Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Hi @Duimon, the releases page on your GitHub only shows “v1.0.0.2” as the latest: https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/releases/tag/v1.0.0.2

I don’t see “v1.0.0.3”.

I may have forgot to hit the publish button.

One more reason to use the Git update method.:grin:

I’ll see what’s going on when I get home.

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It was saved as a draft. It is published now.


Hi Duimon,

quick question again. Was migrating my fm-towns platform to using your preset. Is it correct that the game screen does not completely fill the monitor bezel? Do I need to save presets for each game. Am still testing but I noticed this.

I’ve added some custom presets to fill out the screen HSM_CROP_PERCENT_TOP = “6.699996” HSM_CROP_PERCENT_BOTTOM = “2.000000” HSM_CROP_PERCENT_LEFT = “6.099997” HSM_CROP_PERCENT_RIGHT = “2.999999”

But just wondering if there is something I can do structurally to fix it.

See attached images.

But on another note, my God, this bezel looks amazing. Color, diskdrives, the amazing led lights. Really smooth and good looking!!!

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You can try automatic cropping using the “Black Only” parameter. It has a percentage and black tolerance that can work in a lot of situations.

Also… if you are not using the MAME “Alternate Renderer” option I suggest using it and setting it to 640x480. It will keep the screen from refreshing during boot and causing the shader to reload.

Thank you. These LEDs are my favorites. :grin:

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I already have the mame alternate renderer ON and set on 640x480 I’ll try the black only automatic cropping setting as you suggest.

Think you spoiled me too much cause most your presets already automatically fill the entire monitor bezel.

And those that don’t, well, they kinda stick out like a sore thumb and me being a perfectionist I kinda want the ones that don’t, to also BE perfect :grin:

thank you again

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You are not alone. That’s why @HyperspaceMadness introduced the cropping parameters.

We are all a little OCD. :wink:



So I have FM-Towns working. Standard way. NON CLI But I found out there are certain games which need a floppy disk mounted for save game. I also found out some games require the -ramsize 4 (or 6) as extra parameter.

Do you use CLI command in your mame.opt file? And can you share your opt file? Do you run the chd file or do you use blank zip files which correspond to the name of the folder in which the CHD file is located? Do you use cmd files or do you just pass it as arguments from your launcher (launchbox, rocketlauncher,…)

Do you use the fmtownsux or the fmmarty bios?

Sorry to bother you with this. I’m just struggling to get it running with CLI command enabled in my opt file in retroarch.

No. I use the Standard method for FM-Towns.

I have had good luck renaming another boot floppy and editing the hash xml.

I use the fmtownshr which has the ram I believe.

It should be possible to mount a floppy and a cdrom with command line but I haven’t tried very hard.

Alternatively you could create an opt that reads the config ini and mount the files in there. You would also need to turn off softlists support and provide the rom folder path for bios.

If you use the standard method to boot a supported cdrom that uses a boot disk and temporarily turn on write config, you can then turn it off (Make sure you exit RA before doing any editing.) and use it as a template.

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I know this is a old post bit I’ve been looking for a bezel like this for a while. Could you please share it? Thanks.

You could check out the variations of Orionsangel’s Console Overlays I did, which includes the Famicom Disk System. OrionsAngel’s graphics will need to be downloaded as well

Graphics: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nae92pk4834fbqb/ConsoledThemedBezelsByOrionsangelHSM.zip/file

Presets: https://github.com/hgoda90/Hgoda90-Graphic-Varieties/releases/download/1.9.5/OrionsAngel.Console.Overlay.Varieties.zip

I will eventually do a FDS and even a Nintendo Family Computer. They are on the new list.

I have a ton of other things I want to do before I start the list though.


I just posted this on Discord and thought I should post it here also.

I just did a test. If you set the RA aspect to 4x3 and replace my potato preset reference for a screen only base shader, it scales perfectly for my standard overlays. The overlays are generated from my potato presets and the shader just skips any info it doesn’t need. @HyperspaceMadness this is much like my previous hybrid setup, but easier to implement. Would there be a significant performance increase over the potato?

I just did another test and it appears to work with dual screen presets also.

In my next full release, globally changing all the potato presets to use screen only presets will be just a matter of editing two text files. (One for CRT and one for LCD.)

I’m not sure what the system requirements are for the screen only presets vs. the potato, but I am assuming it is lower.

So I think the fastest would still be POTATO. Screen-Only does all the fancy tube things like colored gels etc, so will probably be slower than POTATO.

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In that case it would be a viable alternative to the STD or Lite, using the 4x3 viewport and my overlays.

I just tested replacing my STD reference with screen only base, and using my 1080 potato graphics with an overlay *.cfg.

It would still use any existing fancy stuff in the presets but should perform better because of the 4x3 viewport. (Kind of like a potato turned up to 11.) I could just copy all my overlay configs into my potato graphics folder to turn them into 1080 overlays.

Sounds like I will have to do a hybridization guide when I get the the guide stage.

Yeah this would run a lot faster.

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I personally think it is tragic that a user needs someone to release a preset that is simply a shader generated bezel on top of a single custom background. :cry:

I will be working on some basic use guides for the Mega Bezel in the near future, with the hope that even new users will feel empowered to try creating their own custom presets.

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The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.0.0.4.

The Potato repo is unchanged.


  • Fine tuned DOSBox Monitor preset to fit my original intent, (Plus some added diffuse image and tube shadow.)
  • Tweaked the DOSBox 5150 pair (5151 and 5153) using similar methods.
  • Added in split scale wide-screen parameters to the MAME cabinet presets. The MAME cabinet graphics have also been updated. (They no longer require the matte parameter and must be updated to work as intended.)
  • Fixed the PC-8801 and PC-9801 monitor presets so the decal and LED scale with the screen.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


Any way or trick to only download the updated files and not the complete pack? I have GitHub Desktop installed

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Desktop is great for developers but overkill for this task. Jump to the installation section of the second post and follow the instructions for using Git.

You will have to download the whole thing the first time.

If you like, once it is cloned you can open it in Desktop and update there in the future.