Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

  • MAME Core - Inermediate: Using the command line and advanced core settings. Using a *.cmd as content.
  • MAME Core - Advanced: Using Lua scripts.

with a big focus on the last :wink:

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This looks awesome. Have you done any old-school arcade cabs, Duimon?

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Not for the Mega Bezel. I have a collection of Cabs (The Naomi shot with the arcade background was one of them.) that I did for MAME and Rocketlaucher. They are all raster and 1080p.

If you search this thread for Arcade Originals you can find more info. I also have a repo for them.

Generally speaking I don’t do arcade cabinets. The cabinet is really irrelevant and simple, it is the glass art and marquees that make them stand out.


After some private conversation with @Orionsangel I have decided to create presets for his original console graphics.

I will host them in a Mega Bezel Pack ready format in a new repo named


I plan on doing three of his variations…

  • original plain
  • original plainer
  • originals

…in both day and night flavors.

A big thank you to @Orionsangel for allowing me the privilege of bringing his inspirational work to a modern format.


Thanks… I’m checking them out now. I like the original take you did on these.

I’ve been looking for alternate cabinet frames and “arcade scene” backgrounds to use with the presets I make for personal use, to give them some more variety.

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I’m only one person and there’s a lot of things I want to do, but there’s little time. So I appreciate the help. I just ask for credit. If someone worked on something they should get the credit. It’s the fair thing to do.


You have that exactly right, so many thing so do and so little time.

I plan on doing my best to make this pack a tribute to your early work.

Many may not know that your early work was my inspiration… and the time I spent here and many private conversations a sure source of inspiration for our resident shader wizard.

Without your work it is fair to say that the Mega Bezel might not be what it is today.

You have our gratitude and respect sir.


BTW… I have been spending a great deal of time tailoring roms for DOSBOx Pure. (Setting up dosbox.conf files inside the zips to run the correct files etc.)

I don’t plan on compiling more that 100 classic games but I did manage to get almost all the 3DFX titles working.

I just used clrmamepro to build a rom set for the original Feb 1997 version of MAME.

Along with some batch file magic to create a menu, I can now play all five of the original roms in DOS.

I thought it a fitting addition to the collection. :innocent:


Thx again OrionsAngel ; I follow your Youtube channel and its always a real pleasure to discover your new creations :slight_smile:


Thing are going well with the Orionsangel presets. It is slow going because I am using a custom boilerplate template and tweaking each system as needed to more accurately reflect the original.

Here are some shots.

The AES with gold details.

I had to create a new custom frame highlight image and use independent color for the frame. I will be using similar methods as needed.


Ultra Wide mode.

I needed to find some way to fill the space and I couldn’t use split scale on the background.

I created a 21x9 Device image with the center 16x9 cut out, and applied a gradient to each half. This in multiply blend mode, combined with the background mirror wrap, gives a pretty cool faded reflection. It is very important for my bezels to closely match the originals for each system. (They aren’t perfect, but close enough since most of the attention will be on the screen. :wink:)

I also created a custom intro image so it is clear that these are Orionsangel presets.

Meticulous work but I am having a blast. :grin:


Night mode w/ the gold Neo.Geo logo :fire:


Cool intro logo. Now I want one. :smile:

edit I’m just kidding… but it does look nice.


Kidding or not… when I release my new boilerplate presets you will be able to globally change the intro graphic by editing just one file. :grin:


Well, this is almost better to wake up to than my cup of coffee I’m enjoying at the moment. Almost :laughing:


Hmm… this opens up the possibility of a platform logo intro for each core. Could be really cool.


That has always been doable… just save a core preset and add a new image path.

What my global param does is allow changing every preset at once. The only way to do that before was to replace the default image in HSMs texture folder.


do you know how to change the ambient color light from yellow to white? i like the darker look, but i just want to change the light color


The ambient layers each have their own HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) parameters.

They are quite far down the list. (Just before the Bezel and Frame parameters.)

You can change the Saturation of both the IMAGE 1 and IMAGE 2 to 0.00 and they will be white, or just lower it so it is less yellow.

On some presets (like the PSP) there is no real background so only IMAGE 2 will show any change.

I created the layer image with a fair amount of saturation, knowing that it could be lowered if users wanted to. (I like the yellow though… a lot. :grin:)

BTW, you can tint it any color you want… it’s pretty fun to play around with.


thank you so much, i just reduce the yellow light a little bit and now it looks perfect, i really like this



The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.1.0.0.

The Potato repo and release has also been updated to v1.1.0.0.


  • The presets are now multiple reference presets, inspired by TheNamec’s brilliant boilerplate.
  • The PVM20 and TM20 PVM’s now have a proper logo decal. (The PVM20 has been heavily modified using only magic Mega Bezel parameters.)
  • All background graphics have been moved the the “Graphics/_Backgrounds” folder, graphics that are shared by multiple presets have been moved to the “Graphics/_Common folder”.
  • All monitor presets have been tweaked to more accurately reflect my original vision.
  • A Boilerplate_Introduction.md has been added the the guides folder. It is the first of many I have planned.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

A few screens.

Acorn Archimedes [Bezel]

Acorn Archimedes [Bezel] using the first included example global graphics override.

Acorn Archimedes [Bezel] using the second included example global graphics override.

Acorn Archimedes [Bezel] using the third included example global graphics override.

Acorn Archimedes [Bezel] using the first included example global graphics override, paired with the first of two included sample shader overrides. (Kindly provided by @guest.r.)

The included graphic overrides can each be applied to every [Bezel] preset by simply removing one comment (//) from a single line in a params file. Another simple edit can be used for the shader override.

They can also just as easily be enabled locally on an individual preset.

Acorn Archimedes [PVM20]

Acorn Archimedes [TM20]

The Introduction guide can be viewed on GitHub and I will be adding it to my GitHub pages guides.

To view them offline on Windows or Mac, I highly recommend this markdown viewer.

Markdown Viewer 2.5.1 - (Link moved to the first post.)

I will release a detailed guide on the use of overrides shortly.

I fully expect a brief period of bug squashing. :innocent: Please post with any issues you find and I will fix them ASAP.

On a related note…

The release of the Orionsangel-Original-Console pack is live.

I have added the repo to my GitHub.

Orionsangel Super Famicom

Orionsangel Super Famicom Potato.

Orionsangel Intro

For the Potato, out of respect for @Orionsangel’s work, I used the original overlays instead of my standard method of using the shader to get screenshots of the regular presets. I placed the overlay behind the screen for a globally consistent look.

He did kindly give me permission to use Photoshop to composite Potato night presets. (Thank you sir! :grin:)

I can honestly say that I feel creating these presets to be some of the most valuable work I have done with the Mega Bezel.