimes flip the frame buffer. On Mupen it can be different depending on what RDP rendering engine you use, so I don’t flip it by default. There is a “Flip Viewport Vertical” parameter to fix it, then save a content directory, game, or core preset.

On cores that consistently flip, I have the parameter enable by default.


Hello Duimon,

There’s a problem with standard preset for GBA :

GBA-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp GBA-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel]-[Night].slangp

We have gamecube background :

IntroImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/_Backgrounds/Duimon_OSD.png” TubeColoredGelImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/SuperGBA/SuperGBA_Gel.png” BackgroundImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/Nintendo_Gamecube/Gamecube.png” LEDImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/Nintendo_Gamecube/Gamecube_LED.png”

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Yep. :grin: The [Bezel] preset for GBA is an attempt to simulate the “Game Boy Player” peripheral for the Gamecube.

The same goes for the [Bezel] preset for the Game Boy and GBC. (SNES and Super Famicom backgrounds.)



And sorry for this question but…

What is the difference between an advanced shader preset and a standard preset .

Don’t see any differences…

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If you don’t change any parameters you shouldn’t see any difference, the difference is in the pre-crt shader chain. The ADV presets have De-Dithering and some other nice processing before the image is fed to the CRT shader. You can take a look in the Mega Bezel readme, there is a chart and details which explains what is in which category of preset


Hey @Duimon, i foolishly posted a question in the wrong thread so i will repost it here. I’m having some trouble finding the correct parameter to change to remove the black corners from this DOS preset. Feel like i might have a core setting off or possibly missed one of the parameter settings.

The parameter you are looking for is [Bezel General] Inner Curvature Scale Multiplier.


Thanks @hgoda90 that was what i was looking for.


It has been a while (Over a year and a half.) since I did that preset and there has been many changed internal shader parameters.

Looking at my source images it seems it has strayed from my original intent. I will add that to my list of tweaks while I finish rebuilding my presets to use the boilerplate.


Hi guys, I know there is a recommendation to make sure ‘simple presets’ is enabled whenever saving a shader I guess.

As I read on HSM’s page:

IMPORTANT!! When saving a preset make sure you have the Simple Presets feature set to ON

But where can I find this option? Thanks!

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The Option is located at Shaders -> Save as the top selection


It should be on by default.

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