Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

This was one of the first presets of yours i used! I liked how the reflection looked jus like a old school crt monitor. I was late to the party, you had already done a ton of other presets by the time i found your thread. Increasing the Inner Curvature Scale Multiplier like hgoda suggested did the trick. Stayed up pretty late installing dos games and it looks amazing! feels so nostalgic lol, did a great job on all these. Really makes it feel like the real thing.

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Not sure if you decide the following as a viable solution when you want to expand your github with the LUA scripts and tips and tricks into getting Mame Software Lists to run, but I will just throw it in here.

When finishing my mame software lists and getting them to work in Retroarch - mame libreto I ofcourse stumbled upon the harder to get working platforms. Those which require MLOAD or LOAD or such autoboot commands.

I came across a solution on a retrowiki site where a member indicates that by using the save state from Mame he saves the state. And then uses a command line to run that state, and such bypassing the need for complicated settings or configs.


Not sure if this helps. Just thought I’d throw it in here.

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Hi guys, I tried my first PlayStation game via RetroArch today. I noticed the core (SwanStation) has its own “Enhancement” settings. These are enabled by default:

I’ve never actually checked the Core options until now. And the only reason I did so was that the PlayStation games seem to look overly sharp.

If I remember what @Duimon said earlier, the bezels also perform their own enhancements. So I’m wondering if it’s a waste of resources that two different components are performing upscaling.

But then that raises some questions… Should I disable the Core’s enhancement, and just let the bezel preset handle it? Or vice vera? Also, any other general or specific settings recommendations for cores when we have bezels enabled?

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If you are using my presets, I use the vanilla Guest ADV base preset.

In any case I think it is preferable to use the core enhancements first, and a vanilla base preset after. For example internal resolution upscaling followed by internal down sampling is preferred to using the DREZ presets to do the down sampling.

DREZ base presets, along with XBR etc. are intended for use when a core doesn’t have internal options.

As always, your preference is what matters. Do what you like. :grin:

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If I have to, I will use that method. For example, the Nintendo Family Basic will need that method. As a general rule though I will use the command line etc. My methods are just that… my methods. If you find a solution you prefer then you should use it.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestion.


The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.0.0.2.

The Potato repo is unchanged.


  • Updated MAME, Arcade, and FB-Neo CAB presets to scale with the screen.
  • Updated the MAME CAB presets so they are using separate images for the Background, Cabinet, Glass, Speakers, and Control Panel.
  • Renamed the MAME CAB images to reflect both the components and the shader image path names.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


i had to add a quick lcd grid setting to your psp presets for myself , it just feels right for me ^^ but i cant state enough how much i like your handheld presets :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Duimon (or anyone else knowledgeable), I followed the link you suggested for “Installation/Update”. But I don’t see any instructions on how to update.

I initially installed by downloading a previous release from your GitHub page. Then following the GitHub instructions, I extracted the archive and placed it at the recommended path.

To update, is it simply a matter of repeating these steps and over-writing existing files?


I guess I didn’t write update instructions, only installation info. :innocent:

Ideally, you would want to delete the old “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder, in case I remove or rename a preset or graphic. (Graphics were definitely renamed in the last update.)

The release zip is there for a good reason but I highly recommend using the Git installation and update method if at all possible.

743 MB is an awful waste of bandwidth for 28 MB update.

I will add update info in the instructions. :grin:


so after an another hour , messing around i think the display image pretty spot on :smiley:


It’s good to know what changed in the update… sometimes I have put extra things in the folders and don’t want to delete it all.

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I’m thinking about creating an additional update repo so users can choose to download only what has changed.

What other things are you putting there?


Just some tweaked images and settings for personal use. Sometimes I like to tinker, and then I forget where I put things.

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For a production environment, like an HTPC where you know you are never going to upgrade, I think that’s fine.

As a general rule I would try to keep the tweaks separate.

after some trickery with the cutout layer i finally have an perfect "at least for me " result

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@Duimon, I was looking through your Retroarch Overlays. The Coleco Adam has the Adam Monitor cfg files but not the corresponding png files.

That is an error on my part, there is no Adam “Monitor” overlay. I’ll fix it ASAP. Thanks.

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My BBC Micro and Master “Monitor” presets keep disappearing. :exploding_head:

I added the missing Advanced monitor presets in my release, and it appears both the Micro and Master are missing again. (Advanced, Standard, and Lite. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)

I’ll get it sorted and do an update.

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The Duimon-Mega-Bezel / Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato repos and releases are updated to v1.0.0.3.

The Potato repo is unchanged.


  • Added missing BBC monitor presets. (Again.)

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

I hope it stays sorted this time… the CUB monitor is one of my favorite graphics. (Maybe it just has stage fright. :wink:)


BTW. My assumption in the release section about the source zip still yielding the specific release is correct. (This means I didn’t have to set up the presets from scratch.)