Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Here is the EASYMODE shot as promised.

You’ll need to open it in a new tab and view full size.

And here is a WIP on the NDS Book mode.

I did have to go into the source… after I rotated it the lighting was all wrong. I still have some edits to make but it is close.

@HyperspaceMadness currently the only way to scale dual screens that have multiple layers is with viewport zoom. Having the Device follow the tube or bezel results in the layer being drawn twice. (Once for each screen) We should talk about this I think.

Although viewport zoom works well.


Ah! Just going to pass on my thanks for working on book mode! It’s weirdly timely; I was going to ask today about the best way to play something like Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword with your presets after trying it out last night.

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I’m currently starting over with my modification. I didn’t love the way it turned out, too much detail was lost with the lighting change. If I can’t get to where I like it, I may leave it lit from the left.

I am also going back to the gray scale version and let the shader change the color.

I may use gray scale for the other presets too. The red was something I did before HSM introduced the colorize parameter, and isn’t really needed any more.


Hi! I was revisiting some of MegaDuck games and realized that my slightly configured preset has some kind of clipping issue.

When ambient lighting set to OFF

When ambient lighting set to ON

When ambient lighting image switched to 2 ONLY and SWAP

My blind shot guess is that there is something happening with ambient lighting image.

I’m using MegaDuck-[STD]-[LCD-GRID]-[Night].slangp preset. Same behaviour when I enable ambient lighting with non-Night preset. Also tried MegaDuck-[ADV]-[LCD-GRID]-[Night] preset but the issue persists.

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I must have missed that one. The New Ambient Image has scaling and position parameters. You can copy the ones from the Watara Supervision that I fixed with my last update.

HSM_AMBIENT1_POSITION_Y = "-230.000000"

That will fix it, and the layer scales with the tube so it shouldn’t matter what you do.

I’ll add the fix to my next update.


Sorry, I’ve sent you down the rabbit hole :see_no_evil:

Back with another DS query! :blush: I know this has come up before and I forgot to bookmark the reply you have when someone asked about vertical bands appearing and the grid feeling off when using the LCD grid on NDS and GBA at 1080p so apologies for going over old ground, but what’s the best way for me to adjust the shader parameters so the grid displays as it should at that resolution?

I’ve attached some screenshots to show what I mean



So since the lcd grid pattern is directly related to the resolution of source pixels the only way to make sure it aligns exactly is to use integer scale.

Try turning on integer scale in the parameters and see how it goes


you may not have much luck, which is why I included non LCD-GRID versions. Are you using any increased internal resolution?

Edit: There is an integer at 1080 that works pretty well.


Thank you, that worked! Integer scaling on and then adjusted Base Integer Scale Max Height Percentage down to 71% and below and everything looks as it should, producing a result like the one Duimon shared below.


No need for an apology, I do this because I love it. You really have no idea how much this project has contributed to my quality of life. :grin:

Here is the latest WIP.

The device will be gray scale colored by default but I chose to change it to green for this test.


Hello Duimon, first of all happy holidays to you and to the whole community. I own a mini PC with modest performance, and to better optimize my experience with your work, I wanted to ask you if there was a way with your standard presets to be able to disable the reflection on the screen, which takes up so many resources. It would also be great if your Potato presets also included the full version of the advance guest shaders as well beyond the mini version. They would also allow people like me to experience RetroGaming to the fullest through your amazing work. Thank you.

Both of these options, the no reflect base presets for the Standard and the Guest ADV for the potato, will be optional global choices when I release my new boilerplate presets.

There will also be a screen only Standard global override that is intended for an Overlay hybrid method.

I will release guides to the new features prior to releasing the presets.


Thank you very much, with your future releases I will be able to get the most out of what I have. I am grateful to you for your work.


While searching for a specific post, I found this one.

I just wanted to clarify that this was done before HSM introduced the “Colorize” parameter and is no longer needed.

So I just finished rendering and masking 252 images for the Potato presets.

This rendering stage still leaves a lot of digging to complete the Potato presets, to make sure they are all working correctly and render any more needed new graphics.

My self imposed guide creation mission will also push the release date out a fair bit.

This being the case I am going to add the NDS Book, NDS / 3DS color changes, and the Mega Duck fix to the legacy presets and do another subversion release.

I am really happy about going back to the gray scale images for the NDS and 3DS.

I designed these graphics using gray scale and although I love the fact that we can change the color, they really shine in their original format.


hey all, can anyone tell me if they have the citra core working, i’ve asked in a few places but get no reply, this is a last resort putting it here, thanks

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I am running it in the 3DS shot just above.

Can you give a few details like operating system and hardware? Maybe post a log?

hi again, thanks for the reply,

i’m running win10 on amd gpu 6900xt, intel i9 10850k

the log

> [INFO] RetroArch 1.14.0 (Git e3c92b0)
> [INFO] === Build =======================================
> [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
> [INFO] Built: Dec 13 2022
> [INFO] Version: 1.14.0
> [INFO] Git: e3c92b0
> [INFO] =================================================
> [INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "dinput".
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
> [INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
> [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
> [INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Vulkan dynamic library loaded.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Found vulkan context: "vk_w".
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Detecting screen resolution: 1920x1080.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Found GPU at index 0: "AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT".
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU index 0.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU: "AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT".
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Queue family 0 supports 1 sub-queues.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Got 3 swapchain images.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Using resolution 1920x1080.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Using RGB565 format.
> [INFO] [Vulkan]: Loading stock shader.
> [WARN] [DInput]: Strong rumble unavailable.
> [WARN] [DInput]: Weak rumble unavailable.
> [INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
> [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32".
> [INFO] [Autoconf]: Dual Action Gamepad configured in port 1.
> [INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
> [INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl".
> [INFO] [Content]: Updating firmware status for: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\citra_libretro.dll" on "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\system".
> [INFO] [Core]: Using content: "G:\Roms\NINTENDO 3DS\Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy+ (USA).3ds".
> [INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds.
> [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core..
> [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols..
> [INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
> [INFO] RetroArch 1.14.0 (Git e3c92b0)
> [INFO] === Build =======================================
> [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
> [INFO] Built: Dec 13 2022
> [INFO] Version: 1.14.0
> [INFO] Git: e3c92b0
> [INFO] =================================================
> [INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "dinput".
> [INFO] [Core]: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\citra_libretro.dll"
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_VARIABLES.
> [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save file to "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\saves\Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy+ (USA).srm".
> [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save state to "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\states\Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy+ (USA).state".
> [INFO] [Content]: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: XRGB8888.
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_HW_RENDER, context type: glcore.
> [INFO] Requesting core OpenGL context (3.3).
> [INFO] Reached end of SET_HW_RENDER.
> [libretro INFO] Frontend @ citra_libretro/citra_libretro.cpp:retro_load_game:579: Starting Citra RetroArch game...
> [libretro INFO] Common.Filesystem @ common/file_util.cpp:FileUtil::SetUserPath:713: Using G:\Emulators\RetroArch\saves/Citra/ as the user directory
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 400x480, Aspect: 0.833.
> [libretro INFO] Frontend @ citra_libretro/citra_libretro.cpp:UpdateSettings:444: User dir set to "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\saves/Citra/".
> [libretro ERROR] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/ncch_container.cpp:FileSys::NCCHContainer::Load:242: Secure1 KeyX missing
> [libretro ERROR] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/ncch_container.cpp:FileSys::NCCHContainer::Load:256: Secure2 KeyX missing
> [libretro WARN] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/ncch_container.cpp:FileSys::NCCHContainer::Load:343: NCCH is marked as encrypted but with decrypted exheader. Force no crypto scheme.
> [libretro INFO] Audio.DSP @ audio_core/hle/wmf_decoder.cpp:AudioCore::HLE::WMFDecoder::Impl::Impl:67: Media Foundation activated
> [libretro INFO] Audio.DSP @ audio_core/hle/wmf_decoder_utils.cpp:MFDecoder::MFDecoderInit:50: Windows(R) Media Foundation found 1 suitable decoder(s)
> [libretro ERROR] Service.NWM @ core/hle/service/nwm/nwm_uds.cpp:Service::NWM::NWM_UDS::NWM_UDS:1518: Network isn't initalized
> [libretro ERROR] Service.HTTP @ core/hle/service/http_c.cpp:Service::HTTP::HTTP_C::DecryptClCertA:806: ClCertA file missing
> [libretro ERROR] Core @ core/telemetry_session.cpp:Core::GetTelemetryId:47: failed to open telemetry_id: G:\Emulators\RetroArch\saves/Citra/config/telemetry_id
> [libretro INFO] Loader @ core/loader/ncch.cpp:Loader::AppLoader_NCCH::Load:192: Program ID: 000400000015C000
> [libretro WARN] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/ncch_container.cpp:FileSys::NCCHContainer::OpenFile:130: Failed to open G:\Emulators\RetroArch\saves/Citra/sdmc/Nintendo 3DS/00000000000000000000000000000000/00000000000000000000000000000000/title/0004000e/0015c000/content/00000000.app
> [libretro INFO] Loader @ core/hle/kernel/process.cpp:Kernel::Process::ParseKernelCaps:141: ExHeader kernel version: 2.44
> [libretro INFO] Service.CFG @ core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.cpp:Service::CFG::Module::SetPreferredRegionCodes:660: Preferred region code set to 1
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Load started, hardcore active
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Using host: https://retroachievements.org
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Found 0 potential consoles for 3ds file extension
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Trying console 4
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Opened Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy+ (USA).3ds
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Hashing first 67108864 bytes (of 768458752 bytes) of Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy+.3ds
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Generated hash 34ee3a23780d9b9e1323957d69bd1f41
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Attempting to login EmuAl (with password)
> [INFO] [SRAM]: Skipping SRAM load.
> [INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
> [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 32728.00 Hz.
> [INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen.
> [INFO] [Video]: Using HW render, glcore driver forced.
> [INFO] [Video]: "glcore" saved as cached driver.
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Found GL context: "wgl".
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Detecting screen resolution: 1920x1080.
> [INFO] [WGL]: Extensions: WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_swap_group WGL_I3D_genlock WGL_AMD_gpu_association WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error WGL_EXT_extensions_string
> [INFO] [WGL]: Adaptive VSync supported.
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Initializing HW render (8192x8192).
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Max texture size: 16384 px, renderbuffer size: 16384 px.
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc., Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT.
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Version: 4.6.0 Core Profile Context
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Using resolution 1920x1080.
> [WARN] [DInput]: Strong rumble unavailable.
> [WARN] [DInput]: Weak rumble unavailable.
> [INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Loading stock shader.
> [INFO] [slang]: Building pass #0 (N/A)
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using frame history.
> [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using framebuffer feedback.
> [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32".
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp:OpenGL::RendererOpenGL::Init:988: GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 Core Profile Context
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp:OpenGL::RendererOpenGL::Init:989: GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.cpp:OpenGL::RendererOpenGL::Init:990: GL_RENDERER: AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp:OpenGL::ShaderD24S8toRGBA8::ShaderD24S8toRGBA8:292: Texture views are unsupported, reinterpretation will do intermediate copy
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp:OpenGL::FormatReinterpreterOpenGL::FormatReinterpreterOpenGL:378: Using shader for D24S8 to RGBA8 reinterpretation
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_disk_cache.cpp:OpenGL::ShaderDiskCache::LoadTransferable:169: Found a transferable disk cache with 1 entries
> [libretro INFO] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_disk_cache.cpp:OpenGL::ShaderDiskCache::LoadPrecompiled:181: No precompiled shader cache found for game with title id=000400000015C000
> [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 400x480, Aspect: 0.833.
> [INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
> [INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "glcore".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl".
> [INFO] [Playlist]: Written to playlist file: "G:\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
> [libretro WARN] Service.SRV @ core/hle/service/sm/srv.cpp:Service::SM::SRV::RegisterClient:63: (STUBBED) called. Caller PID=11
> [libretro WARN] Service.SRV @ core/hle/service/sm/srv.cpp:Service::SM::SRV::EnableNotification:85: (STUBBED) called
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::GetLockHandle:317: (STUBBED) called applet_attributes=0X00000000
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::SetScreenCapPostPermission:804: (STUBBED) called, screen_capture_post_permission=0
> [libretro WARN] Service.NDM @ core/hle/service/ndm/ndm_u.cpp:Service::NDM::NDM_U::OverrideDefaultDaemons:186: (STUBBED) bit_mask=0x0000000F
> [libretro WARN] Service.NDM @ core/hle/service/ndm/ndm_u.cpp:Service::NDM::NDM_U::SuspendDaemons:74: (STUBBED) bit_mask=0x00000006
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::NotifyToWait:296: (STUBBED) app_id=768
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::AppletUtility:592: (STUBBED) called command=0X00000007, input_size=0X00000004, output_size=0X00000001
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::AppletUtility:592: (STUBBED) called command=0X00000004, input_size=0X00000001, output_size=0X00000001
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::SetAppCpuTimeLimit:607: (STUBBED) called, cpu_percent=20, value=1
> [libretro WARN] Service.SRV @ core/hle/service/sm/srv.cpp:Service::SM::SRV::Subscribe:210: (STUBBED) called, notification_id=0x215
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::CheckNew3DSApp:994: (STUBBED) called
> [libretro WARN] Service.FS @ core/hle/service/fs/fs_user.cpp:Service::FS::FS_USER::InitializeWithSdkVersion:600: (STUBBED) called, version: 0x090C00C8
> [libretro ERROR] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/archive_backend.h:FileSys::ArchiveBackend::GetOpenDelayNs:193: Delay generator was not initalized. Using default
> [libretro ERROR] Service.FS @ core/file_sys/archive_backend.h:FileSys::ArchiveBackend::GetOpenDelayNs:193: Delay generator was not initalized. Using default
> [libretro WARN] Service.GSP @ core/hle/service/gsp/gsp_gpu.cpp:Service::GSP::GSP_GPU::AcquireRight:706: called flag=00000000 process=11 thread_id=0
> [libretro ERROR] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp:OpenGL::MortonCopy:188: Out of bound texture
> [INFO] [Autoconf]: Dual Action Gamepad configured in port 1.
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ audio_core/hle/hle.cpp:AudioCore::DspHle::LoadComponent:497: Firmware hash: 0x110e98e5295bd6c8
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ audio_core/hle/hle.cpp:AudioCore::DspHle::LoadComponent:501: Structures hash: 0x9c58d40aa9d88c4d
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::LoadComponent:189: called size=0x35378, prog_mask=0x000000FF, data_mask=0x000E00FF
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::RegisterInterruptEvents:255: Registered interrupt=2, channel=2, event=event-0015131c
> [libretro WARN] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::GetSemaphoreEventHandle:271: (STUBBED) called
> [libretro WARN] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::SetSemaphoreMask:281: (STUBBED) called mask=0x2000
> [libretro INFO] Audio.DSP @ audio_core/hle/hle.cpp:AudioCore::DspHle::Impl::PipeWrite:257: Application has requested initialization of DSP hardware
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::SetSemaphore:57: called, semaphore_value=4000
> [libretro INFO] Service.DSP @ core/hle/service/dsp/dsp_dsp.cpp:Service::DSP::DSP_DSP::SetSemaphore:57: called, semaphore_value=4000
> [libretro WARN] Service.APT @ core/hle/service/apt/apt.cpp:Service::APT::Module::APTInterface::AppletUtility:592: (STUBBED) called command=0X00000004, input_size=0X00000001, output_size=0X00000001
> [libretro ERROR] Service @ core/hle/service/service.cpp:Service::ServiceFrameworkBase::ReportUnimplementedFunction:161: unknown / unimplemented function 'SetInternalPriorities': port='gsp::Gpu' cmd_buf={[0]=0x1e0080, [1]=0x10, [2]=0x11}
> [libretro ERROR] Service @ core/hle/service/service.cpp:Service::ServiceFrameworkBase::ReportUnimplementedFunction:161: unknown / unimplemented function 'SetInternalPriorities': port='gsp::Gpu' cmd_buf={[0]=0x1e0080, [1]=0x10, [2]=0x11}
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: EmuAl logged in successfully
> [INFO] [RCHEEVOS]: Game could not be identified
> [libretro ERROR] Service @ core/hle/service/service.cpp:Service::ServiceFrameworkBase::ReportUnimplementedFunction:161: unknown / unimplemented function 'SetInternalPriorities': port='gsp::Gpu' cmd_buf={[0]=0x1e0080, [1]=0x19, [2]=0x1a}
> [libretro ERROR] Service @ core/hle/service/service.cpp:Service::ServiceFrameworkBase::ReportUnimplementedFunction:161: unknown / unimplemented function 'ReplySleepQuery': port='APT:A' cmd_buf={[0]=0x3e0080, [1]=0x300, [2]=0x0}
> [libretro ERROR] Render.OpenGL @ video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_util.cpp:OpenGL::LoadShader:64: Error compiling fragment shader:
> WARNING: 0:29: 'defined' : nonportable when expanded from macros for preprocessor expression 
> WARNING: 0:29: 'defined' : nonportable when expanded from macros for preprocessor expression 
> WARNING: 0:133: 'defined' : nonportable when expanded from macros for preprocessor expression 
> WARNING: 0:133: 'defined' : nonportable when expanded from macros for preprocessor expression 
> ERROR: 0:149: 'imageSize' : no matching overloaded function found 
> ERROR: 0:149: '' : missing #endif 
> ERROR: 0:149: '' : compilation terminated 
> ERROR: 3 compilation errors.  No code generated.

Not sure this is best way to post the log, thanks for looking

no matter which display i use, glcore, vulkan or any other, it just crashes

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Looks like you are trying to run it on a fairly mature installation. Have you ever ran it successfully in the past?

I would try following the setup guide on a fresh temp install of RA to see if it works.

If so at least we have a baseline to work from.

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