Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

We got lucky… enabling mame_alternate_renderer, (Using a content directory *.opt.) solves the issue. :partying_face:

BTW. I am glad you like the graphic. IMHO it is one of my best. One cool thing is the FM-Towns used standard parts so I can reuse the floppy drives in other projects. :grin:


Thank God I was already worried :smile:

About FMTOWNS, yes, I also think it’s the best you’ve done so far, although pc98 and pc88 are also incredible.

This one from FMTOWNS is so nice that it is the first time that I have doubts about not putting the night version or leaving the normal one and going to alternate one and another manually.

Great job, this time you’ve outdone yourself. :+1: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smile:

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Wow, just splendid, love it (the third is great)

Thank you. :grin:

I wanted the monitor to look like it belonged, like the original did. (Although It was tough to find pictures of it that weren’t lens distorted beyond recognition.)

In the end I made it fairly representative of the original and actually borrowed most of the assets from the background to make it cohesive.

For those of you, (Like me. :grin:) that can’t have enough LEDs in night mode.

The FM Towns is in the repo, full cast included.

There is a shader issue with scaling the monitor presets, I didn’t want to wait to upload them so I may have to update in the future.


Looks absolutely stunning! I wonder if someday we even get interactive leds feeding with cores so disk loads and even cd media spin would be animated :exploding_head: Because this feels like it’s the limit of the current technical possibilities. Thank you very much :relaxed:

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I’m going to say no. MAME has a very intimate relationship with the hardware, because of this the Layout system can do things the RA shaders cannot.

@HyperspaceMadness has explored ways to introduce animation in the shader but the size of the graphic resources needed make it unrealistic.

It is possible that a small element in the graphic could be animated at a low resolution and framerate but I’m not sure if the end result would be satisfying.

HSM is a mad scientist though… who really knows what the future holds? :wink:

While they wont have a reflection, I am planning on converting my MAME SL overlays to the MAME layout format and getting them included in the standard MAME Extras package.

This will of course happen down the road a ways but will probably include what animation I can provide.


The one from FMTOWNS is impressive, after testing it I can say that it is the best to date, the LEDs are incredible, the night version enhances the terror of the splatterhouse :smiling_imp: :smile:

Yeah this is tricky, basically we need the core to supply the info which I think @sonninnos did recently with PUAE-VICE and then we would need to expose some generic values to the shader system that we could then use to drive the shader.

I’m interested in doing something like this, but it is a long way down the road because there are a bunch of projects which I feel would provide value that I want to do first, like allowing the user to choose textures from the UI, or having UI categories so the Mega Bezel doesn’t present you 450 parameters in a giant flat list.

I am curious about what kind of images we would use to identify where the LEDs are if we had this ability, possibly having little blocks of different colors placed around the screen with each color range assigned to one of the LED types.


MAME layouts are all text and coordinate based. I like the idea of a single image for coordinates and maybe shader generated LEDs. Converting a vector LED to code would be easy using SVG.

We could have a hard coded library of LEDs and referencing a single simple image would make them magically appear. Size could be determined by the image as well. :thinking:

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Honestly, they kind of freak me out. :astonished:

It almost looks like I Photoshopped a raster image into the graphic.


We need more leds in our life :heart_eyes:


So I noticed when scaling the GBA overlay using “non-integer scale %”, everything changes scale/position except for the triggers. I thought I was doing something wrong, but I can just barely see from the screenshot here that your triggers are also not positioned correctly. They seem to move independently from everything else. Any way to fix this? I’m a complete noob.


I will fix this ASAP. :grin:


Super cool. Thanks! You got back to this post in 2 hours lol. Impressive.

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Lol. The only reason it’s not fixed yet is I am at work.:grin:

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GBA is fixed, sorry it took so long. (Damn responsibilities. :wink:)


So I would like you people with 4K displays to do me a favor.

I have created a vector conversion of the Vectrex Armor…Attack screen overlay in 4K. (2160p)

Existing overlay.

4K vector.

It was an awful lot of work and I am wondering if it is really worth it.

The existing overlays are 1080p. Even in 4K, without scaling the screen they should be pretty good. (The screen only takes up a bit more than half the vertical footprint.)

What I’m wondering is, when it is scaled on a 4K screen, will it be enough of an improvement to merit doing?

On a 1080p monitor it is still down-sampled when scaled so I have no way of testing.

I have presets in the Vectrex preset folder, normal and test for comparison.

Thanks for the help. :grin:


@Duimon I think it’s worth updating everything to 4k tbh, because “eventually” 4k will be the standard target instead of 1080p. Maybe it’s not a drastic difference now, but think about upscaling this (the 1080p sources) when 8k displays are more commonplace…

Do I think you should halt progress to go back and update everything? No, not really.

Personally, I would finish my current to-do list, go ahead and do them in 4k, just because already you’re working on them anyway, no reason to come back to mess with them retroactively lol.

This is all my opinions/preferences, so grain of salt, nothing personal, yada yada lol (I don’t even have a 4k display XD)

Something I really want to point out, that I think is a good reason on it’s own. Just went back to look at the 1080p vs 4k vectors above, and just looking at the thumbnails on the forum on my phone (Samsung Galaxy 7) I had to squint to read the vertex logo on the 1080p source but the 4k source I could read easily, crisp af seriously.

Hey the 4K screenshot is still in 1080p. Is that intended? I can check later today. I recommend using PNG on a site like https://imgbb.com/