Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates


The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.0.0.5.

The Potato repo has some minor changes (SNES) and is updated to v1.0.0.5 to be in line with the main repo.


  • Updated the Atari Jaguar in celebration of BigPEmu. (Textures have been redone using my newer methods, I added hidden cartridge slots, Jaguar logos are using the Glass Layer, and the Brightness of the Jaguar is getting some help from the shader.)
  • Updated the SNES. (The right logo has been using the wrong orientation forever. :-))
  • Updated the Olivetti M21 to properly scale and use split widescreen mode.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


Hi Duimon,

Maybe you can help me again as you seem to have every platform working in retroarch for which you made graphics.

Going through my list I reached the R and the platform RCA studio II.

The problems I encounter here I have not seen in other platforms from the mame software list which I migrated from mame to Retroarch with the mame core.

The problem is not getting it to run, the problem lies in the way it looks and behaves. Both from appearance and from the UI screens after hitting the tab key

As you can see, the UI is completely garbled up and unreadable. To test I used your apple preset, but I get this with whatever preset I use. Also without presets I encounter this problem. In regular Mame this platform is completely normal and fully functional. So, does that mean there is a problem with the mame core in retroarch? I also tried older mame cores in retroarch and all show same behavior.

Have you tried creating a custom opt and turning on alternate rendering? (It should be set at 640x480 by default. I would try 320x240.) To me it just looks really low res.

Please do ma a favor, when you give advice on my thread, try to be more clear.

The XML says to press “Clear” which… if you open up the MAME input dialog… is F3.

That may not be apparent to someone with little or no experience running software lists.

Setting alternate rendering to “enabled” at 640x480 does solve this issue. (Turns out 640x480 is the minimum.)

Here is my “config/MAME/studio2.opt.”.

mame_alternate_renderer = "enabled"
mame_altres = "640x480"
mame_auto_save = "enabled"
mame_boot_from_cli = "disabled"
mame_boot_to_bios = "disabled"
mame_boot_to_osd = "disabled"
mame_buttons_profiles = "enabled"
mame_cheats_enable = "disabled"
mame_cpu_overclock = "default"
mame_lightgun_mode = "none"
mame_lightgun_offscreen_mode = "free"
mame_mame_4way_enable = "4way"
mame_mame_paths_enable = "disabled"
mame_media_type = "rom"
mame_mouse_enable = "enabled"
mame_read_config = "disabled"
mame_saves = "game"
mame_softlists_auto_media = "enabled"
mame_softlists_enable = "enabled"
mame_throttle = "disabled"
mame_write_config = "disabled"

If you want more realistic scanlines, set the [CORE RES SAMPLING] >>> Opposite Dir Multiplier to 50 or use a 240p DREZ base preset.

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Fully working now! Thanks so much for the help. I went from being a total noob when it comes to Mame SL to at least now having migrated almost 80% of my platforms to using retroarch mame. Learned so much already. So really thanks a lot for all your input. Also thanks to hgoda90.


Does this mean you are using MAME for things like SNES etc?

no no. ofcourse not :joy:

i should have written, 80% of my platforms which use the mame core and doestnt have its own dedicated core. Your list on your first post which has ‘mame’ written behind it. Those ones.

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When I first created my list I planned on doing a limited set of software list graphics. Somehow that turned into an exhaustive list. Even Batocera isn’t supporting every system I have done, and there are more on the horizon.

It’s kind of strange.

I started this project on the tail end of my Arcade Originals project. For reasons I don’t remember I was hell bent on using MAME for every system I was able to. Most likely the MAME layout system was my motivation.

In any case I had very limited experience with the MAME software lists. That all changed with my self imposed requirement of personally being able to run every system before doing a graphic.

Fast forward to today when I feel I know more than a thing or two about software lists.

Life is funny. :grin:

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Duimon, if one of my presets from your pack isn’t picking up the new style MegaBezel parameters (with the spaces between sections, 1-click no scanline option, etc) what’s the best way to get it to recognize the updated preset from MegaBezel? Thanks for the help.

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If it loads it is referencing the new base presets. There is no special magic in my presets that could eliminate the new parameter layout.

Make sure you are deleting the Mega_Bezel folder when you update HSM’s shader, not just writing over existing files.

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sounds familiar. i started out by using and downloading custom images(retro pi) build by others into building my own library fully compiled by myself. at the start i didnt know anything back then :laughing:

far from an expert now but in all these years sure have a basic understanding on pretty much every platform and what it takes to get them running near perfect.

and still learning every day.

work never stops, emulators get updated, better emulators are released, new roms are added, launchers are updated, artwork gets added, testing new implentations takes time,…

my install now compared to 5 years ago is like comparing the middle ages to modern ages.

its a passionate hobby for me, having grown up with all these games. getting them running again in a nice setting and with the added beauty of your bezels (and added to this the work from HSM, the Namec,…) is just that extra special touch for me.

so, once again, your work and dedication is truly appreciated :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Hi Duimon, I edited your overlay for my MAME collection, I made one from Konami and Cave now. This MAME Overlay you made is a Work of Art.


Nice! I’m glad you like it!

Did you have an easy time using the image layers?

BTW, are you using the independent color parameters for bezel and frame?

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What’s the parameter that gives you the tapered perspective on the bezel and screen? Would be useful for games with the laid back screens like Cosmic Chasm and Tron, etc…

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First change your Curvature Mode to a 3D mode. Then adjust the 3D Tilt Angle X or Y.

Just a warning… it has a fairly significant performance hit.



The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.0.0.6.

The Potato repo has some minor changes (MO5 and TO8) and is updated to v1.0.0.6 to be in line with the main repo.


  • Added the GBA SP back in from wherever it went. :wink:
  • Updated the PDP-1 generic Alt preset using methods that weren’t available when it was created.
  • Added GameCube and Wii DREZ presets.
  • Updated the Palm preset to scale with the screen.
  • Added PDP-1 Spacewar! night preset.
  • Fixed the ScummVM Decal. (It wasn’t visible because it was outside the viewport.)
  • Moved the OSD Intro image to the _Common folder.
  • Updated the Naomi to scale with the screen.
  • Fixed the Dreamcast Alt Decal not scaling properly.
  • Renamed SEGA Pico Bezel preset to have [Bezel] in the name.
  • Added some missing 480p DREZ presets.
  • Fixed the PSP not scaling with the screen.
  • Renamed the MO5 and TO8 folders that had regressed.
  • Fixed the V.Smile Alt buttons not scaling with the Device.
  • Adjusted the AmbientImage1 Y position in the Watara SuperVision Alt that was cutting off the Device.
  • Removed the unintentional Lite DREZ presets. (They were accidentally included in my STD to Lite conversion.)
  • Fixed some split wide screen scaling issues with the uzebox presets.
  • Updated the preset README.md files.
  • Probably some more things I forgot.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

This will be the last big update before I release the new boilerplate presets. The new presets will require Retroarch 1.11.0 or newer.

These “legacy” presets will be available in my GitHub release section in perpetuity, just in case anyone is unable to update RA for any reason.

I still have a lot of work to do on the new presets. I have finished the Advanced and need to convert them to Standard, Lite, and Potato. Hopefully my planning will pay off and it won’t be too difficult. :wink:

Even when they are finished I will wait to update until I write a few guides to some of the boilerplate features, along with some general guides I have been putting off for some time.

In the mean time I will fix any bugs found in the legacy presets, although future graphics will only be added to the new presets.


so seems i can turn the brightniss back up ^^

Looks great. Not sure if you are allowed to share them somewhere or if they’re only for personal use.

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My earlier reply to work done by @FinalBoss.

I would like nothing more than someone making use of the extra work I have done in the MAME Cabinet presets.

I would gladly give permission and grant an exception if someone was serious about doing the work.

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Hello Duimon, your work with MAME Cab is sensational, I like to play around making a Manufacturers edit, because it had a big impact on me when I was a child. But I don’t know anything about Photoshop and more advanced techniques. I admire your work and the quality of how you do it. I would very much like to do with all the Manufacturers or the best known ones. Another one that could do would be Orions. His work is also magnificent.