Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

By very special request!


For your approval my friend. The Sharp x68000 EXPERT!

(I made the floppies blue.)

Still needs an OCD pass. :innocent:



I Want!!!

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Thanks! I’m glad you like it.

This version is, of course, awaiting approval by the requester. In general, the x68000 is waiting on future shader features. I want to release the whole pack at once.

Oh man, I love it!!! :star_struck:

The blue floppies are a nice accompaniement too :slight_smile:

Makes me think of Strider

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It was my pleasure!

I just did a quick OCD pass. I thought the carved out bits were too tall and not curved enough on the sides. A few more changes and I’ll have it complete.

This is one of my favorite systems! Some really great original titles and a bunch of quality ports.

In general, the x68000 is well known to be one of the best looking computers ever made. I agree.


Certainly one of the designs that has aged the best. It is also one of my favorite systems.

Please be sure to create the version with the original monitor and another with the towers side by side with the original monitor :heart_eyes: :exploding_head:

Man, about nds, I’m sorry, but it didn’t work. Your shader preset fails to load. I also can’t load the original split screen preset with these settings that you posted.

I’ll try a few things here …

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Make sure you are using the most resent build of RA and the most recent version of the shader. Also double check that the images are in the correct path. You will need all three images to be present, even if you won’t be using the night mode.

Which settings? The core settings or the shader settings? The shader settings were an incomplete list.

@HyperspaceMadness Could you please try to load the preset with the most recent public build of RA and see if it works?


@duimon I started with your preset using explicit aspect ratio and aspect ratio of 1.72 I get something like this and each screen is aspect ratio the correct 1.33.

The default setting for the aspect ratio for the split screen is 5 (PAR) which means that it should be 1-1 scale with the core resolution. But with this setting the screens are not 1.33 which they should be.

So I think what is happening is that the aspect ratio determined by PAR + split screen is probably not giving the correct aspect ratio. I’ll try to address this when I get back to the Split Screen stuff.


@Duimon,I was referring to the core settings you posted.

Yes, I have the latest version of HMS Bezel. I also placed each image file in the Logo folder, without changing its name and size.

Incidentally, my Retroarch often has these bugs. I can’t say the reasons.

This is not the case with your preset, but when I encounter loading errors, I usually check the files. I realized that they are often created with different content, even if the adjustments are the same from one system to another.

And after errors like this occur, the configuration file needs to be deleted because it stops working forever…

When I tried to load your preset, I had the error and when I tried to load the original preset for dual screen, it didn’t want to load anymore.

Perhaps there is some conflict between the configuration files for core, configuration for roms directory and the shader presets.

I will make backups of my presets and start a clean test with your preset only.


You can also try turning on logging so you can see what error might be causing the preset not to load

To see errors coming from retroarch you need to set up your logging settings:


  • Logging Verbosity - ON
  • Frontend Logging - 1(Info)
  • Log to File - Off

These settings will cause a log window to come up when you launch, and you should see any retroarch errors


@HyperspaceMadness, Error persists. I enabled the logs and the message is there:

This mention about LUT caught my attention. Could they compare with your logs? Why not match my folder structure:

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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You have put the preset in the wrong folder. It belongs in the root of “Retroarch/shaders/” you have it in “Retroarch/shaders/shaders_slang/presets/”. Maybe you misunderstood and copied my whole presets folder. Just the *.slangp needs to be copied. So the path would be “RetroArch\shaders\NDS.slangp”. To avoid confusion I have renamed the preset file to"NDS_4K Vertical.slangp" in the repo.

In the near future, (hopefully. :upside_down_face:) it may not matter where the file is placed, as long as you can still browse to it.

It is possible you have put the HSM shaders in the wrong place also, maybe you made a change recently? (Maybe why you can no longer load the split preset.)

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@Duimon Man, this is getting weirder and weirder. All of these checks that you recommended have been done previously.

And see how strange. I just moved his preset to “\ Retroarch \ Shaders” and now it complains about a directory that never existed:

@HyperspaceMadness, would you have a link to the previous versions of the Mega Bezel pack? I ended up deleting one of the presets by accident. Without it, none of my created pressets work anymore and I didn’t want to have to redo it all over again … :no_mouth:

Is there any way to update the shader pack without having to redo all the shader settings?


I’ll have to check but it may be that I failed to use relative paths. As I always do, I have my doubts.

The paths in presets are usually not absolute paths, so they are relative to where you put the preset. So the path you’re seeing is probably the resolved absolute path for a texture it’s looking for. Whenever you see an error about an lut it’s talking about a missing texture.

About updating presets to a new version, this can be done. Basically you use a copy of the new preset and replace the parameters line with your old preset"s parameters line. Then add all the lines for the parameters from your old preset to the new preset.

In the future updating to new versions will be seamless when I get a new feature into retroarch that I’m finishing up now.



I am using relative paths.

What threw me was that you seem to be running off of E:, (I can tell from your previous post.) I am as well.

I believe this is your problem. That directory that never existed… needs to exist. :grin:

The graphics (All three) need to be in “Retroarch/overlays/bezel/Logo”. (As I said in my instructions, and, where it is looking.)

Triple check your paths please.

Then it will stop complaining. :wink:

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I reviewed the directories, but now I’m having a different error:


I found this from themaister:

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Can you show a bit more of the log?

This is the part of the log when I loaded the preset:

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