Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

OK thanks!

One last question: In the retroarch video --> scaling section, there is an option called “crop overscan (restart required)”.

This option is on by default, but should I turn it off when using your presets, since they apply their own cropping as far as I can tell?


You should leave it on because it is intended to get rid of garbage that the game developers didn’t want on screen anyway.

Hi Duimon, please I need some help. Is there a step by step guide for changing the crt shader type within your Potato presets? I would like to use Super XBR GDV, I tried to change the preset reference using Windows Notepad, but no result. If you or anyone can explain or turn me over to a comprehensive guide I would be grateful

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Are you using my new presets?

If so you can read the instructions at the top of the preset.

// Edit the target file in the following reference to globally define the base preset.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#reference "../../../zzz_global_params_pot/Base_Shader/POT_Bezel.slangp"

The contents of \Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato\zzz_global_params_pot\Base_Shader\POT_Bezel.slangp

//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"

Just comment out the active reference and uncomment the reference line for the base preset you want. e.g.

//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
//#reference "../../../../shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"

It will need to be done for each of the subclasses you want to change.


  • POT.slangp <— will change all that are not covered by the subclass overrides.
  • POT_Bezel.slangp <— [Bezel}
  • POT_Bezel1.slangp <— [Custom_Bezel_001]
  • POT_Bezel2.slangp <— [Custom_Bezel_002]
  • POT_PVM20.slangp <— [PVM20]
  • POT_TM20.slangp <— [TM20]

A detailed guide is forthcoming.

So instead of editing 1448 files, you only have to edit 6 files. :grin: (Or 1 file if you only use the [Bezel] presets.)


Hy!!! yes, i use v1.1.0.2

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Let me know how it works for you. I would welcome the feedback.

Nintendo DS vertical only work in potato presets not in advanced preset

Like I said. They work for me here, so unless you provide a log so I can see the issue there is nothing I can do.

Did you install everything new including the graphics folder?

Just to make sure I moved my work folder and installed using both the GitHub method, and the release method. In both tests I had no issues.



The issue is on your end. Please post a log.

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! ! ! Big Flashy Important Announcement Heading ! ! !

There will be some big changes coming to my repos.

I noticed while cloning my main repo as a test, that although the size of the data is only ~800 MB, over 4 GB was downloaded. :hushed:

The biggest culprit was the splitting off of the Potato presets and graphics. Git enables me to reverse changes if I want, so the data is still there. (Along with many other large graphics updates over that last 2 years.)

Going forward I intend to recommend the Git installation as the preferred method, so I needed to fix the issue.

Instead I broke it and a pull no longer works. :frowning_face:

My solution will be to delete my repos and start from the current base.

The first step is to create new “Legacy” repos to host the final releases of my legacy presets.

This is done.

The next step is to delete the main repos and publish the most recent versions. This will happen in the next day or two.

Obviously this will force anyone currently using the Git update method to reinstall. For those of you who have made any changes to files… I recommend making a backup of your folders. Nothing has changed yet so you can just copy your files back in later. A regular pull won’t write over any extra or edited files. (Only a “force” pull will.)

My apologies for any inconvenience but it needed to be done.


thanks to your foresight in naming the overlays the right way … i added the wildcard feature and use now the high res vector preset as a base :sweat_smile:


That looks nice… is that Vectrex?

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Looks cool, I’ve got a question for anyone who has seen a Vectrex in person recently.

In images it seems like the lines appear bright white then bloom and fade to blue at the edges.

Mind you I think this one might actually have a blue gel on top, but it goes to white in the middle which I’m not sure might just be the overexposed area.

I’m wondering what it looks like in person. I’m guessing it’s something like it’s a cold temperature white, and in the center it goes to white because it’s bright enough that you don’t see the color anymore?

For our vector presets we are pretty much pumping out 100% color, so if there is a green gel on top in the center 9f the vector line it will always be some sort of green, and never go to white

Basically I’m trying to think of how we could make things look more “real” looking, maybe it just needs a brutal amount of bloom added? :rofl:


Maybe. There may also be something we can do in the different Gel parameters.

What we really need is a dedicated vector preset, created by one of our preset masters.



The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.1.0.3.

The Potato repo and release has also been updated to v1.1.0.3.


  • The repository has been reset using the current base.
  • FB-Neo [CABINET][NO TILT] image path has been fixed.
  • Added a “Params” folder containing copies of my presets without a base preset reference.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

The surgery went well and a fresh clone will only download ~800 MB for the main repo. :partying_face:

A note about the “Params” folder.

I included it mainly because of upcoming features in RA, although it can also be used as an alternative method for applying community Mega Bezel derivatives.

Keep in mind that I think the proper reference order is for community preset references to follow the reference to my presets. (To avoid replacing essential parameters in the community preset.)

In all cases I will only offer support for using community Mega Bezel derivatives with my [Bezel] presets.


I’m guessing it’s actually like a very light blue and the glow is a much darker hue. I’m just basing this on my memories of how vector style games looked, in general… so I could be wrong. But mostly they would be a much lighter line with a darker glow… probably just looks more white in the photo.


Here’s a pretty nice Vectrex shot.

I think the deal is that the overlay was far enough away from the screen that some diffused glow is added to the overlay.

This would be exclusive to the vectrex among vector games


This is what I think is interesting, it’s white in the middle and the glow seems to be blue…



Somehow the glow would have to take on the hue of the gel layer.

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It looks a lot different than the vector arcade games… they didn’t have much glow at all.

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The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.1.0.4.

The Potato repo and release has also been updated to v1.1.0.4.


  • Changed the file extensions in the “Params” folder from *.slangp to *.params.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.