Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

I found a bug with the Bezel presets. You pointed the presets to use _Bezel.slangp and I think you possibly forgot to add the different named zzz_global_params Shader files.

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Yeah shucks.

When I copied over the new stuff I just copied the preset folder, not the zzz_global_params, so everything is broken.

It will just take a minute to update the repo… the release a bit longer because it takes time to upload.

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The repo is updated. The release will have to wait until I do some quick work and push to the repo again.

The DREZ, while not having any choices as far as base preset goes, will have subclass shader overrides. I neglected to include them in my search and replace passes.

It will take some time if I want to change all the commented text, even in the LCD-GRID. (Although they are commented out intentionally.)

The presets are a bit less boilerplate with the addition of the local base preset overrides, but I would like to preserve the template as much as possible.

Edit: Nix the LCD-GRID changes. None of them use a preset subclass. :innocent:

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The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.1.0.2.

The Potato repo and release has also been updated to v1.1.0.2.


  • Added the missing params to the zzz_global_params and zzz_global_params_pot folders.
  • Added DREZ global shader override subclasses.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


OK then.

I’m hoping everything gets ironed out fairly soon. I want to get to work writing some guides.

The first will be a walk through using the overrides, with examples and screenshots.

The second will be a guide on converting standalone Guest presets to params for use as an override. I will also run through how to flatten a multiple reference preset, and a couple of different methods to use Mega Bezel derivative presets as params.

Then I need to do some work on my overlays. I already updated many overlays to reflect my PVM20 and QOL monitor changes.

I have screen only global base preset overrides in place to use for an overlay/shader hybrid method that will give users a performant option with all the screen passes that have been stripped from the potato.

Funny thing is… all the overlays are 4K versions of my Potato graphics. This is funny because the 3DS and GB/GBC 2 Player won’t actually work as standard overlays. They will work fine for my hybrid method but I need to render 4K versions of my Batocera decorations to be used as regular overlays.

Potato 3DS Vertical Alt.

Batocera decoration.

The Citra and TGBDual cores don’t have a screen gap. :wink:

So I have some work to do there.


I’m starting the work on the detailed guide to using my overrides. In preparation I made a custom shader override for my PVM20 presets. I will be using this to demonstrate how to add your own personal params.

I am not an expert at this, I just tweaked the parameters to be more “Trinitron-ish”.

It occurred to me that this provides an opportunity for users with more experience in this aspect of the shader to share their contributions. I could include some in the overrides folder and name them after the user.

If anyone is interested please post your presets. They just need to be simple presets and they can be generic or designed for specific systems. (e.g. Dreamcast, PC, etc.)

If you use a base preset other the the default GDV, please make sure to include that info in your post.

Thanks in advance! :grin:


Just to clarify.

Simple presets are only needed for Mega Bezel customizations. Standalone can be used as long as you mention if it is Guest ADV or Guest ADV NTSC.

For that matter, EASYMODE or Guest Mini standalone will also work.


Hi Duimon, congratulations again for your art, it’s spectacular!

If you have time, a black Sega Saturn version would be great:

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@Rai, I think the “alt” Saturn preset comes in Black, or it may be the parameters that it starts with that make it look close. It’s not deep black as your picture has. but someone may be able to point you to parameters to get you to where you want it.

Hi,@Neofuuma, The PAL/EUR version was that black color :slight_smile:

As Neofuuma pointed out.

My Saturn_Alt presets are what you want.


If you are looking for the US version, then change the following of the Saturn_Alt presets:

    Hue Offset: 0
    Saturation: 0
    Brightness: 32
    Gamma: 0.44


Awesome stuff!! :heart_eyes:

Hey awesome! I didn’t find that version in your repository at https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/tree/master/Graphics/SEGA_Saturn

Thanks for tip @hgoda90

Hey Boz you over here! :slight_smile:


The Saturn_Alt preset uses the Saturn_Alt.png file as the background and changes the color to black in the preset using HSM_BG parameters.

HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_BG_SATURATION = "0.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "26.000000"
HSM_BG_GAMMA = "0.460000"
BackgroundImage = "../../../Graphics/SEGA_Saturn/Saturn_Alt.png"

You can check out his Github page site to see pictures of the presets in action, https://duimon.github.io/Gallery-Guides/.

Thank you very much for the reply!


I’m a long time lurker :grinning: How’s you m8?

@Duimon when enabling integer mode in your presets, just the game screen changes, but not the background image. in some cases the integer scale makes the game screen overlap the background image / bezel.

Is there a way to switch on integer mode and then make the background image / bezel automatically adapt / change size? If not, is there a way to zoom in/out the background image /bezel without changing the game screen? Then I could switch on integer mode and adjust the background image / bezel manually.


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Just about all of my presets are using “Split” scaling mode. (So they automatically fill the space on ultra wide screens.)

After you change the integer on the screen (Or increase it’s size in any way.) you can use the “Scale X” parameter for the background to push each half of the image outwards.

I use the parameter myself on many of my [Custom_Bezel_001] presets.


Oh is this a more recent setting? I don’t find it in shader parameters. Does this work on shaders for handheld systems as well? I should have specified that integer mode is especially important for handheld systems since without it the lcd dots look wrong.