Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Not really. It should be there even if you are using an old version. The parameters are split into groups for each layer, just scroll a bit further.

For handhelds the device and the screen are tied together, although the background will still split scale.

If you are using a 4K monitor you may get lucky using integer, but some handhelds fill the entire screen (GBA) and can only be scaled larger. In this case you might want to try changing the base preset to a CRT shader.

For my new presets just change the base preset line from e.g.

#reference "../../../zzz_global_params/Base_Shader/STD_LCD.slangp"


#reference "../../../zzz_global_params/Base_Shader/STD.slangp"

My 3DS, NDS, and PSP already have “Guest” presets, and any monochrome handhelds are using the monochrome parameters so don’t have colored subpixels. (They shouldn’t need integer.) The lower resolution systems shouldn’t suffer much.

BTW, there are tricks for getting the guest shader to look a bit more LCD-ish. (Turn off scanlines, use a slot mask (Trinitron) and increase the slot height and width.)

Hi Duimon, because I started with a fresh install of the RA mame core I also downloaded some new shaders from the latest repo ‘Duimon-Mega-Bezel_v1.1.0.2’.

Two things here:

  1. When I try to apply a shader from the advanced folder I get the error failed to apply shader preset. Lite or standard work (tho that brings up another question see below please).

  2. A while back you modified something so I could actually zoom in on a shader and have a bigger playing field and the words arcade or mame would zoom correspondingly as well. I believe this was achieved with the option ‘Non Integer scale %’. It used to work but when I try this now, only the frame and play area zoom but not everything around it. Hope I’m explaining myself well.

Anyway pls see the screenshots.

Can you please clarify whether I’m missing something crucial in both instances? Thank you.

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Not sure what the first issue is, but a log would help us figure it out (instructions on how to get a log are in the Mega Bezel readme)

For zooming in on everything you should use the Viewport Zoom

What do you mean by “some new shaders”?

I just copied everything from my local clone and I’m not having any issues.

I modified the MAME [Cabinet] presets. For all others you should do as @HyperspaceMadness suggests.

Scaling the Bezel/Screen and background independently is not a bug, it is a feature. One that is central to both the Mega Bezel and my project.

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some personal edits i made on your dmg preset…again ^^

viewport worked like a charm. thanks. I’ll look for the bug report unless duimon can help.

Hi, what I meant was I downloaded your entire repo of 740 mb but only took the arcade and mame presets and saved them in the appropriate RA shaders directory, overwriting the ones that were already there. That’s when I noticed I got the error when I tried to apply the advanced ones whereas lite and standard work fine.

more realistic color

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I’m trying to do this on the Steam Deck and want to use the Potao presets to reduce system load. I think the Potato presets do not have the option you described, however, right? I found the option when trying to use the standard presets, but they need much more power than the potato ones.

On a side note: I just read that the preset paths seem to have changed:

According to your Github, the new path is: Retroarch/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs/Duimon-Mega-Bezel

However, when looking at othe rorjects, e.g. : https://github.com/soqueroeu/Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds_V2.0, the old paths are still used: Retroarch/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Community/Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds_V2.0

What should I do to set everything up nowadays? Should I use both “Mega_Bezel_Community” and “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder?


My new presets are not compatible with the legacy presets. I assumed this was understood but I’ll add a note in the installation section.

You’ll have to replace everything. Any core, game, or content directory preset you have created will still work as expected.


If the presets are using relative paths then it really makes no difference. I have a note about paths in my installation section.

Soqueroeu, TheNamec, and I are all using relative paths so you can just use one folder. The common folder “Mega_Bezel_Packs” is suggested to keep things tidy, but I still use “Mega_Bezel_Community” in development.

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Ok thank you.

Can you also confirm for me that the potato presets do not have the option to scale the background image / bezel? I cannpt find the option in potato presets. In standard they are there.

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They are not in the potato. The potato are really just enhanced overlays. (They benefit from perfect scale and curvature among other things.)

You can use the viewport zoom parameter to zoom in.

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The thing with the handheld potato presets is that on some presets (e.g. Sega Game Gear) the dot matrix looks bad. It looks better when swtching on integer scale, but then the game screen gets bigger than the space in the background image. When zooming in, then the whole thing (game screen + background image) will zoom. However, I would like to witch on ingeger mode and then resue the background image so that the enlarged game screen will fit inside again.

Is that not possible?

Sorry, this isn’t possible with the potato presets. The Potato presets have only one image, just like a simple overlay, so the game handheld and the background are collapsed into one image


Thanks for the feedback. Will I need to modify them again though by adding Cyberlabs shader dir to your preset? As you can see in the screenshot example I attached. Because I’ve done this to many of your shaders, so I suppose I would need to change the reference location again for all the platforms. Which is not a huge task but I’d like to be sure since you said ‘Any core, game, or content directory preset you have created will still work as expected.’

What exactly does a core,game, or content directory have to do with changing the reference line in one of my presets? I meant that if someone had created one using my presets that it would still work. (The preset names and locations have not changed.)

My presets are no longer flat, although you can still modify my presets in the same way, load the modified preset and save a core etc.

Keep in mind that I have never thought this method was the correct way to integrate community presets into my work.

I have added features that support using community Mega Bezel derivatives but the best way to use them is to convert them to flat params files.

I will be doing a guide showing how to do that soon.


Good Morning!! when I use advanced presets they work perfectly, but when I use Nintendo NDS_ DREZ and Nintendo 3DS_DREZ it doesn’t work for me failed to load what should I do?

just made up an LoZ special edition , and now i am wondering how much i have to spend to mod an real gbc like this :sweat_smile: i tried to match the style from pokemon special editions of this era

The first thing is to post a pre-formatted log so I can see what the error is.

I just tried from my local branch and they all load, are you using the most recent release of my pack?